Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 216 A piece of good news, a...

Taiyi laughed and said: "Horned Goldfish, if you have any ideas, you can tell me. You can also make some requests."

Taiyi felt a little guilty about this horned goldfish.

It's not that he did something wrong, it's that humans did something wrong.

In order to test the qualification medicine, humans actually dared to spread the Elf Virus over a large area, causing the horned goldfish to suffer a lot!

By now, most of his vitality has been lost, and he only has more than a year of life left.

If you can still evolve for a while during this process, you may be able to increase your lifespan by a small amount.

But in the end, the life span of this angle goldfish will not be too long.

Taiyi and Shulao discussed it and felt that this number would not exceed five years!

Five years is a very short period of time for an elf.

Even the most common insect type elves have poor qualifications and have only reached the final stage of evolution.

It will also have a life span of more than twenty years!

Five years is really not much!

But this is all that is left of the horned goldfish now!

In fact, this number was expected to be higher by Taiyi and Shulao. This number may have to be reduced a lot.

The horned goldfish hesitated for a while and then said: "Well, I want to find a mate, but there are no other horned goldfish here, not even other water elves!"

In the elven world, elves of the same race do not have to be united to give birth to offspring!

Some researchers have discovered that as long as they are in the same egg group, they can be combined together to give birth to elf eggs!

As for the elven races of future generations, there is a 50% chance of each.

But if they had to choose, most elves would still choose the elves of their own clan.

Generally speaking, love between different races and across races only happens after an unforgettable experience.

Of course, love at first sight also happens in the elf world.

It’s just that I haven’t seen Taiyi yet.

Tai thought for a while and decided to agree: "Yes. I will conquer some water elves as soon as possible. It's up to you whether you can find the person you like."

Elves are also intelligent creatures, and Taiyi promised to give Angora a chance!

But this does not mean that Taiyi will match the horned goldfish Lalang!

Taiyi will not force things about feelings.

It depends on them whether they can succeed in bringing in more water elves.

Angora was already very grateful for agreeing to this.

He also knows that whether he succeeds or not depends on himself.

After these things are done, Taiyi's purpose of entering the world of the Book of Heaven today is basically completed.

Taiyi and Shulao left the lake and came to a quiet place.

Come here today, there is one last thing!

"Shu Lao, you should tell me what happened after absorbing so much electricity before!"

Yes, Taiyi came here today just to ask this.

So much of the base's electricity was absorbed by the land cloud. The final result has not yet appeared.

Shu Lao was helpless and knew that he might not be able to delay it any longer today.

Shu Lao stretched out two fingers and said: "There is good news, and there is another..."

Taiyi looks at old books as if they were old antiques, and this is still the same story.

"I choose bad news!"

Based on the idea of ​​​​first bitterness before sweetness, Taiyi decided to hear the bad news first.

Then listen to the good news and your mood will feel better.

Shu Lao looked at Taiyi with disgust and said, "Who said that if there are two pieces of news, there must be one good news and one bad news?"

Taiyi: "Then what did you say? Isn't that the routine?"

Shulao pursed his lips and leaned against a fruit tree on the opposite side, saying, "What I want to say is, there are two pieces of news. One is good news, and the other is better news. Which one do you want to listen to?"


This routine is even more boring!

But deep down, Taiyi was still happy.

Everyone wants to hear good news, but who wants to hear bad news?

Therefore, Taiyi said: "Then let's tell the good news first!"

Better news means more joy.

So just go step by step.

Shu Lao nodded and said: "Since you want to hear the good news, let me tell you the good news first! After absorbing a lot of electricity, my fertility skills have gone a step further. I can take care of more land, and the effect is also better. It’s one level.”

Taiyi was indeed very happy when he heard this.

The fertility skill is the one that Shu Lao's earth cloud has an impact on the green grass field moves.

This is an exclusive move created by the ability of Shu Lao's Di Yun body, combined with the knowledge in Shu Lao's mind!

In other words, even the other mythical beast Tuiyun in this world does not have this move!

This is exclusive to Shu Lao's body of this earth cloud.

Taiyi's Bulbasaur was also affected to a certain extent and learned a mutated grass field move!

The same goes for that Paras!

This is the move Taiyi relies on most when facing the outside world.

Taiyi's previous cooperation with Silver Company, Devon Company, and even with the Joy family was all based on this foundation.

Taiyi was very happy and asked: "What about the second good news?"

Better news, essentially, is good news.

Shu Lao waved his hand and said, "I haven't finished speaking yet! Jin Jia La has also been upgraded. The effect is better than before, and the quantity is slightly larger!"

Taidu suddenly laughed: "I also said that on the public land in Zhenxin Town, because there is no Guishui Essence and Jinkeli, the quality of the fruits and vegetables there is a lot worse! You are better The news is indeed better news! There is no need to waste time outside, as long as you use Jin Ke La. Although it is still not as good as the fruits and vegetables in our own tree orchard and vegetable garden, it should not be much different. "

As for the excuse, let's just say that I secretly researched the fertilizer.

Because there are few raw materials, it cannot be popularized!

This can also be fooled.

Whether it's Silver Company or Dewen Company, who hasn't ordered something unique?

Those large cultivation houses also have their own specialty projects.

These are all discovered over and over again by generations of researchers or cultivators.

Shu Lao laughed, and Taiyi didn't know what he was laughing at.

After Shu Lao laughed for a long time, he said: "No, you are wrong!"

Taiyi thought that Mr. Shu was joking just now, but the Jin Kela had not been upgraded or increased in quantity!

With a somewhat ugly expression on his face, Taichi said: "Shu Lao. This joke is not funny at all. It's the Chinese New Year now, not April Fool's Day!"

Shu Lao glanced at Taiyi with a funny expression: "I mean. This is not the better news I want to say, but just a side product of the first news!"


Taiyi was stunned, he didn't expect Shu Lao to say that.

"In other words, Jin Gaola has indeed been upgraded?"

Shu Lao nodded: "Yes. How could I lie? It's not easy to lie about such a big matter."

If you lie about this kind of thing, will there be any trust between the two in the future?

So, this is not a lie, it is the truth!

Thinking of this, Taiyi immediately became happy: "Then, what is the better news?"

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