Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 199 Return to Zhenxin Town

The horned goldfish seems to be fine, at least on the surface.

At this time, Angora is already at the peak of the gym level.

This adds some lifespan to the horned goldfish, so that the horned goldfish will not die immediately.

That's it.

Taiyi felt that he had done everything he could do.

No matter what happens, it is not something Taiyi can do.

Therefore, he put this matter down with peace of mind. The horned goldfish is still swimming leisurely in the pond.

Perhaps Angora himself never thought that one day he could become a gym leader-level elf.

This actually made the horned goldfish a little happy, even though most of its life span had been consumed.

But it seems that the horned goldfish doesn't care much about it, so that's okay.

Shu Lao nodded and looked at Tai each other. Neither of them paid attention to this place anymore.

If the horned goldfish wants to be free, the river behind Zhenxin Town can be the new residence of the horned goldfish!

Perhaps the horned goldfish can also leave the river through the undercurrent and go to the boundless sea outside.

These are all possible.

Taiyi does not restrict the freedom of horned goldfish!

At least now, Jiao Jinyu feels that the World of Heavenly Book is more comfortable, and he lives a relatively comfortable life here.

Close the note, the new town is almost here.

The speed of the aircraft is really fast. The black technology in this world is simply incredible.

In just a few hours, he had flown over a distance that even Bi Diao had to use his moves to move quickly. With constant acceleration, it would take him close to a day to reach!

The aircraft landed in the open space, and many children came to watch.

Taiyi saw in them the children from the countryside in his previous life.

Now he seemed to be a gorilla being watched.

Dr. Oak, Taichi, and Xiaozhi are all back.

Aunt Hanako stayed in Hualan City, although the Chinese New Year was coming soon.

But after what happened before, Aunt Hanako felt that she must study hard.

Aunt Hanako can't help much with Xiaozhi's future.

Then learn how to cultivate them, and cultivate elves well for Xiaozhi in the future.

Therefore, even though the Chinese New Year is approaching, Aunt Hanako still chooses not to come back.

Xiaochi came over to greet them, as well as several researchers.

Shuichuan bumped Taiyi with his fist and said enviously: "This time, I have made a great contribution again! I'm afraid the senior researcher is not far away!"

Mizukawa is a researcher at Dr. Ohki's research institute and is very familiar with Taichi.

Shuichuan is a very important assistant researcher to Dr. Ohki, and it is Shuichuan who is in charge here these days.

Taiyi gets along well with these researchers. They are all very pure and simple people.

There is not so much nastiness when we get along.

This is all due to Taichi's previous ability to cook. Before Pippi took over, they could only improve the food when Aunt Hanako occasionally came to the institute.

But many times, researchers are just like that. They don’t have time to do experiments.

Aunt Hanako can't just stay here and cook for them.

So many times, Shuichuan and the others only had cold meals to eat, or they could only eat instant noodles.

With Taiyi coming, their life would be much easier.

Later, Geely Egg also helped a lot, until Pippi joined.

But Pippi learned her cooking skills from Geely Egg, and everyone should appreciate this.

Back at the research institute, Dr. Omu convened everyone and gave a speech.

Taiyi was also invited by Dr. Omu and came to the stage to talk for a while.

Taiyi smiled and said: "Actually, most of it is due to Dr. Ohki. I provided some less important inspirations, and I also got them from Dr. Ohki's formula."

Dr. Oak shook his head: "The actual credit is yours, and I won't covet your credit. However, after this time, the alliance should have some rewards. What elf do you want? Maybe you can mention it to the alliance. , the alliance will consider it as appropriate. Your cultivation house should have been completed. Then you have to take it over and start operating it."

Tai nodded, he had known about this before.

His training house was entrusted to Watanabe Yang's company. When the training house was completed, Watanabe Yang naturally wanted to notify Taichi.

However, because Taichi was working for the alliance, Watanabe Yang also told Taichi very thoughtfully that he could pick him up after the matter was over.

The balance can be paid at that time!

Although I believe Watanabe Yang will not be perfunctory, the breeding house still has to inspect it before paying him the balance.

After a lecture, the researchers here gained a lot of knowledge and inspiration.

Everyone has some improvement.

This is Dr. Omu!

Not only is he strong, but he is also willing to support those who are struggling and willing to share his experience.

Who wouldn't like a doctor like this?

Taiyi also lamented that if there were doctors in the elf world, they would all be the same as Dr. Oak.

Then researchers from the elf world naturally sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

The same goes for research results!

It's a pity that although other doctors may have broad minds, there is only one Dr. Ohki!

After coming out of Dr. Ohki's research institute, Taichi couldn't wait to see the cultivation house.

Although Watanabe Yang's companies have all evacuated, Zhenxin Town has a small population and everyone is highly qualified and will not go in to cause trouble.

Although Taiyi is not a professional, this does not prevent Taiyi from inspecting his own breeding house.

That is the place where I will work and live in the future. Many elves will live here.

But before arriving at the cultivation house, Taiyi saw his own tree orchard, which seemed to have undergone major changes.

It wasn't like this when I left before.

The researchers at Dr. Oak's research institute didn't tell him that his tree orchard had changed drastically, as if something had happened to him.

On the way, I met a few uncles and aunts from Zhenxin Town. Their expressions were a little strange, and they seemed a little intolerable and a little embarrassed.

When Taiyi ran over, the elves in the tree orchard had already come out to greet him.

They all already felt Taiyi's approach!

The Bobos have all evolved into Pidgeots, which is great.

Pidgeot: Bird Pokémon

Level: 37

Attributes: Normal/Flying

Features: Strong chest muscles

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Hot wind, impact, wind, sand splash, flash of lightning, parroting, flying, feather perch, air slash, whirlwind blade, high-speed movement, stand-in, reflective wall, feather dance

Overall, it's still okay.

Green qualifications have also been greatly improved.

I think it's because of the nurturing methods that gave them more foundation.

So at the moment of evolution, their qualifications have been greatly improved!

There are both male and female birds in this group, and they can form a small tribe by themselves.

There is no need to rely on others to lay eggs, they can do it themselves.

In other words, Taiyi's cultivation house will be opened, and this will be the first tribe.

If Taiyi wants to breed elf eggs for sale in the future, this will be the first variety.

Well, in the elf world there are still those who cannot afford good elf.

If it is Bobo with green qualifications, many people are still willing to spend some alliance coins.

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