Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 145

Although those students in the viewing table admired Chenyi very much, they also felt that Chenyi should not go far in this elite student selection conference, and they all looked down.

As for those who look down on themselves, although Chen Yi has some understanding, he doesn't care at all.

At this time, he walked towards the lounge, but he saw a familiar back in front of him, it was bright!

"Long time no see! I didn't expect you to really participate in the selection conference of elite students! As if he had already guessed Chenyi's arrival, Mingmei turned around, those bright eyes looked at him, and said with some resentment, "I didn't expect you to be so powerful!" It also worried me for a long time! The ultrasound larva is yours to take at home, since he has reached the elite level, then your larulas should also have that strength! Maybe it's evolved..."

Ming Mei didn't know that Chenyi's Lalula had evolved, and Chenyi hadn't told her before.

And in the previous month, while Chen Yi trained hard, Ming Mei seemed to be training alone, and the two were indeed just as Ming Mei said, long time no see!

Chen Yi looked at Mingmei's little eyes staring at her resentment, and she was also a little embarrassed, and then said with a smile: "En! Larulas' words... Has evolved into Chillulian! There are other factors to participating in the selection meeting of elite cadets..."

"I know!" After getting Chen Yi's reply, the bright complexion changed very quickly, and the original resentful look disappeared directly, revealing an extremely happy look, and said to Chen Yi, "In this way, it would be better!" "

"Then I'll go first!" Chen Yi smiled and said.

"Well! At that time, the selection conference of elite students should be cheered! Ming Mei said with a smile.

Chen Yi has already walked away, when he heard her words, Chen Yi raised his hand and waved, and looking at Chen Yi who was walking farther and farther, the smile on his bright face gradually dissipated, and then replaced by some helplessness, this teenager has completely surpassed her! But that's a good thing, isn't it?

Along the way, Chen Yi also met Luo He, the top of the elite trainees, Luo He also knew that Chen Yi participated in the elite student selection conference, similarly, he was also kind enough to encourage Chen Yi, and also told Chen Yi not to be nervous because of the external decline, after all, he knew very well that Chenyi's strongest Pokémon was not the ultrasonic larva, but the superpower was exaggerated Chirulian!

Back in the lounge, those elite trainees in it looked at their sight without those disdains, but there was not much nervousness, after all, outside in Chuan Chenyi there is only one ultrasonic larvae that can fight the limelight, they can't not know, plus Chenyi did not refute it, they felt that it was true.

What is the use of your ultrasound larva no matter how powerful, how much physical strength do you have to fight until now?

"Back?" On the sofa in the corner, Yueqing looked at Chenyi and smiled slightly.

"Yes!" Chen Yi sat directly next to Yueqing, and even closed his eyes, as if he was sleeping.

Yueqing on the side found that Chenyi's actions did not disturb Chenyi, she felt that Chenyi might also feel very tired, after all, it was the battle of elite trainees, and it was normal to be mentally exhausted in that kind of place where the line of sight was concentrated. But how could Yueqing know that Chenyi was just meditating, and meditation and improving his spiritual power had long become a habit that Chenyi could not live without.

Chen Yi has never felt how powerful he is!

Now this somewhat paranoid attitude of the ultrasound larvae more or less affects him, and Chen Yi does not care about the things that are being rumored by the outside world, he just feels that his ability also needs to be improved, so he strives for every minute and every second to meditate.

Just as the ultrasound larva wanted to prove with his own strength that even if it was only him, he could also help Chenyi stand among the seven elite trainees who represented the North Academy to participate in the Four Academy Assembly, Chenyi also wanted to use his ability to help his Pokémon!

During this time, Luohe defeated his opponent all the way and became the first elite trainee to represent the North Academy to participate in the Assembly of the Four Academy, and then Yueqing and several other elite trainees who were at least medium-level Pokémon were also close behind, six of the seven positions were occupied, and the last position remained, and at this time, the battle belonging to Chenyi and belonging to the ultrasound larvae had just begun.

When Chen Yi came to the battle field again, according to the rules of the schedule, he needed to defeat three elite cadets in a row.

The strength of these three elite trainees is not very strong, but they are all elite trainees with low-level elites.

"Let's go!" Exhaling, Chenyi's eyes were resolute and he said to the referee that he was ready.

"Really, even luck is not on your side!" The first elite trainee who was Chenyi's opponent sneered.

Obviously, he also knows Chenyi's schedule, because the last three are all Chenyi's fights, and he is the first.

"Don't worry, I won't let you struggle for too long, because you will soon lose in my hands, so why struggle!" This elite trainee belongs to the type with a stinky mouth, which is referred to as liking mouth cannons, and after knowing Chenyi's 'inadequacy', he grabbed this insufficient crazy mouth cannon.

Chen Yi's eyes gradually became cold, but he did not speak.

"Hah! What I care about is really this advanced student! Although he will lose soon! But his strength is still very good! "

"As a senior student, I can do this point, which is proud enough!"

At the viewing table, many students discussed with each other, and the heat here was extremely high at this time, and even because of this, some instructors deliberately came here to watch the battle after that. After all, there are not many advanced cadets who can defeat elite cadets!

"Chenyihe... Really lost? Tai Tie looked at Oko beside him and asked.

"Not necessarily! If he has another powerful Pokémon...," Okko said helplessly, "If not, then even if that ultrasonic larva is a mid-level Pokémon, his physical strength will not be able to support such a long battle after that!" "

"Yes, yes!" Little Fat Kak is eating again.

"That being said, but I always feel that looking at that Chenyi's eyes, he doesn't want to end there!" Perry muttered.

"Definitely don't want to! But that's up to him! Can you break the downfall of so many people! Audioko said.

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