Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 162

The tricks used by the three mongoose slashes are all tearing claws.

In this regard, the figure of the ultrasound larva directly greeted it, the electric light flashed and accelerated, and the next moment, the bite crushing trick fell directly, and the torn claw of the mongoose chop collided directly, and after the explosion, the figure of the mongoose chop also quickly flew out upside down and directly hit the grass below.

On the other side, when Chirulian faced a mongoose chop's torn claw, the bright big eyes also showed a blue luster, at the same time, the mongoose chop instantly felt a pressure force, his figure stood still in mid-air, and immediately, as Chirurian's eyes jumped through a fluctuation, his figure also flew out instantly upside down with the first mongoose chop, falling heavily on the grass.

Finally, the battlefield of the electric shock monster, in the face of the torn claw of the mongoose chop, the electric shock monster rushed up, and immediately subconsciously looked at Chen Yi behind him, as if waiting for Chen Yi to give instructions, seeing this scene, Chen Yi shook his head and spoke: "Thunder and lightning fist!" "

"Ahh!!" The electric shock monster got Chen Yi's command, and immediately his right fist was clenched, thunder and lightning flashed, and a punch was struck.

"Aa The last mongoose slashed without showing weakness, and the imposing tearing claws fell straight down.

"Bang !!" The moment the lightning fist and the tearing claw collided head-on, the electric shock monster and the mongoose slash were deadlocked.

When they saw this scene, the ultrasonic larva and Chillulian both looked at Chenyi, as if they were asking Chenyi if he needed to step forward to help, while Chenyi shook his head and signaled that he didn't need to.

Tatsumi's previous instructions were one-on-one battles, that is, he would not command, and the Pokémon would fight autonomously.

This is also one of the purposes of his training, the strength of Pokémon cannot rely on trainers, even if they leave the trainer, Pokémon can be alone, so Pokémon's independent combat is also extremely important.

Perhaps this is a bit contradictory to the bond between the trainer and the Pokémon, but if it is only understood to make the Pokémon stronger, it is still easy to explain.

And Chenyi is holding this purpose, and from the previous situation, the ultrasonic larvae and Chirulian obviously understood what they meant, took the initiative to fight, and ended the battle in an instant when facing the three meerkats whose combat effectiveness was only high-level! However, the ultrasonic larvae and Chirulian themselves will also let them carry out some autonomous combat training in normal times, and they are Chenyi's Pokémon, so Chenyi will not compare the electric shock monster with them, so before, when the electric shock monster looked at him, he would give instructions.

However, he also said before that this is a one-on-one battle, so he will not let the ultrasonic larvae and Chirulian help the electric shock beast, and all the battles will be carried out and ended by himself!

This battle with the mongoose will also be a battle in which Chen Yichen will investigate the strength of this electric shock beast!

"Ahhh!" The electric shock monster clenched its teeth, and above its right fist, its strength increased.

"Aa The mongoose chop was a little unable to support, and his body gradually retreated.

At this time, the electric shock monster chased after the victory, the low roar fell, and the thunder and lightning fist blasted out vigorously, breaking the torn claw of the mongoose chop, directly hitting the mongoose chopper's body, and knocking it to the ground with a punch.

It's just that the mongoose has not lost its ability to fight, and the electric shock monster looks at Chen Yi again.

"One hundred thousand volts!" Chen Yi had observed this electric shock beast before, and Luke also told him the information of this electric shock monster and the tricks he had learned, so it was easy to just give a simple command at this time.

"Ahh!!" The electric shock monster got Chen Yi's command, and immediately roared, on his two antennae like radar heads, dense electricity emerged, and immediately released 100,000 volts, hitting the mongoose chop that had just stood up in front of him, this time, the meerkat chop directly lost its combat ability after the end of 100,000 volts.

After the battle, the electric shock monster smiled thickly and turned to look at Chen Yi, who also smiled slightly at him.

Although it can't meet his own requirements, at least this electric shock monster has worked very hard to defeat the mongoose slash, so Chen Yi is still very happy, although it is actually a very simple thing to defeat a high-level mongoose slash by an electric shock monster that has just entered the elite level.

"Aa After recovering from the near-death state, the three meerkats subconsciously turned around and left here, and in Chenyi's sight, they did not go back to their own nests, but quickly left the meadow.

"Isn't this their lair?" Chenyi muttered.

"Whew..." Then, some timid wild Pokémon slowly emerged from some hidden places. The slightly bolder Pokémon gradually approached Chenyi, seemingly talking to Chenyi.

"They said that those three meerkats before were bullies and seized their home, thank you Xiaoyi for driving them away!" In his mind, the crisp bell sound of Chirulian sounded, which immediately made Chen Yi abrupt.

"It doesn't matter! I would like to stay here for now if I can... Well, I won't bother you guys for long! Tatsumi said with a smile about a cherry blossom that came to him at this time.

"Shhh!" The cherry blossom smiled and nodded, and the surrounding Pokémon also made pleasant sounds.

It seems that he agreed, but Chen Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately remembered the three mongoose slashes before.

Just as there is a difference between good and bad people among humans, there are really evil Pokémon and good Pokémon among Pokémon, but Chenyi feels that among Pokémon, bad guys are still in the minority.

So, Chenyi settled on this grass, originally Chenyi planned to go to the cave, but since he knew that it was where the Pokémon lived here, then Chenyi directly built a tent on the grass and lived temporarily, Chenyi didn't bring much, but the necessary things were still brought, such as tents, damage, Pokémon food, energy cubes, communication tools, and so on.

After settling down, Chenyi began a training program for ultrasound larvae, Chillulian, and electric shock beasts.

The problem between the ultrasound larvae and Chillulian is not too big, and because it has reached the middle elite level, there are still some gaps in wanting to reach the high elite level, but Chenyi is not in a hurry, what he has to do at present is to continue to accumulate their strength in addition to basic training, and in comparison, there are many problems with electric shock monsters.

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