Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 200 Listen to Ivysaur telling the story of the past

What surprised Taichi even more was that Bulbasaur also evolved.

Ivysaur: Seed Pokémon

Level: 50

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Features: Chlorophyll

Qualification: Green

Gender: Female

Skills: Impact, Vine Whip, Green Grass Ground, Flying Leaf Sharp Knife, Rooting, Aromatherapy, Sleeping Powder, Parasitic Seed, Sleep, Photosynthesis, Sunlight Flame

To be honest, I am still a little anxious about the evolution of Ivysaur.

Although the level is already at the elite level ceiling, it is only one level away from the gym leader.

This is considered to be the third-level Pokémon among all Taiyi's Pokémon, except for Shu Lao, who is a bastard.

Of the other two, one is a gym leader-level bidiao once it has been subdued. That was the improvement Bi Diao had achieved through a long period of time and monopolizing the resources of the secret realm.

But if the comparison of Diao was just like this, it would be at its peak.

Without Taiyi's follow-up resources, Bi Diao would have been unable to make progress.

Bi Diao has completed all three stages of evolution.

There is no way to quickly upgrade in a short period of time, and even qualifications cannot be improved through simple cultivation.

As for the horned goldfish, it is exchanged for longevity.

By now, Taiyi has basically made an estimate.

The horned goldfish may only have a year or two left to live.

This is despite the fact that the horned goldfish cannot exercise violently and fight violently with other elves.

Taiyi still doesn't know how well Ivysaur's moves are mastered.

But at least, the amount of energy has more than doubled, and the purity has not been lost.

It can be seen that even though Ivysaur has evolved in a hurry, it has not forgotten its roots.

In addition, although Ivysaur's qualifications do not break through the seven colors of the rainbow, they are still green qualifications.

But the green qualification, like Slowpoke, is already full of green, reaching 100%.

The rich green has condensed into cyan.

As long as there is an opportunity, Ivysaur's qualifications can enter the cyan category.

However, Slowpoke has not yet evolved, and its qualifications are derived from part of its life force.

But Ivysaur improves through cultivation and evolution.

Taiyi thought to himself: "If we can break through the seven-color qualifications of the rainbow, then we can start the third issue of the paper on improving the qualifications of elves through cultivation."

Every doctorate is accumulated with a large number of papers.

Since Taiyi became a researcher, he naturally aspired to get a doctorate.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier.

Researchers who don't want to be PhDs are just dawdling.

Then, Ivysaur was also surprised to find that Taiyi could talk to her directly.

Taiyi can actually understand the language of elves.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?" Ivysaur was so surprised: "Dah ah~ Wow~"

Tai nodded and briefly recounted his experience during his trip to Cerulean City: "It was with Mafina's blessing that I gained the ability to telepathize. So from now on, we can communicate directly!"

In the past, Taiyi's superpower allowed Taiyi to simply communicate with elves with superpowers.

Other elves communicated either through Shu Lao or later through Iron Dumbbell.

Now, Taiyi has gained the ability of telepathy and can communicate directly with Ivysaur and the others.

While this made Taiyi happy, Ivysaur and the others were also excited.

Then, it’s time to party together.

Taiyi took a lot of food materials and made elf food.

Let the Geely Eggs and the others participate, and everyone will be happy together.

After the carnival, the Geely Eggs began to clean up and clean the place.

Taiyi asked: "What's going on here?"

He had noticed the situation here a long time ago, but he had suppressed it before and didn't ask.

Ivysaur lowered his head, a little embarrassed.

Taiyi asked her to look after the house at home, but she failed to take good care of it and caused the fruits to be corroded by the poisonous mist. Ivysaur was very ashamed.

Taiyi comforted: "Don't worry, I don't want to blame you. I just want to know what happened."

Several uncles and aunts in Zhenxin Town had strange expressions on their faces before, letting Taiyi know that something must have happened.

If it had been before, I would have asked Mr. Shu to ask.

Now that I have telepathy, I don’t have to go through so much trouble.

After comforting Ivysaur for a while, Ivysaur regained his composure and slowly told what happened.

It turns out that a man in black came to snatch the fruit from the tree before.

It turns out that most of the men in black used double-bomb gas, Arbor snakes, and elves such as big-mouthed bats.

These elves, no matter how they look or sound, they all have a sense of déjà vu from Team Rocket!

But why would Team Rocket come to snatch the fruit from his tree?

There is nothing special about these fruit trees, they are all very common varieties.

If there's anything unusual about it, it's Bulbasaur's Grass Field move, which makes the fruits produced by these fruit trees somewhat unusual.

Thinking of Michiko Eikura who had come here to steal, Taichi was thoughtful.

"Definitely Team Rocket. But why would Team Rocket know that the fruit from my tree here is unusual, and why would they come to snatch it?"

At the same time, Taichi was also surprised that Team Rocket didn’t have a King trainer!

If you want to snatch these tree fruits, why would you send a group of less powerful trainers?

If those people in black knew that their evaluation among Taiyi was that they were not very powerful, almost like minions.

I wonder if those people will die of shame?

Knowing that it was Team Rocket, they forced their elves to the point where they had to evolve in order to resolve the previous disaster.

Taiyi felt even more disgusted with Team Rocket.

If not, his elves could accumulate more knowledge and improve their qualifications even more.

If Bulbasaur can persist for a while, maybe it will have broken through the shackles of qualifications of the seven colors of the rainbow.

At that time, it was the green-qualified Ivysaur.

Now, although 10% of the green qualifications have been accumulated.

But green is green and cannot become cyan.

This caused huge losses!

Because in Taiyi's view, evolution is the most intuitive, direct, and simplest way to improve the qualifications given to elves in the elf world.

As long as the elves are given good training during the normal training and cultivation process.

When the bottleneck is reached, through evolution, it is relatively easy to break through the shackles of the seven colors of the rainbow!

This is a free and simpler way to break through the shackles of qualifications.

Now that Ivysaur has been wasted once, it will take several times more resources and efforts to break through to cyan.

How can this keep Taiyi from being angry?

When I meet Team Rocket in the future, I will definitely want them to look good!

Taiyi said to himself silently in his heart.

This group of Rockets, a group of evil organizations, does not have a good person!

Then, Ivysaur talked about the thief who came to help.

"We were about to lose our defense. It was the thief before. Well, she was a Raichu. She was very powerful. She should be the king-level elf you mentioned, Taiyi. It was her help that allowed us to defeat the black thief. The people in clothes all drove away and protected the tree orchard. Taiyi, can you stop pursuing her for stealing the fruit from the tree?"

Doubt flashed in Taiyi's eyes, Raichu? Isn't it a Pikachu?

Taichi clearly remembered that what he saw was a Pikachu!

Although it flashed by and he couldn't see it clearly, Taiyi felt that he must have seen it correctly. It was a Pikachu.

He also speculated that it was because this Pikachu was unwilling to evolve that it affected his two offspring!

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