Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 178

"Elite-level mongoose chopping, there are actually so many!" Chen Yi was also extremely surprised, it seems that the mongoose slashes here are really developing very well, there are so many meerkata slashes, their strength is really not weak, at least these elite-level trainers here really do not have the certainty that they can defeat them stably.

Just as Chen Yi was thinking, the meerkat slashes that sneaked out of the woods not far away were already roaring and rushing towards them, and at the first time, the trainers who remained here were all directing their Pokémon to fight with these mongoose slashes, and Anluo who was beside Chenyi also took her brother to send her Pokémon to fight with two mongoose slashes.

Chen Yi also let the electric shock monster participate in the battle at the first time, the number of elite-level meerkat slashes is not very large, Chen Yi is enough to deal with it after sending the electric shock monster, and his eyes at this time are looking at the center of the lake not far away, I don't know if it is an illusion, he can feel a trace of breath there.

"Thanks for the help!" When an elite-level trainer saw the electric shock monster that helped him, he looked at Chen Yi, who was obviously this electric shock monster on the side, and said thankfully.

"Don't care!" Chen Yi didn't care, his eyes were still looking at the clearing in the middle of the lake.

At this time, it seems that there are also two elite trainers who freed their hands and discovered the strange place in the middle of the lake at the same time, and immediately sent their two low-level elite-level Pokémon towards that place, but when the two low-level elite-level stepped into that clearing, an extremely large figure appeared in front of them instantly, the white figure, sharp eyes, is still a mongoose chop, but the meerkat slash that appears at this time is more powerful, and two tearing claws are used, It is to knock those two low-level elite-level Pokémon out.

"Whoops!! Immediately, his figure fell directly to the open space where the melee was taking place at this time, and the moment the earthquake shook, the powerful momentum belonging to this mongoose slash spread, and at the same time, some Pokémon that were fighting were affected by his aftermath and flew out upside down in an instant.

When this mongoose chop appeared in everyone's sight, everyone was shocked!

This mongoose chop was actually more than twice as large as the average size of a mongoose chop, it was really very large, and with the sound of his roar, the powerful pale yellow aura that spread from his body and enveloped himself also made those trainers around him tremble.

Many Pokémon in this clearing that were still fighting were immediately divided into two parts at this time.

Those mongoose slashes immediately concentrated behind this powerful mongoose slash in an instant, and the Pokémon of those trainers who stopped fighting could only return to their respective Pokémon, which also included Chenyi's electric shock monsters.

"This mongoose chop, it's so special!" Looking at the oversized mongoose chopping that appeared here at this time, his eyes narrowed and he muttered.

This exaggerated body shape, as well as the color aura that covered the body of this mongoose chopper, made Chen Yi quickly think of something, that kind of thing is also found in the Alora area like ice, is a powerful ability called the hegemonic aura, Pokémon with the hegemonic aura are all without exception can improve their own abilities, and the specific image shown seems to be no different from the current meerkat chop.

"This is... Is this meerkat chopping the leader of the population? A trainer muttered beside him.

"Isn't it the chief? Whether it's size, momentum, or exaggerated strength... I can't even detect the true strength of this mongoose! It seems that it has already reached the high elite level or above, no, the peak elite level is very likely! "The same elite trainer who responded to the previous trainer.

"Peak elite level!? This... How to fight this!? Soon another trainer said.

"What are you afraid of, we have so many elite-level Pokémon here..."

"But so many elite-level meerkat slashes behind that mongoose slash leader are not decorations!" And humane.

The surrounding discussion was a little chaotic, but Chen Yi was clear, the trainer here did not seem to care about the hegemonic aura covering the mongoose chop, and seemed to think that it was just the powerful momentum of the mongoose slash leader on the opposite side, of course, from a certain definition, the hegemonic aura can indeed be explained in this way.

"What to do, that mongoose chop is a little too strong! It feels like we don't have anyone here to compete with him! If you send a lot of Pokémon to stop the meerkat leader, the battle with those elite-level meerkat slashes will not work! "

"Otherwise, let's retreat! Anyway, don't talk about the round land shark and flash Chillulian here, there is not even a rare Pokémon, except for the mongoose chop or the mongoose chop! "

"The problem is, it doesn't seem like we can walk now!"

Everyone's eyes were a little nervous to look at the meerkata leader who seemed to be extremely angry not far away, and the discussion sounded again.

"The mongoose leader is handed over to me! Go ahead and deal with those elite mongoose! At this moment, a young man's voice sounded among them, and immediately, many trainers here focused their eyes on the young man who walked out of the crowd at this time, and then, everyone was stunned, their eyes full of doubt and surprise.

This child is not even an adult, why does he dare to say such words that are like looking for death?

"Chenyi, what are you talking about! Do you think that low-level elite-level electric shock monster of yours can stop that mongoose slashing leader? At this time, An Lu, who was standing behind Anluo, said.

At this time, Chen Yi did not pay attention to this waste firewood, his original purpose here was to defeat the leader of the mongoose slash, to completely solve all the previous grievances, and at this time, he naturally would not let go.

"There's no time for you to think now!" The corners of his mouth floated slightly, the high-level ball in his hand instantly enlarged, Chen Yi walked out of the crowd, and the words in his mouth seemed to be said to the many trainers in the rear, but his eyes were directly across the space and pointed directly at the meerkat leader who stood in front of many elite-level meerkats.

At this time, it seemed to confirm Chen Yi's words, accompanied by a low roar of the mongoose slash leader, many elite-level mongoose slashes that were originally concentrated around him rushed directly towards the people here, and finally, even the meerkat slash leader was full of rich overlord aura towards Chen Yi. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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