Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 205 Trivial, Study

"Grandma Joy!"

After just being stunned for a while, Taiyi accepted the title calmly.

Even if you don't know her, given Grandma Joey's age, isn't she worthy of being called grandma?

This is an older man. Respecting the old and caring for the young has always been the traditional virtue of our flower-growing nation.

Even if the world has changed and the body has changed, the soul is still that of our flower-growing nation.

Grandma Joy was obviously very happy, and she held Taiyi and talked for a long time.

Joey Ying looked on and sighed.

I have to say that Taiyi is a very outstanding child. At the age of ten, he has achieved many achievements that others may not be able to achieve in their lifetime!

Intermediate researcher, cultivated knowledge is also very solid.

Own an orchard and lead the townspeople of Zhenxin Town to develop agriculture.

Made a deal with the Joey family in exchange for four auspicious eggs!

No matter which item it is, others may not be able to achieve it easily.

But the Taiyi in front of me is only ten years old and has already done this!

And Taiyi will continue to work hard. I wonder where it will go in the future?

Joy Ying was very moved. Grandma Joy had a very accurate vision and had invested in countless people in her life.

Most of them got the support of Grandma Joy when they were still young.

Then they rose rapidly and are now basically important figures in the alliance.

Dr. Oki also received support from Grandma Joy!

Also, that passionate man like Taiyi once had the support of Grandma Joey.

It’s just that the man took a different path after all!

Even so, that man stayed away from the Joey family and would not take the initiative to attack the Joey family!

I hope Taiyi won’t be like that man!

They are all equally passionate and equally talented!

It's easy for a genius to get ahead, but it's also easy for him to fall into the wrong path!

Is this also the reason why Grandma Joy came to Zhenxin Town in person?

Joy Ying looked at Grandma Joy in confusion and saw Grandma Joy saying goodbye to Taiyi.

Taiyi went to Dr. Omu's research institute to visit, and Grandma Joy wanted to wander around Zhenxin Town to get familiar with the people and things here.

Joy Ying was full of doubts, but she didn't ask any questions.

How could Grandma Joy not notice this junior?

But Grandma Joy also smiled, but didn't say anything.

Just at the corner of his mouth, there seemed to be a slight disharmony.

But Joy Ying didn't notice either.

When Taichi arrived at Dr. Omu's research institute, he was called over by Dr. Omu.

"Doctor, what's wrong?"

Dr. Ohmu said: "Starting from today, your tree orchard will start testing the land and other factors. What about the deal with the Joey family?"

Taiyi thought it was something, but it turned out to be this!

Taidao: "It's okay. Although my own land is suspected to be contaminated by toxins, and the vegetable garden is put down first just in case. But the twenty acres of land in our town have begun to bear fruit. This can be continued It’s my deal with the Joey family.”

Originally, at this time, the number of transactions was to be expanded.

However, Taiyi's land was suddenly attacked by men in black, and the land was suspected to be contaminated.

Therefore, this action has been postponed.

It just so happens that the tree orchards and vegetable gardens here in Zhenxin Town have been cultivated for a period of time and can be traded with the Joey family.

There is no way, because there is a shortage of golden rubbish, so the public land in Zhenxin Town is not fertilized with golden rubbish.

As for the essence of Guishui, Taiyi himself lacks it.

And in order not to expose the world of the Book of Heaven, Taiyi did not plan to take out this thing.

One is that it's unnecessary, and the other is that Taiyi can't guarantee his own safety.

Although there are already two gym leader level elves, this world is still too dangerous.

At least the king of all members is safe at that time.

A team with six main players, all reaching the King level, is considered basic insurance, right?

Dr. Ohmu nodded: "Okay. I just met with Grandma Joy, and she also said that you should restore your land as soon as possible. If necessary, just tell them. The Joy family also has some capabilities in this area."

Taiyi was a little curious. He saw Grandma Joy just now, and Grandma Joy didn't say that.

Maybe it was just a casual remark.

If there is really a need, the Joy family will not stand by and watch.

Although Taiyi made money, what the Joey family earned would definitely not be less than Taiyi.

Throughout the ages, no matter which world we are in, raw material trade has always been at the bottom of trade.

If you want to increase the added value of the transaction, you still need to perform secondary processing.

However, Taiyi does not have this idea for the time being, nor does he have the strength in this area.

Let it go for now.

After talking for a while, Taiyi continued to study.

Over at Shuguoyuan, let Shuichuan and other researchers do it.

There are specializations in the field of study, and so are the research directions!

If there is no other way, Taiyi can still go and see for himself.

But now, no need.

Dr. Ohki has all kinds of talents here.

It’s no wonder that Dr. Omu’s Research Institute has become the top research institute in the elf world.

Every year, countless young researchers submit their resumes to Dr. Omu Research Institute, hoping to study or work here.

Not counting Taiyi, he is just a registered person studying here.

Taiyi himself is not a member of Dr. Ohmu's research institute, and has not registered with the alliance.

This is also the reason why Taiyi has no conflicts with other researchers and gets along well with each other.

The matter of dealing with the Joey family can also wait for a while until there is free time.

For example, you can wait until lunch time, or communicate with Grandma Joey, or you can make a phone call and talk to Joey Xiang.

"Well, it seems that we need to re-determine the person to communicate with the Joey family!"

No one from the Joey family was in Zhenxin Town before, so everyone from the Joey family had to come from somewhere else.

Otherwise, communication must be made by calling Joey Xiang.

When something happened in the tree orchard before, Geely Egg and the Joey family should have communicated first before suspending the transaction.

At that time, Taiyi was studying elf viruses at the Elf Center in Cerulean City. The Geely Eggs didn’t want to disturb Taiyi, so they didn’t notify Taiyi!

The Joy family didn't bother him at that time.

Now that he is back, it is natural to resume trading.

The fruits and vegetables produced on the public land in Zhenxin Town are naturally lower than those in Taiyi.

But there is nothing we can do about it. We are not targeting the same group of customers in the first place.

Now, let's take it over and count them together.

I believe that the Joey family will also be willing.

In this way, the Joey family can also occupy more shares in more ordinary transactions!

Originally, what the Joey family had agreed with Taiyi was only the output from his own land.

But the Joey family will definitely not have too much of these special tree fruits and vegetables.

Who can have too much of a good thing?

There won't be a dad in this world who says, I don't love money.

Everyone will cherish things that can make money.

Even Team Rocket got involved, not to mention other ordinary people.

Taiyi took out the information, which was the one he got from the underground building in Cerulean City last time.

I just looked at the raw data before, and there is a lot of other information. Taiyi needs to study it carefully!

Live and learn!

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