Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 220: Misfortunes are where blessings depend

After a while, Taiyi finally showed a smile on his face.

Dr. Oak said: "The original attributes of these fruits have changed to the current poison attributes. This means that these fruits can improve the quality of the poison attribute elves."

This is definitely good news, because some fruit trees have actually mutated due to previous toxin pollution.

Nowadays, it is a completely new variety of fruit trees.

Dr. Omu said: "Although these fruit trees are not as high-end as the dragon eye fruit, they are already very good fruits. If it is targeted at elves with poison attributes, the effect of these fruits will not even be Worse than those high-end tree fruits!”

This is the best news I heard today, bar none!

Calculated in this way, these fruit trees have completely recovered the cost of renovating this land.

Moreover, there is still a huge surplus!

These fruit trees are already considered to be quasi-advanced fruit trees.

Dr. Ohki hesitated for a moment and then said: "But it is not without problems. Because the maturity period of these fruit trees will also increase!"

High-end fruit trees also have this problem.

It takes longer to grow and nurture before it can bear mature fruit.

Taiyi was stunned for a moment before accepting this.

It is impossible for good things to be produced in large quantities without taking time to gestate.

This is the law of the universe, the better something is, the less it is in quantity. The more time you have to grow and nurture, the more time you have!

The thunder essence mentioned by Shu Lao before has the same effect.

It's just three drops, and it takes Shu Lao half a year to digest and nurture it!

I don’t know if other Tuyun have this ability.

But even if there were, it probably wouldn't be as good as Shu Lao.

Taiyi happily accepted the result and asked about the big milk tank.

Dr. Ohmu pressed his hands and said: "Don't be too anxious. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. In the past few days, the alliance staff have begun to return to work one after another. You can't let all the alliance staff and Shuichuan They are the same, they don’t even need to rest, right?”

Dr. Omu told a joke that he thought was funny, and Taichi laughed a few times in amusement.

Shuichuan just happened to pass by, his face expressionless.

He's used to it!

Who made Dr. Omu his mentor and boss?

Well, if you want to learn something, you have to pay something.

Dr. Omu said: "Don't be anxious. In these two days, the alliance will select large milk tanks with excellent qualifications and good health as rewards. Don't worry, this is a reward from the alliance. The alliance, no What kind of trouble will it cause?"

Taiyi felt a little relieved. One of the few thoughts and wishes he had after coming to this world was almost completed.

"Next, there are the mount lambs and the three bees. These are the guarantee of a good quality of life!"

Whether it's Moo Milk, Bie Mea Goat Milk, or the sweetness of Three Bees, they are all very good drinks!

It is rich in nutrients and can also promote the growth of elves.

Like the juice from the pot, they are both very good drinks!

Among them, moo milk and mea goat milk are relatively popular drinks.

The other two types are produced in such small quantities that they are considered luxury goods!

The two discussed the purifying effect of land again, and Taiyi proposed the method he had thought of before.

Dr. Ohmu frowned and thought for a while: "Stinky Mud? Elves like Stinky Mud do live on garbage and can also purify the environment. But when it comes to purifying toxins, the effect may not be too strong."

The Alliance has already been studied in this regard.

The purification ability of smelly mud requires long-term absorption to be successful.

Although they live on the garbage produced by humans, it is only because the smelly mud cannot eat the tree fruits.

If there are tree fruits to eat, who would eat garbage?

Therefore, the behavior of eating garbage is actually a helpless evolution and a mutation to adapt to the environment.

They were the first to live by eating garbage.

It's just that this kind of elf has a foul smell all over its body.

Not only humans, but other elves also hate this kind of elves.

After being in contact with stinky mud for a long time, even humans themselves will emit this stench.

Taiyi has been in this world for a year, and he has met a lot of trainers!

But the only one with Stinky Mud as the initial spirit was the gangster who was hired by Junichiro Mori to cause trouble at Aunt Sakura's house.

Other trainers rarely have such a choice.

Taiyi himself does not discriminate against Xianni. On the contrary, Taiyi is somewhat sympathetic to Xianni.

Spirits like Stinky Mud don’t want to become smelly. They are also in a long process of evolution because they cannot obtain enough tree fruits and cannot prey on enough elves to provide their own growth energy.

It can be said that the evolution of smelly mud is caused by the environment, and it is also a helpless choice!

But this kind of thing is not the reason why Taiyi wants to conquer these elves!

Everyone has the pursuit of a better environment. Taiyi is not the Virgin. She will not conquer the stinky mud just because she shows her love!

Maybe Smelly Mud itself doesn’t want a trainer?

Maybe staying in the underground drainage channels of major cities is the peaceful living environment they like?

Dr. Oki and Taichi finally decided to configure a corresponding antidote machine and sprinkle it on the soil to detoxify.

But Dr. Oki said: "So, you have to be mentally prepared. This will take more time. This is not something that can be completed in a short time!"

The soil is polluted by toxins, and it is absorbing some of the surrounding toxins and strengthening them all the time.

This is the conclusion that Dr. Oki and researchers such as Shuichuan have reached in recent days.

It's probably not that easy to manage this land.

Taiyi suddenly had an idea: "Do those mutated fruit trees need to live in a toxic environment?"

It’s impossible for fruit trees to produce many toxins out of thin air, right?

Therefore, it is also beneficial to these fruit trees if they live in an environment with toxins.

Dr. Omu confirmed Taichi's idea, and a smile appeared on his face: "What do you mean?"

Tai nodded and said excitedly: "That's it. There is no need to purify. This ten acres of land is reserved for these few fruit trees. In the future, we can expand the planting in this piece of land. Keep this A piece of land can also purify the land around Zhenxin Town, right?"

This land has the ability to absorb toxins from other places around it!

In this way, the land in other places will be purified!

These toxins are then absorbed by these mutated fruit trees and produce fruit that is very good for poisonous elves.

This is simply a wonderful thing!

As for other tree fruits, Taichi said: "I can ask Mayor Yusuke again and buy another ten acres of land."

He still wants to maintain the tree orchard left by his father.

Dr. Oki nodded: "In this way, it is indeed beneficial to the surroundings. But for these lessons on mutant fruit trees, well, you need to name them. You can't always call them mutant fruit trees, right? Also, if there are not enough mutant fruit trees, If there are more, I'm afraid it won't be able to keep up with the speed of the land absorbing the toxins. By then, it's uncertain whether this piece of land will spread! At that time, this will be a new trouble!"

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