Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 221 Heding Mangrove Fruit

But no matter what, Dr. Omu agreed to keep this piece of land.

I don’t know how this land was formed. It can actually attract the surrounding toxins and form a polluted state.

However, Taiyi did have some ideas about the mutated fruit tree.

Probably later Bulbasaur and Parasite were worried that the fruit tree would not survive and were poisoned to death by toxins.

After the man in black left, he continued to use the Chrysalis Grass Field trick to treat these fruit trees.

As a result, these new mutant fruit trees were formed by accident.

It's not like there haven't been mutated fruit trees in the elven world, and Taiyi's ones are not that surprising.

As for what Dr. Oak said, the new fruit trees should be named.

Taiyi just thought about it and named it: "Heding Mangrove Fruit!"

Dr. Omu was a little strange: "Hedinghong? What is this?"

If you are not an Earthling, you probably won’t be able to understand Taiyi’s plot.

Taiyi waved his hand and had no way of explaining it. He just said, "I heard that Crane Crown Red is a very poisonous thing. Since it is a poisonous tree fruit, let's call it this!"

Dr. Oki feels that there is a generation gap between himself and Taichi. With such a name, he has no clue.

However, the fruit tree belongs to Taiyi, and the right to name it naturally also belongs to Taiyi.

Dr. Omu doesn't think so about this!

There are many weirder names than Heding Mangrove Fruit in the Elf World, so let them go!

After the matter was resolved, Taichi and Dr. Oak began to discuss medicines to purify toxins.

This discussion was initially led by Dr. Omu, and Taiyi listened and responded with a few words from time to time.

To be honest, there is a lot of knowledge in the elf world. Taiyi has only been here for a year, so he doesn't know much.

At least, he will not be a match for the middle-aged Dr. Oak.

Isn't the accumulation of others' decades not as good as your cheating in one year?

Then, Shuichuan and others also came.

Discussions like this are more like teaching.

Researchers such as Mizukawa followed Dr. Ohki, except using the machines of the institute.

The biggest reason is that you can study with Dr. Ohki at any time!

After a while, all the researchers arrived.

Dr. Ohmu nodded and was very pleased.

Similar to this kind of normal discussion in life, he would not deliberately call all the researchers.

But he was satisfied with the researchers coming to study independently.

Supporting the younger generation is not just a matter of whispering, but thinking of everything for everyone.

Learning is a subjective matter. If a researcher does not take the initiative to learn and needs guidance from a doctor, that is not a normal and healthy model.

Later, Taiyi also began to express his own opinions.

He is more based on the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine and uses the concept of monarch, minister and envoy to adjust the entire formula.

Over the course of the morning, Taichi and Dr. Omu finally finalized the first draft.

Dr. Ohki put away his notebook, nodded and said, "That's right. Our first draft is settled. As for the result, Shuikawa!"

Shuichuan nodded and stood up: "Doctor, don't worry. We have taken samples and will prepare them according to the first draft and observe the results!"

Purifying toxins is never a simple matter.

Although Taiyi had already planned to keep this land.

But toxins cannot spread, so there are still medicines to purify toxins.

In addition, people and elves should also be protected from the effects of toxins.

Once a person or elf is affected by poison, this healing potion will come in handy.

Of course, unlike the land, poisoning humans and elves is considered an abnormal state.

Elf's moves can be effectively removed.

The discussion between Taichi and Dr. Ohgi was just in case!

Who knows if the land's ability to attract toxins will accelerate.

When the time comes, when the land needs to be dealt with, this is the final guarantee.

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste.

Pippi prepared a sumptuous lunch. The New Year has not yet passed completely, but everyone still ate very well.

In the elven world, human beings are still able to meet the problem of food and clothing.

The people in Zhenxin Town, at least Dr. Omu, are from the rich.

Every meal I ate at the institute was very good.

Taiyi felt that Pippi's cooking skills had indeed improved after constant practice.

After lunch, we took a rest.

In the afternoon, Taiyi came to the tree orchard.

Now that everything has been planned, Taiyi naturally wants to come and take a look.

There are five mutated Heding mangrove fruit trees in total, not many, but not many.

Among Taiyi's elves, the only ones with poison attributes are Bulbasaur and Stingy.

There are three Bulbasaur in total, and there are slightly more Stylibees.

These insect-type elves were collected by Taiyi to guard the tree orchard.

In addition, there are those responsible for pollination.

The honey of the giant needle bee is really not as sweet as honey.

But for Taiyi who doesn't have three bees yet, it's just okay.

It's better than nothing, right?

Taichi informed Bulbasaur and Styrofoam of his decision.

"So from now on, this orchard of trees with toxins will be isolated. The subsequent protection work will be left to you!"

Elves with poisonous attributes will not have any impact walking around this tree orchard, but will bring benefits to their growth.

As for the other elves, although there may not be a big problem.

After all, the physical quality of elves is not comparable to that of humans.

Elves can handle even mild poisons.

But Taiyi still hopes that they can survive well without being affected by the poison.

Both Bulbasaur and Stipe agreed, and this matter was not a big deal.

Taiyi also prepared to surround the tree orchard with fences.

To prevent people who don’t know from coming to this land, they will be affected.

Not everyone has the qualities of a super true rookie and can be immune to toxins.

Just do what you think of. Taiyi asked Bulbasaur and Giant Needle to guard the tree orchard, while the other elves went to the vegetable garden first.

In addition, Taiyi also asked Bulbasaur to tell the "thief" Raichu not to come to this tree orchard.

Taiyi estimated that this Raichu might be pregnant with a baby and about to lay an egg.

"Otherwise, Xiao Chi would have to go on a trip, where would the original elf come from?"

Taiyi knows that Xiaochi and Xiaozhi, the two protagonists of the elf world and the original elf, both belong to Pikachu!



Could it be that eggs have been laid before?

Otherwise, the time is not right!

Taiyi suddenly thought that he had been negligent before.

"If this is the case, does it mean that Dr. Oak's Raichu has other descendants?"

Taiyi suddenly thought of these things and felt a little anxious in his heart.

"A highly qualified elf, especially a skin god. Who wouldn't want one?"

But then, Taiyi became a little annoyed.

He has hinted to Dr. Ohki many times, both covertly and overtly.

But Dr. Omu never agreed to him, and Taiyi almost gave up: "It seems that Dr. Omu is still willing to hand over the descendants of his main elves to Xiaochi and Xiaozhi. As a breeder, what do I want with so many high-quality elves? ?”

Taiyi, who was a little annoyed, shook his head hard and decided not to think too much.

If you think about this kind of thing too much, it will only make you more irritable.

As for elves, he has no shortage of them either.

There are quite a few elves with blue qualifications!

Even though that Mimikyu Q still refuses to give in!

Thanks to Ming Shenyu for the 5000 reward, and to the forest Luoxia for the 500 reward.

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