Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 255 Reexamination (1)

This is just an episode, and the protagonists are those who have been disqualified as breeders.

Entering the examination room, Xiaogang felt a little pity: "Those people are quite pitiful!"

Xiaogang was very moved by the sadness shown by those people just now.

Taiyi didn't care, these people may have reached the level of junior cultivators!

It's just that the rules of the alliance are like this. Only so many people pass the breeder exam every year and are eligible to get the breeder certificate!

But since they have chosen this cheating method, they must be prepared to be caught and disqualified.

And Taiyi also felt that since he had such strength, he would naturally be qualified if he took the test twice more.

Besides, even if you don't have the qualifications, as long as you have this skill and have solid results, it's not difficult to attract customers.

In this way, supporting yourself will not be a problem.

It’s nothing more than waiting for two more years!

Since they can't wait even two years, it shows that they are not confident in their hearts and their level is worthy of scrutiny and discussion.

Taiyi didn't comment on Xiaogang's words.

It’s better not to pollute a child’s heart, even though Xiaogang is actually very mature.

Soon the drama was cleared up.

Now that he has made a decision, it is impossible for these people to make trouble and it will end.

The disqualification and the years of ban from taking exams will never be cancelled.

After all, these people don’t actually have any background, so they won’t let the alliance lose face and change their orders day by day!

In fact, people with background probably don't need this certificate to add some background to themselves and attract customers.

"You must be Mr. Taiyi!"

While Taiyi was still thinking, he saw a Joey rushing over and looking at him with an admiring look.

This Joey is the youngest Joey Taiyi has ever seen, maybe just ten years old!

But even so, the strong genes of Joey's family still made this Joey grow into what Joey should be.

Facing his first fan, Taiyi still felt a little blushing despite having some mental preparation before. Don't know how to get along.

"Hello, Mr. Taiyi, I am Qiao Ran. I fully agree with your thesis on improving the qualifications of elves through cultivation. I think..."

It can be seen that this Joe is very outgoing and talkative.

Well, talkative is a bit too much.

However, facing his little fans, Taiyi still showed enough patience and communicated with Qiao Ran!

Not to mention, Qiao Ran, who is tied for first place with himself, has a very good professional level.

At least, Taiyi felt that if it weren't for the Heavenly Book, he wouldn't be as good as Qiao Ran!

This is a pure natural genius, not a pseudo-genius like him who cheats by relying on heavenly books!

Many of Qiu Ran's views also touched Taiyi a lot and gave him a lot of inspiration.

A lot of sparks suddenly burst out in his mind, making Taiyi turn around and leave almost immediately to test the possibility of these ideas.

Taiyi's strong self-control made him stop his impulse and stayed to continue taking the exam.

He has been waiting for the breeder exam for a year.

Now that I'm gone, a year of waiting is all in vain.

However, Taiyi still took out the sticky notes and recorded some of his thoughts.

A good memory is worse than a bad writing!

Write it down so you can look it up next time.

Qiao Ran was stunned, but seeing that some of his words could actually give Taiyi some inspiration, Qiao Ran was also very happy.

Qiao Ran continued talking very excitedly, wanting to pour out all his inner thoughts in an instant.

During this process, Xiaogang would occasionally express his own opinions.

It can be seen that Xiaogang's knowledge is very solid. But there are still some shortcomings. If you compare them with Taiyi and Qiaoran, you will see a clear gap.

There is no way around this.

Xiaogang still has to work at home and take care of nine younger brothers and sisters.

A pair of parents, I'm afraid, are only responsible for giving birth, and as for taking care of it, it is all left to Xiaogang.

Well, irresponsible parents!

They didn't stop until the exam was about to start.

Miss Joy said: "Okay, let's enter each examination room in batches. There are questions you need to face inside!"

Taiyi found that he and Qiao Ran were in the same examination room, and Xiaogang was in another examination room.

There is no way, Taiyi can't change the examination venue, right?

After seeing off Xiaogang, Taiyi and Qiaoran entered the first examination room.

It seems that they are ranked according to their preliminary test scores.

As soon as we entered, there were police officers inside, led by Miss Junsha, who surrounded the examination room.

Then some Miss Joy came in with some walking straw.

Taiyi was immediately stunned when he saw those walking grass.

"It seems that this year's re-examination should test your eyesight, experience, and the production of elf potions. Well, there is also the identification and selection of herbs!"

After the walking grass came in, Miss Joy asked some others to come in to carry some herbs.

These herbs are quite complicated, and there are all kinds of herbs.

Taiyi immediately understood the purpose of this exam.

Overall, this exam was quite comprehensive.

Almost all the situations that cultivators need to consider have been taken into consideration.

First of all, judge the injuries on Lulu Cao’s body and find out what caused the injury.

There is also the extent of the walking grass's injury, and which elf potion should be chosen to treat it.

In addition, you must also consider what herbs are on site, identify them, select them, and then make elf potions.

These all test a cultivator’s practical level, experience and vision.

Taiyi is not very worried about this.

Even if you can't help it, the Heavenly Book will give you the correct situation.

But before that, Taiyi still wants to try his own abilities, and then combine them with the abilities of the Heavenly Book to test his progress during this period!

There was no discussion or discussion between them.

This is a question that candidates need to complete independently.

Miss Joy said: "Each person is responsible for a walking grass, accurately determines the cause of the walking grass's injury, and then proposes his or her own treatment plan. Finally, select the herbs that your mother thinks are suitable and make the elf potion."

Joey quickly told the question, and Taiyi understood that he had guessed it correctly.

In this way, it is a bit cruel to these walking grass.

For this exam, I have to endure these injuries.

Every consideration and every hesitation of the examinee is a kind of torture for the walking grass!

Miss Joy added: "By the way. Because of the injury of the walking grass, the time given to you is only two hours! In other words, you must submit your judgment to us within half an hour. , and give your solution. This is your final answer. Next, you can prepare to select herbs and make elf potions! But in the end, whether your elf potions can treat walking grass still needs to be It only needs to be approved by the referee of the exam!”

This supplementary solution can be regarded as having a certain protective effect on the life of walking grass.

As for why we give judgment when proposing a plan.

This is not allowed because once the plan is known to other candidates, it will be easy to judge certain things.

"Okay, now, the exam begins! The timer starts!"

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