Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 146

"The battle begins!" On the battle field, seeing both sides in place, the referee's voice quickly sounded.

"Ready to fight! Ultrasound larvae! Chen Yi's eyes narrowed, and without hesitation, he sent out the ultrasound larvae.

The blue light bloomed, and immediately appeared in the sight of all the trainees, and there was no doubt that it was the ultrasound larvae.

"Get on! Sea Hare! The elite trainee on the opposite side smiled coldly, obviously knowing that Chenyi could only send ultrasound larvae, and the sea hare beast sent at the moment was a Pokémon that was somewhat difficult for ultrasound larvae to deal with.

The sea hare, which has both contradictory attributes of water system and ground system, evolved from shellless sea hare, due to long-term geographical barriers, the sea hare beast distributed east of Tianguan Mountain is blue, and the west is pink. At this time, the manatee beast used by this elite trainee was pink, and it was undoubtedly subdued in the sea area west of Tianguan Mountain.

Chen Yi also narrowed his eyes when he saw this sea hare beast, everything that was difficult to deal with was based on strength. Looking at the sneer at the corner of the elite trainee's mouth, Chen Yi was also a little amused, did he think that just with this sea hare beast that had just reached the elite level with its strength, and even the lower elite level could have any effect on his ultrasound larvae?

"The battle has begun!" The trainee, who didn't know where he was in the spectator seat, suddenly spoke.

Immediately on the battle field at this time, more and more eyes were focused, accompanying the beginning of this battle.

"Ultrasound larvae, dragon's breath!" Chen Yi said calmly.

"Water Fluctuations!" The elite trainee on the opposite side smiled and seemed to give the order extremely calmly.

The ultrasonic larvae and the sea hare beast both released their own tricks in their mouths, the dragon breath and water fluctuations collided with each other, purple and blue energy rubbed each other and eroded, but in the next moment, the blue water column was gradually engulfed by the purple dragon breath, the momentum did not decrease, the thick purple dragon breath trick directly hit the sea hare beast, repelling the soft body of the sea hare beast, and the friction of the distance on the ground raised bursts of dust.

"Rush over and use the bite!" The moment he saw the sea hare beast retreat, Chenyi's voice sounded again.

Not far away, the face of the elite trainee changed and changed, but at this time, the figure of the ultrasonic larvae had already rushed to the body of the sea hare beast, and the huge sharp fangs formed by the evil energy were directly hit the sea hare beast, and the soft body of the sea hare beast was deformed under this huge bite force, and the bite exploded, and the body of the sea hare beast retreated again.

"Sea Hare Beast, use turbidity!" At this time, the elite cadet finally shouted out the battle order.

"Hypersound!" Chen Yi's eyes narrowed, and he said coldly.

"Oh!!" While repelling the sea hare beast, the body of the ultrasound larvae is already floating in the air, and when the sea hare beast at this time has signs of starting to use turbid currents, the ultrasonic larvae vibrate their wings and make a disturbing sound, but this sound is like a sultry whisper in the ears of the sea hare beast, and soon, the sea hare beast affected by the ultrasound is directly into a state of chaos.

"Final blow! Use Heavy Pedal! Chenyi's instructions fell again.

Almost at the moment when Chenyi's voice sounded, the body of the ultrasound larva fell violently, directly hitting the sea hare beast below, and the explosion was generated, carrying the surrounding dust and smoke, and when the smoke dispersed, the sea hare beast had already lost its ability to fight, and beside him, the ultrasonic larva indifferently vibrated its wings.

At this moment, the audience seemed to have some sense of silence.

It's not because the ultrasound larvae won the victory, after all, it's just the beginning, the ultrasound larvae are also normal to win, the reason why everyone present is a little speechless is that the ultrasound larvae win too fast even if they win, the most important thing is that the trainees here, the mentor seems to be able to feel the domineering of the ultrasound larva from the previous battle of the ultrasound larvae, that kind of you all think I will lose, but I want to break your domineering!

"The sea hare beast loses its ability to fight! Ultrasonic larvae win! After the referee reacted, some of them cursed themselves and said how they could be shocked by a medium-elite ultrasound larva, and announced the result with a serious face.

"Cut! It seems that the physical strength has been somewhat restored! Come back! Sea Hare! Although that elite trainee was also a little shocked by the previous ultrasound larvae, he didn't care about the previous shock after coming back to his senses, and after taking back the sea hare beast, he sent his second Pokémon out without the slightest hesitation.

"Get on! Queen Bee! The golden blue brilliance bloomed, and a queen bee-like figure appeared not far from the opposite side of Chen Yi and the ultrasonic larvae, this figure is the queen bee, the queen bee as the queen of the three bee population, her sex is only female, but it has both a worm line and a flight line, and that very slow speed, which is somewhat friendly to ultrasound larvae, and the reason why this elite trainee sent the queen bee is only because this queen bee is his trump card Pokémon, and the strength has reached the low elite level.

Obviously, after the sea hare beast was crushed by ultrasound larvae before, he also decided to change his strategy!

"Why do I suddenly think that Chenyi really has a chance to win?" In the audience, Audioko suddenly spoke.

"Not only do you think so, but I also think this way!" Thai Tie also shook his head and smiled.

"The battle of the ultrasound larvae before was too domineering! His strength belonging to the middle elite level has been revealed! Piri also had a light in his eyes and muttered, "It really seems to have a good battle with this ultrasound larva!" "

"Yes, yes!" At this time, Kak was already eating snacks, and there was some excitement on his face.

"The battle begins!" On the battle field, seeing the appearance of the queen bee, the referee's voice also fell again.

"Queen Bee, use the sweet aroma!" This elite trainee is not stupid, he also saw the domineering silence of the ultrasound larva before, what he has to do now is to reduce his fighting intent, so the sweet aroma is undoubtedly the best.


Seeing this scene, this elite trainee also smiled proudly, but his smile did not last long!

Because he saw that the ultrasound larvae in that sweet aroma were not affected by this scent that consumed the fighting spirit at all, and those eyes were still full of fighting intent and sharpness looking at themselves.

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