Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 204 Grandma Joy

Returning to the tent, I sat with the starfish in my arms for a while before falling asleep.

Although Starfish has just hatched, he has very high qualifications.

Although the qualifications for water attributes are only green, the qualifications for superpowers have reached the blue level!

Just one night of meditation raised Starfish's level by one level!

Starfish: Star-shaped Pokémon

Level: 4

Attributes: Water/Superpower

Features: Analysis

Qualification: Green/Blue

Gender: no gender

Skills: telekinesis, sleep, wall of light, phantom light, reflective wall

Although there is a reason why the starfish's level is originally low and its level can be easily improved.

But more importantly, it’s because of Haixing Xing’s high qualifications!

However, because Starfish's qualifications are divided into two attributes, which are mixed together, it is really difficult to distinguish the qualifications.

Communicate with the starfish and comfort the newborn elves.

Unlike Tie Dubell, a naughty child, Starfish has been very clingy to Taiyi since he was born.

Taiyi guessed that it was because Haixing was ignored by the Cerulean City gym before and even had to return to the breeding base.

Generally speaking, the result of such elf eggs being returned is to fend for themselves.

Without enough nutrients, the starfish will naturally be unable to hatch, and will become dead eggs by then.

Taiyi's ability made him notice the starfish.

And it was taken out from the Cerulean City Gym and given a lot of nutrients to help the starfish hatch.

Elves with super powers are inherently smart. This elf with such excellent super powers is naturally not stupid.

After coaxing him for a while, Taiyi fell back to sleep.

Early the next morning, Taiyi had just woken up and was about to go back to wash up.

The lucky eggs have gone back, and they will start busy early in the morning.

Prepare food, clean your surroundings and more.

It can be said that Geely Egg is the busiest elf here.

Researchers from Dr. Ohki's institute have already come to take samples with equipment in hand.

"Shui Chuan, so early?"

"Good morning, Taichi! Anyway, nothing happened. Pippi is still preparing breakfast. It's still early. We have nothing to do, so we came here to take samples."

While Shuichuan said hello, he had already taken out the tweezers and test tubes and was preparing to take samples here.

Taiyi said hello to several researchers, but did not go back, so he stayed here to accompany them.

The orchard covers ten acres, and Shuichuan and others selected soil samples from various places.

Judging from their appearance, you can tell that they are very professional and have divided the entire orchard into several areas.

Then divide these areas into small areas and sample them separately.

Shu Lao came out, touched his white beard and said: "These people have a bit of an analytical chemistry feel."

Because there are elves in the elf world, the development of science takes a different path.

There is no such discipline as chemistry in this world, and it is all classified as science.

But science is also closely related to elves, and there is no pure scientific discipline.

However, this technique of analytical chemistry has still been developed.

Taiyi smiled, this is the wisdom of the world, he is just one of a bunch in the ocean.

Even if he has memories of his previous life, it is not the reason why he laughs at others.

After Shuichuan finished taking samples, everyone discussed going back together.

On the way, Taiyi's family arrived, and Taiyi invited them to his home for dinner.

Geely Egg must have made a lot of human food, enough for everyone to eat together.

Shuichuan held up the test tube in his hand and said with a smile: "Next time. Your food is indeed very good, but we have to go back and place samples now!"

Taiyi didn't force it, but from the bottom of his heart, he was still very grateful to Shuichuan and others.

When I got home, the iron dumbbell was wrapped around the lucky egg, trying to get some food for myself!

This snack foodie, relying on the physique of a quasi-god elf, has the best appetite among his own elf.

That is to say, Ivysaur has now evolved and is twice the size of ordinary Ivysaur.

An increase in body size means an increase in consumption.

Ivysaur may be the only elf whose appetite can rival that of Iron Dumbbell.

But the size gap between the two made Taiyi feel helpless.

Taiyi teased: "Iron Dumbbell, if you keep eating like this, you will become obese and look like a Kirby. You won't be able to run anymore. Let's see how you fight!"

When Tie Dubell heard Taiyi's words, he felt aggrieved.

He turned around, facing away from Taichi, and let out a groan.

Shit shovel officer, you are floating!

Taiyi was just joking and didn't take it too seriously.

Geely Egg brought food and Taiyi had a delicious meal.

Coming out of home, Taiyi walked around Zhenxin Town.

Needless to say, I’ve been away from Zhenxin Town for almost a month, and I still miss it quite a bit.

In Taiyi's heart, he had a different feeling about Zhenxin Town.

Shu Lao: "You have regarded Zhenxin Town as your hometown!"

For both of them, the earth is their home.

That is a fact that is rooted deep in the soul and will never change!

Tai nodded: "Yes. I have been away from there for many years. Although I always remember it in my heart, I have to integrate into this world. This is my second hometown."

While walking around, Taiyi suddenly discovered that a new building was under construction next to Dr. Ohki's research institute.

I came here yesterday and didn't notice it.

"What's this?"

Taiyi was a little curious. Is there anyone new coming here?

But then, Taiyi understood.

Because in Dr. Ohki's research institute, two Joeys walked out.

One of them was the elderly Joey, whom he had met before at the Elf Center in Cerulean City.

This should be the elder of the Joey family that Joey Xiang from Joban City mentioned.

Dr. Ohmu also introduced before that Joey is a master in the field of cultivation, and many elf potions are produced by Joey.

"Senior Joey!"

Taiyi hurriedly came forward to greet him. They had gotten along before in Cerulean City, and they were quite happy.

This Joey was also involved in the Cerulean City Elf Virus this time.

Some of Dr. Ohki's inspirations were also put forward by Joey.

It can be said that if Joey hadn't been unwilling, he would have been praised in this league report.

And he is one who cannot be ignored.

But Joey declined because he was old and liked peace and quiet.

Old Joey nodded: "Taiyi. This is Joey Ying. From now on, this will be the elf center that Joey Ying and I run together. If you have anything, you can come to us!"

"Hello Joey Ying, I'm Taiyi."

Taiyi first greeted Joey Ying, and then said to the elderly Joey in shock: "Senior Joey, are you in charge of the elf center here?"

This person is the talisman of the Joey family. He actually came out of the Joey family's headquarters and came to Zhenxin Town to take charge?

Don't the Joey family worry about the safety of their Dinghai Shenzhen?

Well, Dr. Oki is here, so there should be no need to worry.

It can be said that there are many dangers in the elf world.

But a relatively safe place is definitely Zhenxin Town.

A place not polluted by the secular world, a pure place, this is the true new town!

Old Joey waved his hand: "Not to mention sitting in charge, I am here to serve the elves at the elite elf center. Also, you can call me Grandma Joey, you don't have to call me senior all the time!"

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