Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 254 Re-examination list, commotion before the examination room

After seeing off Sirona and Yulongdu, Taiyi was also ready to set off.

"It was a waste of time today, I hope I won't be late!"

Taiyi will never forget that today is the retest time for the cultivator exam.

Well, we still need to check the results. For this re-examination, only the top 1,000 people from the initial examination will be taken!

Then, for the next re-examination, there are only thirty qualified places!

The admission ratio for the re-examination was actually less than thirty to one!

The admission quota for the preliminary examination is even lower.

The population of the elven world is no less than that of the earth in the previous life.

Even because the areas of several continents are quite large, the population is much larger than in previous lives.

With such a large population, there are naturally a lot of people applying for the cultivator exam.

After going downstairs, I saw Wu Neng and his son from a distance.

Just as Taiyi wanted to say hello, Xiaogang saw Taiyi first and shouted loudly: "Mr. Taiyi, have you seen the results? You and I have both entered the re-examination!"

There are also computers in the Elf Center where you can check your results!

There are a lot of people taking the Nurturer exam, so we can't post everyone's scores outside the exam room and let everyone check them in person.

This is obviously inappropriate and can easily cause some trouble.

In every exam, the majority of people are destined to fail.

Inevitably, there will be some extreme people.

No one knows what he will do after he fails!

This is a world with elves. Many bad guys want to do bad things, and they don’t have to worry about where to find the murder weapon like the bad guys in the previous life!

Elves are friends of mankind.

But if it falls into the wrong hands, it can easily be instigated to do bad things.

This is perfectly explained by evil organizations such as Team Rocket!

Taiyi walked over and noticed a strange look on Wu Neng's face.

Taiyi's heart moved, maybe Wu Neng also discovered the aura of Kuailong's breakthrough?

This is not impossible. As a gym leader, Wu Neng and Elf's strength are also pretty good.

Well, don't look at Wu Neng being defeated by Xiao Zhi.

That is definitely not the main elf of martial arts!

In fact, gym leaders generally don't use their main Pokémon to fight challengers.

This makes no sense, the gym leader exists to maintain the safety of the place.

For challengers participating in the Alliance Conference, the gym leader only needs to test whether the challenger has the ability!

In other words, it is a test, not a real battle!

Taiyi didn't say much. Regarding Kuailong, Taiyi didn't plan to talk about it everywhere.

It doesn't make sense and it shouldn't.

As soon as Taiyi approached, Miss Joy first congratulated: "Congratulations, Mr. Taiyi, for successfully entering the breeder re-examination!"

Taiyi smiled and nodded. He had never doubted his qualifications for the re-examination.

Even I, who is carrying a cheating device like the Heavenly Book, cannot enter the re-examination. Then I am afraid that not many people in this world can enter the re-examination.

After Taiyi thanked him, he went to the computer to take a look.

Today, the Elf Center has opened up many computers for everyone to check their scores.

Taiyi entered his candidate number and quickly found his results.

Um? Tied for first place?

Taiyi is very confident in his own achievements. If it weren't for that kind of evil person, he feels that his achievements will definitely be the first.

But Taiyi soon saw the rankings at the back, and the one tied with him was Miss Joy!

Joey smiled and said: "This is one of my younger sisters. She likes to nurture her very much. Well, she is your fan, Mr. Taiyi! If she knew that she and Mr. Taiyi took the exam together and won the first place together, she would definitely be very happy. of!"

Taiyi didn't expect that he still had a fan, and it was Miss Joy.

Taiyi said a few words modestly, and then saw an announcement issued by the alliance.

Alliance announcement: In view of the arrest of the cheating gang, the facts of cheating in the past few years will be explained. The alliance decided to disqualify the breeders of many junior breeders involved. And prohibit the following people from participating in the cultivator examination within five years! The list is as follows:…

Then, there is a long list.

Among them, some people who had obtained cultivator certificates not only had their certificates revoked, but were also banned from taking the exam for five years!

In addition, there are some who have not obtained the breeder certificate, but have participated in cheating!

These people have been disqualified from taking the exam for five years!

Taiyi has no sympathy for these people at all. It is true that some of them may be pitiful.

But doing such a thing is the greatest injustice to those who participated in the exam together!

There is also a notice below, saying that Taiyi raised some points in the question that were not rigorous enough during the exam. He quickly verified this and praised Taiyi.

This news was placed in a less conspicuous place. If Taiyi hadn't had sharp eyes, he might not have seen it.

Taiyi didn’t pay much attention to this!

Honor is like a floating cloud to me!

Then, he saw Shu Lao looking at him jokingly: "If you have the ability, don't raise the corners of your mouth!"

Taiyi: This is my basic joy. If I do good things, can’t I still feel joy?

Putting away his joy, Taiyi saw Xiaogang next to him and quickly invited him: "In that case, let's go to the examination room! The examination is probably about to start there, so don't be late!"

Xiaogang nodded excitedly. He didn't have high hopes at first, he just came to give it a try.

Unexpectedly, I actually passed the re-examination.

Wu Neng said from the side: "Xiao Gang, don't care too much about the results. Even if you fail the retest, don't be discouraged!"

Even if you take the re-examination, there is only less than 30 to 1 chance of successfully obtaining the certificate and becoming a junior cultivator!

This probability is really small.

Taiyi also smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, Xiaogang is not very old. Even if he doesn't get it this year, he can still get it if he works hard for two more years. What's important is what we learned in the process!"

Wu Neng looked at Taiyi with a strange expression. Don't you have any idea? How old are you?

You are the same age as my son. You look like an elder. Do you think you have already obtained the certificate of being a nurturer?

Shu Lao also had a strange look on his face. Taiyi must have been with me for too long and his mental age has gotten older!

Instead, Xiaogang nodded solemnly: "I've written it down, Mr. Taiyi. I know that even if I fail, it doesn't matter. In two years, I can still succeed!"

With that said, the two of them set off. Wu Neng shook his head and had no choice but to follow.

Not long after, they arrived at the examination room.

There are also many people gathered here, some of them are losers, but they still refuse to leave.

Soon, Miss Joy and Miss Junsha came out, followed by their elves.

Both the Geely Egg and the Kati Dog are not low in level, and their strength is also very good.

The combination of the two can effectively control the scene.

I believe that when facing them, many people who have dark thoughts will be repelled by them.

"Okay, next, the ones on the list..." Joey began to shout, preparing for the candidates who passed the first test to enter the examination room and prepare for the second practical test!

This point is more difficult and more in-depth than the previous preliminary test. It also requires more detailed and in-depth knowledge of the examiner!

But at this moment, a group of people rushed forward and shouted to Miss Joy: "Give us another chance! Our abilities are good, don't cancel our certificates!"

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