"Let's go. Yan Emperor Ye Yan re-released the Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit, and then relied on the Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit's ability to exchange venues and took Li Feng directly out of the Divine Fire Gym.

On a street, the figures of Li Feng and Emperor Yan slowly emerged.

"Senior Emperor Yan, let's leave like this?" Li Feng asked.

Yan Emperor Ye Yan withdrew the crystal lamp fire spirit and walked towards the café outside, and said at the same time: "Why don't you leave and stay there?" "

You have all the benefits, you should slip away."

"Moreover, the stingy ghost of the Fire God has become too strong, and if it drags on any longer, I'm afraid that it will not end well if the other Heavenly Kings come out." "

Li Feng: ......

Don't you have your hands in your pockets and don't know what an opponent is?"

"Senior Emperor Yan, I have a question. Li Feng pondered for a while, and decided to ask Emperor Yan.

Ye Yan stopped, looked at Li Feng and wondered, "What's the matter?"

Li Feng was a little embarrassed and said, "I said, if I take away the holy flame of the Divine Fire Dao Pavilion......

" "Well done!"

Emperor Yan directly patted Li Feng on the shoulder and laughed: "That stingy ghost of the Fire God is definitely going to be angry to death this time."


Moreover, Dongying has been sending agent trainers to steal our country's resources, and there are not a few people who have been caught by us, this kind of thing is very common between countries, and it is not a big deal.

"However, before you have the strength to deal with the Vulcan Heavenly King, you will have to avoid him, there will be no problems on the part of the state, but personal grievances will not be certain. Li

Feng is afraid of the pursuit at the national level, which is a troublesome matter in his opinion.

As for the anger of the Vulcan Heavenly King, then there is no need to worry, anyway, he has already made up his mind, and if his strength is not enough, he can just hide from the Vulcan Heavenly King.

"That's fine. Li Feng was relieved.

Emperor Yan: "However, in this case, you have to go back to Donghuang, and you will not be able to participate in the Evolution Secret Realm behind, because even I can't protect you twenty-four hours a day, and the sneak attack of a Title Heavenly King is almost impossible to prevent."

Li Feng explained: "Although the flame was taken away by me, it will not dissipate until a month later.

Emperor Yan was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and praised him: "Good guy, you can still do this kind of thing, it's not bad."

"You've got all the wool that is most suitable for you here, it's really good.

Li Feng also scratched his head a little embarrassed, but he had a different pleasure when he caught Dongying's scourge.

"However, the Yan Emperor seniors are specifically here to protect me?" Li Feng said curiously.

Emperor Yan nodded and said, "Let's just say that, you are the key protection object, and other students are also the protection object."

"If it weren't for you, it is estimated that there would only be a master-level trainer who would come to protect him secretly, and you should not tell your classmates, the school and the association just want you to be able to experience the warmth and coldness of human feelings, if you know that there is a heavenly king behind you, then there will be no grinding effect at all."

Li Feng immediately said that he understood, and at the same time promised that he would never talk nonsense.

The two of them chatted while walking to a café, and since Emperor Yan's predecessor didn't ask him to leave, Li Feng also wanted to ask a little more about the trainer's experience.

Li Feng doesn't like to drink bitter coffee, so he ordered a raw coconut latte.

"Senior Ye, can I ask, why is the battle between you and the Fire God Heavenly King just now different from what I imagined

?" Emperor Yan sighed and said, "What's the difference?"

So, Li Feng said his opinion.

Although both the Fire God Heavenly King and the Yan Emperor used elven skills, this elf skill was not at all what Li Feng knew.

You tell me that the energy body that was born from the sea of fire is the Night Shadow

?Are you sure that thing is not called Susanoh or an apostle or something?

Emperor Yan smiled and explained, "You are talking about

a combination technique?" "Normally, a combination technique is not something you can touch at this stage, but it doesn't hurt to understand it. "

You should know the skill proficiency, right?"

Li Feng nodded.

"Combo skills are actually a combination of skills and characteristics after the skill proficiency reaches a high enough level, or a combination of two or more skills. "

Skill proficiency levels are introductory, proficient, proficient, top-notch, and superb.

"The entry level is obviously just learning a skill, and proficiency is the ability to use a certain skill proficiently, and these two levels are basically inevitable as long as you spend a little time.

"The upper mastery level requires certain training skills and resource cooperation to achieve, and the skills that reach the mastery level will have the use of swiftness and fierce form, and how to use it depends on the combat situation.

"In addition to this, mastery-level skills will also start to involve a whole new concept, which is the prototype technique. "

The so-called rudimentary technique is to change the use of skills to a certain extent, which is a branch usage of swift and fierce forms, such as those fire skills used by your little fire dragon belong to rudimentary skills, although the power will not change much, but it is better to change. "

The top level of proficiency above the skill proficiency level will make the skill obtain a specialization effect, and the direction of this specialization is like a fire move that will have a burst nature, a high temperature nature, a burning nature, etc., and the elves can choose the direction of specialization in combination with their own cultivation ideas, and the effect of specialized moves. Hearing

this, Li Feng understood very well, because his current elf skills were all at this level, but what was going on. He didn't understand.

Emperor Yan saw that Li Feng didn't ask, so he continued to explain: "Finally, if the skill proficiency reaches the level of supernatural ability, at this time, the elves can almost be said to turn a certain skill into instinct, in this case, optimizing the move to make it more compatible with oneself can increase the combat effectiveness very well."

"But this is actually just a high-level use of the prototype technique, the so-called combination technique is to combine skills with supernatural proficiency to produce the same effect as a chemical reaction, so that the two skills increase each other, so as to form a combination technique.

"Like the Night Demon of the Fire God Heavenly King, it seems that there is only one Night Demon Shadow, but in fact, it is at least a combination of the Fire Abyss, the Night Demon Shadow and its own ignition characteristics, and the final Night Demon Shadow is under multiple amplifications, and you can also see its horror. "

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