Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 282 Cooperation reached

Takeshita Takuya didn't seem to agree with Okiai Kouki's words.

But Takeshita Takuya didn't say anything and took a step back to express his position.

At least, before entering the secret realm, Takeshita Takuya would not be hostile to everyone.

As for entering the secret realm, who can guarantee it? No one would be so stupid as to believe what others say.

Joy Xin walked out, accompanied by Miss Meulun and Huazhu Huanhuan.

The strength of this Fighting Joey makes everyone look at him!

As members of the Joy family, they naturally have an advantage that others cannot match.

That is, the Joey family can congenitally have one more elf than others!

This elf is usually an auspicious egg, used for healing purposes.

Of course, it can also be an elf like Flower Healing Ring, which can both heal and attack.

But having said that, Geely Egg’s special attack is still okay. Sufficient physical strength makes the Geely Egg invincible, allowing many elves to enjoy the pink devil's pampering.

Taiyi doesn't know this.

But Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya knew it.

This is related to a secret in this world, and they also know the news. As for the more specific details, they don’t know either!

Joy Xin said: "I can cooperate with you for the challenge before entering the secret realm. But you must agree to one condition!"

Everyone else had to think carefully about what Joey Xin said.

There is no benefit in fighting Joey Xin here.

It seems that Joy Xin is not opposed to this trip to the secret realm.

However, Joy Xin seems to have some considerations!

As the initiator of the cooperation, Kouki Ochiai asked with a smile: "Please tell Miss Joy, I believe that no one here will object to Miss Joy's reasonable request!"

As a representative, if everyone agrees with what Koki Ochiai says, it means that it will be implemented in the future.

Otherwise, it will lead to the hostility and revenge of the genius of the Ocean Team.

But Kouki Ochiai was also a little more conservative, and what he said was a reasonable request!

Joy Xin didn't realize the small thoughts in Ochiai Hanghui's words. She said: "After entering the secret realm, you can conquer the elves! But you are not allowed to deliberately hurt the elves, or even kill the elves. If you are unwilling to conquer, you will lose the battle before the elves." After gaining the ability, you are not allowed to continue harming the elves!”

From this, we can see the character of Joey Xin as a member of the Joey family.

Joey of the Joey family is indeed the race that loves elves the most in the world!

She made no other requests, and knew the intention of these people coming here, which was mainly to conquer the elves!

In this way, Joey Xin just asked everyone not to continue hurting the elf if they didn't intend to conquer it.

Koki Ochiai smiled and said: "I agree on behalf of everyone. I think you will all agree, right?"

Facing a quasi-overlord elf who is quasi-king, they are under great pressure!

Although it is said that with a team of gym leader-level elves, it is not difficult to defeat an ordinary quasi-king elf!

But this Turtle is different. He has been stuck in the quasi-king position for a long time.

This can be seen from the body shape of the turtle.

As a turtle, the earth turtle lives a long and long life.

During this long life, the Tutai Turtle has accumulated too much strength, all of which is immersed in the Tutai Turtle's body, which is far larger than its kind!

It is not easy to defeat the opponent and win the qualification to enter the secret realm!

What's more, there are so many enemies here, and no one is willing to use all their strength to defeat Tutaigui.

As a result, someone else took advantage of him!

By then, all the elves will have lost their fighting ability, or at least their fighting ability will be greatly reduced.

Others have full strength.

This is something only a fool would do, and no smart person would do it.

And if there is a Joey who is proficient in healing to help in this process, then the possibility of defeating the Tutai Turtle and entering the secret realm will be much higher.

No one knows the situation in the secret realm.

Who can be sure that the secret realm is safe?

If the combat effectiveness is damaged, whether you can get in or not will be a problem.

Therefore, everyone must consider the follow-up matters.

Many people nodded and agreed.

Joy Xin turned around and looked in the direction of Taiyi.

Tai nodded: "I also agree with this. By the way, if you enter the secret realm, Miss Joy can come to me if you have anything to do. My name is Taichi Amuro!"

Taiyi didn't lie or hide his name.

It's not necessary. If Team Rocket and Team Ocean want to investigate, they can't hide their information at all.

Saying the name at least represents candor.

Joy Xin nodded: "It turns out to be Mr. Amuro. If Mr. Amuro needs it, you can come to me!"

Joy Xin's expression made Taiyi a little embarrassed.

He touched his nose and realized that he was being underestimated!

There is no way, they are all at the gym leader level, and they may be even more powerful than the gym leader level.

On the bright side, Taiyi is a Casey.

This Casey's power is only at the peak of the elite level, and has not yet broken through to the gym leader level!

After the last battle, Casey's meditation accumulation these days has reached the peak of the elite level, and there is no room for advancement.

Casey: Telekinesis Pokémon

Level: 50

Attribute: superpower

Features: Magic Defense

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Teleportation, electromagnetic waves, light wall, sleep, telekinesis, mental telepathy, self-regeneration, meditation, reflective wall, mysterious guardianship, snoring

Only Taichi knew that his Casey could instantly evolve into Yongjira with his help, and then break through the elite level and reach the gym leader level.

After this time, Taiyi also prepared to carry out communication evolution and let Yongjira evolve into Hudi.

As for whether he can continue to degenerate into Cathy in the future, Taiyi is not sure.

Because Casey's nephew has accumulated to the limit.

The cyan color has reached 90%. From now on, in this secret realm, as long as something is gained, Taiyi will continue to cultivate Casey.

I believe that by then, the cyan qualification should be able to fill the entire qualification.

By then, the power of evolution should help Casey break through the cyan qualification and reach the blue qualification.

The qualifications of the seven colors of the rainbow are really difficult to break through.

But no matter how difficult it is, Taiyi will help Casey do it.

Ochiai Kouki and Takeshita Takuya both nodded to Tai. They had underestimated this opponent before.

But now, since the other party is related to the Joey family, they will also give him a little face.

If others asked them not to harm the elves, they would probably just laugh it off.

As for what to do next, I will still do it.

But this is the request of the Joey family, and they will consider it.

Although you may still violate it, that is when you consider it all and feel that even if it is violated, it is acceptable.

When there is no conflict of interest, they are also willing to give face to the Joy family.

This is a treatment that is not available in the alliance, because the Joey family has a monopoly on medical treatment in this world and is the best family in the world at medical treatment!

In this case, Taiyi's strength is slightly inferior, but he is still at the forefront of the field.

Therefore, everyone is still willing to give some face on the bright side.

Taiyi didn't say much, anyway, his elf potential was great.

Moreover, he has an advantage that no one else has, and that is the World of Heavenly Books, a mobile logistics base!

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