Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 177

Originally, the trainers near this forest were attacked by mongoose chopping, although this is the meerkat chopping forest, but the number is inevitably too much, many trainers have fled in embarrassment, and some of them have been injured.

However, for the really powerful trainers, just these mongoose slashes cannot hinder them.

Chen Yi held the little flame monkey in his arms, let the electric shock monster open the way in front, maintained a certain speed towards the depths of the forest, to be honest, now the sudden appearance of a large number of meerkat chops did not waver in the slightest idea of going to the depths of the meerkat chopping forest, but it was more intense, after all, there is always a reason for everything, Chen Yi wanted to know what happened in the meerkat chopping forest.

"But it's not without a reason..." Chen Yi avoided the attack of a mongoose slash, and immediately the electric shock monster beside him was an extremely decisive lightning fist to knock the latter away, Chen Yi landed on the ground, his eyes looked ahead, and muttered in his heart.

The number of meerkat chops is so large, indicating that the number of meerkat chops reproduction and death is not proportional, and the reason for this is that Chenyi is somewhat understood, the meerkat chop this kind of Pokémon has its own mortal enemy, there is no mistake, the sworn enemy of the mongoose chop is the rice spoon snake, in the life and death battle with the rice spoon snake, reproduction and death, this seems to be the rule, and here, Chen Yi just saw the mongoose chop, as for the rice spoon snake... Chen Yi had never seen it at all.

Therefore, the mongoose chopping without the sworn enemy is naturally extremely smooth here!

In Chen Yi's arms, the little flame monkey raised his head to look at the young man's serious face, and there was also a hint of unwillingness in his eyes.

He also wants to fight, he is definitely not the kind of Pokémon who watch other Pokémon fight and he is willing to be protected, so the current little flame monkey is really unwilling, but what is the use? His strength is destined to mean that he can't fight at all, and now he is no different from sending him to death to fight those mongooses, so even if he is unwilling in his heart, he can only endure at this time, but at this moment, the idea of wanting to become stronger in the heart of the little flame monkey has never been stronger.

Get stronger! Get stronger! He's going to get stronger! Is there any way...

The little flame monkey looked at the electric shock monster behind him that seemed to defeat two or three mongoose slashes with great ease, but his eyes immediately looked at the boy holding him, and the idea that his heart was hard as iron was shaken, he was thinking, he, can you trust him?

Chen Yi didn't think so much, under the premise of electric shock monsters all the way, Chen Yi came to the depths of this forest very smoothly, but the trainer who came here at this time was actually not only Chen Yi, and the trainers around who had elite-level Pokémon also did not give up the idea of continuing to subdue the Round Land Shark and Flash Chillulian, and also came here, including the adventure team with Chen Yi, anyway, Anlu's strength is worse, but as the captain of that adventure team, Anluo, is also an elite trainer with good strength.

Of course, even so, she only came here with Anlu, and the remaining three were even less powerful, and for their safety, they did not come here.

The depths of the forest are not that towering. Some are clear lakes.

"Chenyi, why did you run like this?" An Luo saw Chen Yi who stopped in front of him, and took An Lu towards Chen Yi, Chen Yi turned his gaze and looked towards the two and found that An Lu's expression was a little wrong.

"I thought you were all gone..." Chen Yi did not take back the electric shock monster, and the little flame monkey at this time obviously could not leave Chen Yi's side, it was still lying in Chen Yi's arms, but out of hostility to other humans, the little flame monkey was facing away from the Anluo Anlu sisters and brothers at this time.

However, for a weak little flame monkey whose strength is only low-level, An Luo Anlu will not care.

"What do you mean to think we're gone? Don't you think my sister doesn't have the strength to come here? An Lu snorted coldly.

"I didn't mean that! But you really can't! Chen Yi's eyes narrowed, and there was also some contention in his tone. He feels that this An Lu is a little too much, even if you want to help your sister get back the justice of the previous Tianguan Academy, you don't have to target me many times, right? What's more, you are obviously an adult, but you are still aggressive towards an eleven-twelve-year-old teenager, and this kind of thing will make people feel ridiculous when they say it!

An Luo on the side was also helpless, she was naturally very aware of her younger brother's character.

However, anyway, this matter originated from herself after all, so she said directly to Chenyi: "Sorry, my brother has offended, please forgive me!" "

"As long as he doesn't talk much!" Chen Yi replied coldly.

"What do you mean I'm talking too much? Do you think that the electric shock monster that consumes most of your physical strength will be my sister's opponent!" An Lu sneered, he seemed to want to continue but was stopped by Anluo's eyes.

"Apologize!" An Luo said lightly to An Lu.

"I..." An Lu looked at An Luo, his eyes extremely complicated.

"Don't you even listen to me?" Anluo frowned, as if to get angry.

Seeing this, An Lu quickly shook his head, and immediately looked at Chen Yi, as if he was struggling, only to see him clenching his teeth tightly, and finally looked at Chen Yi and said coldly, "I'm sorry!" I was offended before! "

Chen Yi just glanced at An Lu, then withdrew his gaze, looked at An Luo, and said, "So, you guys are planning..."

"Yay!!" Just before Chen Yi's words were finished, a chirping sound suddenly sounded.

Immediately, those trainers here, including Chen Yi, all turned their eyes away, and were surprised to find that in the jungle around the lake, there were actually some white figures, and these white figures were naturally still mongoose chops, but compared with those previous meerkat chops, these meerkat chops at this time were full of differences.

"There is actually a mongoose chopping figure here!!"

"Be careful, these mongoose slashes are very strong! It's different from the previous ones! "

At this time, many trainers here focused their attention on those mongoose choppers, their eyes revealed some vigilance, and in the next moment, they were surprised to find that none of these mongoose slashes were weaker than the elite level. _

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