Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 161

"I'm sorry!" After Miki looked at Chenyi for a while, he said directly.

"Do you mean the past?" Chen Yi was stunned, then smiled and said, "Since you have decided to repent, then there is naturally no need to continue our previous grudge!" "

After speaking, Chenyi and Yueqing left here, leaving Miki alone, until Chenyi left, he turned his head and looked at Chenyi's back, the complexity in his eyes finally turned into a touch of relief and ease, Miki really repented! But after repenting, he was worried that Chen Yi would still not forgive him, he was worried that his classmates who had been persecuted by him before would not forgive him, so during this time, while training, he was seeking forgiveness, and now he came to apologize to Chen Yi, this is the first time, but he was forgiven for the first time!

That's right, no one will forgive him! This made him very uncomfortable, but now, Chen Yi is willing to forgive himself, which makes his originally extremely desperate heart gradually have a glimmer of hope, he will also go to apologize to those classmates who have been oppressed by himself, once no, then twice, three times! Until he is forgiven by everyone!

Chen Yi has indeed forgiven Miki a long time ago, but he is very much looking forward to what makes Miki seem to have changed as a person! He didn't think it was the matter that he lost to himself in the first place, I'm afraid there were other reasons for this, but Chenyi didn't want to understand, now that he had completely ended Miki's affairs, he was planning to leave the Heavenly Crown Academy.

Separated from Yueqing, Chen Yi returned to the No. 1 dormitory building.

The administrator of Tias did not look like he was on the first floor, and Chen Yi walked directly back to his dormitory.

Although they all went out to practice, Chen Yi did not choose to be with Yueqing, but alone.

If you want to go to the Tianguan Mountain Range to experience, in addition to some necessary things, Chen Yi will not bring other things, after all, he is going to experience, not to travel, after packing up things, Chen Yi left the No. 1 dormitory building, in this process Chen Yi did not meet Mingmei, let alone encounter anything, all the way out of the north courtyard unimpeded.

Outside the North Courtyard is actually the Tianguan Mountain Range, and after Chen Yi walked out of the North Courtyard, he came to a clearing in the woods, and then took out the Spirit Ball that Luke gave him before, threw it, and the blue light fell to the ground, and a huge figure appeared in front of Chen Yi.

This figure is the electric shock beast, the body of golden yellow and black want to interleave, as if it is an electric orangutan, extremely huge, at his butt there are two tails like wires, slightly swaying, from the surface, this is a relatively humble electric shock beast, and in fact it is true, this electric shock beast seems to know who the teenager who appeared in front of him at this time is, and immediately raised his hand and said hello more casually.

"Hello!" Chen Yi felt that this electric shock monster was very happy, and also said with a smile, "Your trainer will hand you over to me, you train well during this time, and you can go back in three months!" "

Although the electric shock monster is a relatively violent Pokémon, Luke's electric shock monster is different, and when he heard Chen Yi's words, he nodded honestly and showed a dumb smile.

After the greeting, what Chen Yi has to think about now is to start training, although the North Courtyard is in the Tianguan Mountain Range, but after all, it is an academy, there are many humans, and Pokémon will not be close to here, plus when the North Courtyard was built, it was also a big construction, so although the North Courtyard is in the Tianguan Mountain Range, it is no different from not there.

After returning the electric shock monster to the spirit ball, Chen Yi gradually walked towards the depths of the Tianguan Mountain Range, observing while walking, the two timeless tasks are not in a hurry for Chen Yi at present, the priority is to find a place where the electric shock monster, Chirulian and ultrasonic larvae can be specially trained.

Passing through a lot of areas along the way, Chenyi also felt that as he deepened, the surrounding environment seemed a lot 'wild', the smell of human beings became less and less, dense forests, trees, towering trees, lakes, all kinds of environments are 'wild'!

Chen Yi stopped at a meadow, there is a cold lake around the grass, and there is an endless forest behind, Chen Yi looked around, and found a cave that can be temporarily inhabited, and immediately decided to stay here now, at least in Chenyi's opinion, this is a more suitable place for special training.

"Aa Suddenly, a loud shout sounded, which seemed to come from the cave in front.

"Is it a Pokémon that live here?" Chen Yi frowned and muttered.

The next moment, in Chenyi's line of sight, three white figures quickly rushed out of the cave and attacked towards Chenyi.

"Mongoose chop!" For the first time, Chen Yi recognized the identity of these white figures, and immediately in the face of those mongoose slashing attacks, Chen Yi's figure quickly retreated with the blessing of superpowers.

"I don't know this is your lair, I can leave right away!" After avoiding the attack of the three mongoose slashes, Chen Yi dropped his footsteps, frowned, and quickly said to them.

As a last resort or for some other reason, Chenyi would not take the initiative to attack these wild Pokémon.

"Uh-huh!!" However, Chenyi's words did not seem to have any effect, and the sharp eyes of the three mongoose slashes stared at him tightly, as if they were ashamed that Chenyi had actually avoided their attacks before, and after a continuous low roar, the three mongoose slashes rushed towards Chenyi again.

This time, on the sharp claws of these three mongooses, a white light also appeared!

Rip the claws! At this time, these three mongoose slashes actually used a unique move to attack Chenyi!

"It seems that they can't listen to them when they talk like this!" Chen Yi gritted his teeth, and immediately threw out the three Pokéball balls around his waist at the same time, and various colors of light flung out, and immediately bloomed, falling in front of Chen Yi's body, ultrasonic larvae, electric shock monsters and the figure of Chirurian appeared one after another, and when Chirulian appeared, the familiar flash special effects were still dazzling.

"One on one! Go on! Chen Yi said indifferently.

At the moment when Chenyi's voice fell, the ultrasonic larvae and Chirulian rushed forward, and the reaction of the electric shock monster was a little slow by half a beat, and only after responding came forward to slash at the last mongoose.

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