Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 217 Better News

Seeing Taiyi so happy, Shulao also had a funny idea.

After some delay, when Taiyi could hardly bear it anymore, Shu Lao said: "This better news is actually not completed yet!"

Taiyi is not discouraged, as long as it is good news, it will never be too late.

It’s never too late for good food. When there is good news, I feel excited.

Shu Lao smiled and said: "Last time I absorbed a lot of electricity. Although my level has not improved, the quality of the energy has improved a lot. The power of the moves has also increased a lot, although it is still the level of a gym leader. But I believe, Even if it’s an elf at the level of a quasi-king, I’m not afraid.”

This news?

Taiyi frowned, the news couldn't be bad.

It's just that the improvement in strength is expected.

Therefore, I am happy about this news, but it is still not happy enough.

"Is this considered good news?" Taiyi complained, looking a little unhappy.

Shu Lao rolled his eyes: "What? My strength has improved, isn't it to protect you? You brat!"

Shu Lao was also helpless. This man really said: "You talk like this, and my old man is not in a good mood. I haven't even finished telling you the good news, but you interrupted me. I don't know what the old man is talking about, so I have to wait quietly. Huh? It’s impolite to interrupt the old man so suddenly!”

Listening to Shu Lao's endless chatter, Taiyi also had a headache.

He never knew that Shu Lao, an old man, could still talk so much!

"Okay! I'll apologize to you, okay?" Taiyi had no choice but to bow his head and admit his mistake.

Shu Lao nodded, looking like a teachable child.

Taiyi's forehead wrinkled, and Shu Lao also immediately stopped after seeing the good news. It's okay to be funny, but it can't delay the business.

Shu Lao said: "Actually, what I want to say is that I absorbed a lot of electricity last time. Although the level has not been improved, the improvement in the quality of the energy is only incidental."

Having said that, I feel quite happy.

Shu Lao's Tu Yun's physical combat ability has improved, which also guarantees his own safety, doesn't it?

Taiyi listened with interest, wondering what kind of good news this better news was?

Shu Lao said proudly: "I discovered that this body is really the nemesis of thunder and lightning. From now on, those thunder and lightning moves may not work on me..."

After rambling for a long time, Mr. Shu finally got to the point: "Di Tuyun's body absorbed thunder and lightning, and the essence of thunder was bred in his body!"

"The essence of thunder?" Taiyi asked strangely: "What is that?"

Shu Lao said: "Thunder is both murderous intent and vitality. This body absorbs the murderous intent in the thunder, smoothes it, and then uses the murderous intent to breed life! In other words..."

"That is to say..." Taiyi took over the conversation and said excitedly: "This kind of thunder essence can replenish vitality?"

More than that!

Shu Lao laughed: "It not only replenishes vitality, it can even increase lifespan! But the effect is unknown!"

Increase longevity, which is very precious no matter which world you are in.

Who would think that his life is too long?

Taiyi dared to say that if this thing spread, it would definitely cause shock.

By then, whether it's Team Rocket, Team Ocean, or all the evil organizations in the world, they will send people to fight for it.

In fact, even many big figures in the alliance may not be able to control it!

Unable to help but shudder, Taiyi said loudly: "Shu Lao. You know this and I know it. No third person, not even an elf, can know about it!"

The hidden dangers in this matter are too great.

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade!

This thing is so precious that if word spreads, even the most powerful trainer might not be able to survive.

There is no way a champion can withstand such great pressure!

Shu Lao nodded heavily, he knew it too. Otherwise, why hasn't he spoken out for so many days?

This thing is a good thing, but good things tend to attract prying eyes.

In Taiyi's heart, his heart was beating hard.

Part of it is fear, but more of it is joy and ecstasy!

Who can have too much of a good thing?

Even if this thing is leaked, it may cause endless trouble and murder.

But this good thing is indeed a good thing. Who would give up a good thing just because they think it will cause trouble?

"It's mediocre not to be envied by others!"

Taiyi said harshly: "Never mind. This thing is indeed a good thing. Anyway, if it is used well, it can bring us a lot of benefits."

Taiyi immediately thought of the horned goldfish: "Do you think this thing is useful for horned goldfish?"

Shu Lao was also stunned. He did not expect that after Taiyi found out about this good thing, his first reaction was to give it to the horned goldfish.

What kind of spirit is the horned goldfish?

This is not a very powerful elf. Even if it evolves into the Goldfish King, its six-dimensional attributes are not very good.

Such elves can be said to be very ordinary.

And the essence of thunder, how precious is that?

Maybe Taiyi still doesn’t understand?

Shu Lao reminded: "Although this thunder essence is still being conceived, I can tell you that the quantity will definitely not be too much, just two to three drops."

Taiyi fell silent immediately, and Shu Lao felt a little strange.

He is not an elf, but he also has the body of an elf.

The things are good things, but Mr. Shu doesn’t know what kind of mood he is in.

If you want to save Taiyi, the essence of thunder is not easy, and it consumes a lot of money.

But Taiyi really hesitated, and Shulao didn't know what he was feeling.

Of course, Shu Lao also understood Taiyi. Since the quantity of these good things was not large, Taiyi naturally had to plan carefully.

Good steel should be used on the blade. This is a good way to make the best use of materials and people to make full use of their talents.

Making a choice is the most difficult thing for an intelligent creature to do!

Because no matter what you choose, it is right.

But once you select this, you ignore that!

"Well, this situation..." Shu Lao also knew that it was difficult for Taiyi to choose, so he wanted to give Taiyi some relief.

After all, Taiyi is his fellow countryman, and the two of them can be said to be in the same spirit, both prospering and losing.

Taiyi said: "By the way, Mr. Shu. I wonder how much a drop of Thunder Essence can increase your life span? Calculate, how much electricity does a drop of Thunder Essence consume? If I provide you with a large amount of electricity, how much Thunder Essence can you breed? Come out? Calculating like this, what is the ratio? Also, where should I get so much power? Is it easier to just replenish the lost vitality on the horn goldfish side? How much thunder essence is needed to make up for it? return?"

Taiyi said a lot of words in one breath, which made Mr. Shu stunned.

Then, something touched my heart.

It turns out that Taiyi was not considering the gains and losses, nor was he unwilling to use this thunder essence on the horned goldfish.

Although things are good things, Taiyi is still Taiyi.

Taichi loves elves very much and doesn’t skimp on good things!

What is going on with this feeling of wanting to cry in my heart?

I am just a spirit, can I cry?

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