Yandi Ye Yan took out two Poké Balls, one of which withdrew the crystal lamp fire spirit, and the other released his trump card.

The roar of the tiger made the eardrums of everyone watching the battle hurt.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger did not release a monstrous sea of fire like the Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit, but stood in place with a cold expression and looked at the Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit quietly.

"It seems that this flame has given you the courage to challenge me.

"Today, I'll let you see, what is the first blazing

roaring tiger in the universe!" Yan Emperor Ye Yan waved his hand, and after the blazing roaring tiger roared, the golden belt on his waist condensed an extremely high temperature flame, and in the next second, the flame condensed into a vortex form and sprayed out!

The sea of fire built on the basis of the abyss of fire rolled endlessly as if it had come to life, and then the terrifying momentum

condensed in the sea of fire, and a purple energy body slowly stood up as if it was born from the sea of fire! The night demon

shadow! The energy body completely wrapped the crystal lamp fire spirit, and the dark night shadow giant shadow that condensed the purple flame clenched his fist and blasted out with a punch with the scorching wind!

Did this guy finally use this trick after fusing the Holy Flame?"

Yan Emperor Ye Yan was also a little surprised, the strength of this flame carrying a conscious life form made him frightened.

"The Fire God Heavenly King is invincible

!" "Knock down that Donghuang guy!" Several Dongying

trainers who were originally in the Holy Fire Ladder cheered for the Fire God Heavenly King, and in their eyes, Li Feng and Yan Emperor Ye Yan were intruders.

"Look at it, you can learn a lot from this level of fighting.

Li Feng hugged the little fire dragon and asked him to focus a little.

The little fire dragon was completely shocked at this time, is this the strength of the Heavenly King-level elves

? Moving mountains and reclamation is nothing more than that, right?

Can he reach this level in the future?"

Yan Emperor Ye Yan, who had his hands in his pockets, had an expression that he had had enough.

"I had my hands in my pockets that year, and I didn't know what an opponent was. "

Li Feng: ......

Is it really good for you to skillfully rob others and pretend to be forceful?

A strong flame erupted from the Blazing Roaring Tiger's body, this kind of flame was completely different from ordinary flames, this was a kind of flame with a purifying aura, a terrifying flame that burned everything, purified everything!

It was extremely mysterious, and the moment the flames that burned everything erupted from the Blazing Roaring Tiger's body, the originally fierce and furious monstrous purple sea of fire suddenly withered.

The Vulcan Heavenly King looked incredulous and shouted "Eight Possibilities!" frantically.

He was using the Holy

Fire of the Fire God! How could there be a flame more terrifying than

the Divine Fire of Fire! This is completely impossible!

Li Feng was shocked when he saw the flames coming out of the Blazing Roaring Tiger's body, this Nima is

the Divine Fire?! It contains the property of purifying everything, this should be a mutilated version of the Divine Fire.

If it is the sacred fire of the Phoenix King, there should still be a feeling of revival of all things, but this flame of the Blazing Roaring Tiger only has the feeling of purifying everything and burning everything.

This time it's

really the power of the Emperor of Yan VS the power of the God of Fire.

Could it be that Donghuang has already discovered the power of the Three Holy Dogs?

As for flames, even if they can't fly primitively, they have to stand aside

in front of the Feng King, this is the forced nature of the Divine Fire! The flame of your flame bird is nothing in front of the real Holy Fire!

Even if this is a mutilated version of the Divine Fire, it is not something that the flame of a second-level god can touch porcelain.

This is the absolute suppression of authority!The

blazing roaring tiger roared at me, and the divine fire that erupted with the fierce fire gave it a terrifying explosive power.

With a bang, a crimson figure rushed towards the sky, and the high-temperature air flow pulled out by the crimson figure instantly split the purple sea of fire into two halves

! The energy giant formed by the Night Demon Shadow condensed a strange light, and once again carried the flame of the Fire God and blasted out directly

! The roaring flame energy tiger head was like a fierce tiger descending from the mountain, and the hungry tiger pounced, opening its bloody mouth and directly biting the Night Demon Shadow's fist!

The purifying flames, along with the energy of the Night Shadow and the purple flames, were completely purified.

A strange sight appeared in front of everyone

, the flames were burned by the flames! The flame tiger head formed by the flash flame charge gnawed away the energy body formed by the night demon shadow as if it was hunting!

The energy body that was united with the spirit was destroyed in this way, and the spirit of the crystal lamp fire spirit instantly withered, and at the same time, the eyes looked at the blazing roaring tiger with only a look of fear.

"DD Golden Hook Arm!" Yan Emperor Ye Yan gave the final Death Order.

The body of the blazing roaring tiger that rushed into the sky spun at a high speed in the air, if it was just that, it would be okay, but the spiral force formed by the DD golden hook arm erupted again with divine fire

! Fire Tornado!

Li Feng saw this spinning attack falling from the sky, and he always felt that his vision exploded.

Isn't this a battle

tornado?! The entire sea of purple fire was swept up by the fiery tornado of the blazing roaring tiger, and the extreme heat and destructive power shattered the Holy Fire Staircase!

The Fire God Heavenly King couldn't understand why the Sacred Fire of Fire was suppressed, but the scene in front of him had already made him have no time to think about it.

"Overheating!" Although

the Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit was afraid, it also knew that if it didn't block the Blazing Roaring Tiger's move, it would definitely be miserable.

The Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit with the characteristics of ignition manipulated the Divine Fire of Fire to combine with its own flame again, and the fire energy that had been contained in its body completely exploded at this moment.

The candle flame above his head swelled and condensed into a

flame of an immortal bird, and then the flame of the immortal bird soared into the sky, flying towards the fire tornado with a high birdsong!!

! The collision of the fire tornado and the flame of the immortal bird, the crazy strangulation of the two fire energy, the entire Divine Fire Dao Hall was shaken by this terrifying energy collision.

"Won. Li Feng could clearly see that the flames of the immortal bird were getting smaller and smaller as they were strangled by the fire tornado.

The last unwilling chirp of the immortal bird was completely torn apart by the blazing roaring tiger.

At this time, the crystal lamp fire spirit had long been exhausted in energy and spiritual power.

In the face of the fiery roaring tiger's fire tornado, there is no way to deal with it.

After the fire tornado dissipated, the crystal lamp fire spirit that was completely devoured by the fire tornado lost even the ability to maintain its levitation, and fell directly from the sky.


With the same title Heavenly King, the same fire system, and even the Fire God Heavenly King also used the Holy Fire of Fire at home, and in this case, he was actually crushed by Emperor Yan.

This is still the Yan Emperor after the death of the absolute trump card Charizard, and at this time, Li Feng also somewhat understands why Ye Yan can be called the Yan Emperor.

This fire system attainment is terrifying!

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