Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 444, Battle in the Black Market

As for the competition here, Yu Hai just watched for fun. He would not compete for the strongest of the same attribute. He came to the free competition area, where he could also place bets.

It was a pity that he could not put pressure on himself. The organizer might also be afraid that some powerful trainers would disrupt the game. However, he could ask others to help him place bets, and he had to find a trustworthy companion. He did not have such a companion at present.

In fact, the first three competitions could be bet on, especially the defense competition and the strongest attribute challenge competition. The higher the winning streak, the higher the odds.

However, he did not think about making money when he came here, but let Frog, Zubat, and Swampert try the water first. Forget about Gengar, how can the trump card be revealed!

Considering that this is a lawless place, he is still struggling whether to let Swampert play two games. After all, it is the three starters. If someone targets it, it will be troublesome.

It's better to take it one step at a time. It's useless to think more now. He still wants Frog to try the water because Frog is about to evolve. Frog and Hanhan will evolve in the past few days.

But he still didn't understand how to play the free match here. After watching for a while, he finally understood the rules. In fact, there are no rules.

Trainers who want to play can go up. The referee is the referee of the organizer. The rules of the battle are also very simple. Release the Pokémon together and attack together until the other party admits defeat. Taking back the Pokémon in the middle is also considered as admitting defeat.

No matter what kind of competition it is, the organizer will not personally participate in it, but the organizer is the trader, or the banker takes it all. No matter what, the organizer will not lose.

There are only two battle venues in the free match area here, which are originally opened for trainers to relax and entertain.

There are many venues like this on the open deck of luxury cruise ships. Although it is not the main business here, it can also be opened, but the oil and water are definitely not as profitable as other competition areas.

After watching several matches here, he found that a battle field was vacant and no one went up to challenge. He looked at the masked brother next to him, handed him a cigarette, and asked: "Brother, do you smoke?"

"No," the masked man next to him was a little puzzled, secretly sighing that Yu Hai was too familiar and dared to chat casually here.

"Brother, I've been watching for a long time. That person offered a price of one million per game, why didn't anyone go up to fight?" Yu Hai saw that the man was not very strong, why didn't anyone challenge him for one million per game.

"Well, that person is a bad boy here, and he has some relationship with the black market manager. Even if he loses, he will refuse to pay. Ordinary trainers dare not play with them..."

"There is such a thing? No one cares?" Yu Hai was shocked. Someone actually took the lead in breaking the rules. This black market can still be played like this.

"He's just showing off here. He'll know once he's been cheated. Anyway, don't play with them. He doesn't dare to mess around in the fighting competitions over there, the competitions with sponsors, and the strongest attribute challenge competitions. He's very honest..."

"So that's how it is," Yu Hai understood. If he was just cheating passers-by, he would have learned his lesson after being cheated once. Just remember that you can't mess with these people. If you lose, you can only bear it yourself.

But the other competitions are the pillar industries here, which are specially used to attract popularity and make money for the organizers. It's impossible to let such people break the rules. Moreover, they are too weak to play in the other competitions.

Although the organizer will also arrange its own trainers to snipe the defending trainers, as long as the organizer does not admit it, it doesn't matter even if everyone sees it. Anyway, it has nothing to do with the organizer. No matter who comes, they will not admit that this competition can be manipulated.

After figuring this out, Yu Hai asked again: "Brother, how many people are there?"

"Not many, just the two around the boy, and the lackeys behind him. As long as you don't provoke them, nothing will happen..."

"Thank you for the news, brother," Yu Hai thanked the strange brother. Seeing that the evil young man who had a bad reputation could not wait for a challenger even if the bet was raised to one million, he stamped his feet angrily, cursed inwardly and left.

After seeing the evil young man leave, some people came on the field one after another, preparing to reopen the market. This time the odds were much smaller, basically 100,000 per round.

Yu Hai felt itchy, and after a large armor defeated the Venus Flytrap, he walked up.

"100,000 per round," the trainer of the large armor saw the masked Yu Hai, just glanced at Yu Hai lightly, indicating that after 100,000 per round, he would stop talking nonsense.

"One hundred thousand," Yu Hai threw the money to the referee. In fact, this referee was not very useful here. He just kept the funds as a guarantor and occasionally maintained the fairness of the game. If there was a problem with the game, he could still find the referee.

"Please take back the armor and prepare to start the next game," the referee received the money, verified the authenticity, and raised his hand to signal the trainer of the armor to take back the Pokémon.

"No need," the trainer of the armor shook his head slightly and looked at Yu Hai confidently, which meant that he would not take back the Pokémon, and it would be okay to give Yu Hai some advantages.

"Challenger, please send your Pokémon, the battle is about to begin," the referee was not surprised to hear this. He was used to such trainers, blindly arrogant trainers, and he had seen a lot of them when he was a referee.

"Go, Zubat," Yu Hai saw that the other party was arrogant, and he didn't say anything. After all, it was the other party's own choice. If he didn't take advantage, he would be a bastard.

Seeing that the other party didn't take back the armor, he changed his mind. He didn't use Frog to fight this game, but used Zubat to test the water instead.

Zubat is now over level 30 and can be considered a good elite, but he has little practical experience, so it's a good opportunity for the big armor to have a try.

"Big Mouth Bat?" Dajia's trainer saw Yuhai take out the Big Mouth Bat, his face as black as the bottom of a pot. He didn't expect that the opponent was so shameless, and sent a flying elf to restrain his insect elf.

"The battle begins..." When the referee saw Big Mouth Bat, he couldn't help but smile. He didn't care about that much. He had already given him a chance and shouted to start.

"Dajia, get tougher," Dajia's trainer wanted to strengthen Dajia's physical defense because the upcoming battle would be difficult.

"Big-mouthed bat, hypnosis," Yuhai smiled, laughing that the other party only knew how to defend now, but it was already too late.

"Ah, ah, ah," the big-mouthed bat stared straight at the big armor below, and released a hypnotic wave towards the big armor from its eyes.

"No, Dajia needs to dig holes..."

"Kuo," Da Jia jumped into the ground and disappeared, avoiding the hypnotic wave of the big-mouthed bat.

Yes, the battlefield here is made of dirt, and you can use ground-type moves that are not very powerful, but moves such as earthquakes cannot be used, and they are prohibited moves.

You know, they are on a cruise ship, or at the bottom of the ship. If an earthquake occurs, it may not overturn the cruise ship.

"Big-mouthed bat, be careful, it will emerge from the ground..."

"It's now, Dajia, cast on the earth..."


Da Jia suddenly broke through the ground behind Big Mouth Bat, jumped up and wanted to catch Big Mouth Bat and throw it to the earth.

But the big-mouthed bat's ultrasonic detection had already captured Dajia's movements, and it just flapped its wings lightly to avoid Dajia's capture.

"Big Mouth Bat, Air Blade..."

"Ah!" The moment the big-mouthed bat turned around, it flapped its wings rapidly and threw more than ten wind blades towards the immobile armor in the air.

The air blade is a special attack. The armor did not strengthen the special defense, and was directly cut by dozens of wind blades. It fell from the air and passed out.

"Dajia?" Seeing Dajia's defeat, Dajia trainer gritted his teeth secretly and put away his big armor.

In fact, if Big A loses, it must be blamed on the opponent's arrogance. After all, the referee gave the opponent a chance, but it was the opponent who did not listen to the advice.

Dajia is already at a disadvantage when playing against the flying type. He had fought against Da Shihua before, and with double restraint, the opponent's Dajia would have no choice but to play with the Big Mouth Bat, and it would only be a matter of time before he lost.

"One more fight," the Dajia trainer threw another 100,000 to the referee, saying that he wanted to fight again, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

"Okay," Yuhai didn't go to withdraw the money. The two hundred thousand dollars were deposited with the referee, and he used the elf ball to take back the Big Mouth Bat.

"Hahaha, you're stupid!"

"I really don't know where this stupid young man came from. Do you really think you are invincible..."

"That's right, if you don't take back the elves and let them restrain themselves, they deserve to be beaten..."

The audience who saw this scene burst out laughing, laughing that Trainer Dajia was a big idiot.

It's better now. I lost a round because of my arrogance, and now my opponent is very cautious and doesn't give me a chance at all.

"Hey," Trainer Dajia heard the laughter, and his face hurt. He wanted to leave here quickly, but for the sake of face, he had to fight in the last battle, and he had to win back. After all, the money was given.

"Come on, let's place a bet. I'm betting on the trainer of the Big Mouth Bat..."

"Me too. It's rare to see such an interesting battle, so I spent tens of thousands to have fun..."

As everyone burst into laughter, the battle on Ukai's side began to gain some popularity, and the organizer's handicap also noticed them, because some viewers wanted to bet on these two people, and their handicap also got business.

"Please ask the two trainers to send out fighting elves," the referee saw that Yuhai and the two were ready, and raised his hand to ask them to send out the elves.

"Come out, Bi Diao..."

"Come out, big-mouthed bat..."

That's right, Ukai once again sent out the Big Mouth Bat, because after the opponent's Dajia trainer suffered a loss, he would definitely send out a flying elf to regain his place. Even if he was slowly grinding, he would still be beaten to death.

This is the advantage of flying elves. In most cases, only flying elves can break the situation. If you are not a flying elves, it is difficult to defeat flying elves. This is also a kind of reading first.

"Between the Big-mouthed Bat and the Big-mouthed Bat, BiDiao has a huge advantage!"

"Faced with this kind of raptor, unless a fire-breathing dragon comes, many flying elves will be at a disadvantage..."

After seeing the two elves, the audience outside the field were all analyzing the victory or defeat. Everyone was a trainer, and a lot could be seen just from the surface.

"Bi Diao, tear it into pieces with a flash of lightning," Dajia's trainer was angry and ordered Bi Diao to attack without even waiting for the referee to call start.

"Haha, I'm confused," Yuhai smiled silently and shouted to the big-mouthed bat: "Big-mouthed bat, find an opportunity to bite it with your poisonous teeth..."

"Ah," the Big Mouth Bat narrowed his eyes, opened his fangs and opened his mouth, looking at the charging Bi Diao with a playful expression.

After Bi Diao got close, it also flashed the electric light and came to Bi Diao's back, catching Bi Diao off guard.

With the same move and a similar level difference, the two flying elves have almost the same basic speed. It usually takes a long time to fight to determine the winner.

But the big-mouthed bat had a quicker way to resolve the battle. When it came to BiDiao's back, the big-mouthed bat opened its mouth and bit BiDiao's wings.

"Bi Diao, Steel Wings..."

"It's too late," Yuhai smiled. The opponent should first use tailwind or high-speed movement to accelerate before attacking, but unfortunately he was too impatient.

After Bi Diao is bitten by the venomous fangs of the big-mouthed bat, he will definitely be poisoned. He is still very confident in the poison of the big-mouthed bat.

After Bi Diao reacted, he used his steel wings to fly away the big-mouthed bat. The bitten wing suddenly felt severe pain. Bi Diao fell directly from the air and could no longer fly.

"Take Bi Diao for treatment quickly, otherwise Bi Diao will be useless," Yu Hai reminded the other person kindly despite having no grievances against him.

"You?" Dajia's trainer saw that Bi Diao's wing feathers instantly turned black and purple, and the black and purple color was still spreading, and he couldn't help but continue to hesitate.

If he dragged it on, Bi Diao would probably be destroyed. He quickly used the elf ball to take Bi Diao back and left the battlefield.

Hua Hua Hua——

After the Dajia trainer left, there were screams of exclamation from the audience outside the venue. The audience was shocked by the venom of this big-mouthed bat.

"Isn't this big-mouthed bat too poisonous? Just one bite and the eagle can't fly?"

"Yes, it stands to reason that a Bi Diao that feeds on Arbo monsters cannot only have this little poison resistance..."

"Indeed, it should be that the poison of the big-mouthed bat is too strong..."

Listening to the comments from the audience outside the stadium, Yuhai sighed in a low voice. The big-mouthed bat is the product of Team Rocket's experiment. How can the poison be strong?

He cut out two poisonous sacs for the big-mouthed bat, and then he could barely suppress the poison in the big-mouthed bat. Before cutting, the poison of the big-mouthed bat was stronger than that of the bad frog. There was no poisonous state at all. As long as it touched it, it would be violent. poisonous state.

After winning another game, Ukai used the elf ball to take back the Big Mouth Bat and continued to wait for the challenger in the field. If there was no challenger, he would have to come again tomorrow.

His purpose today was originally to train the bad frog, but now he has turned into a big-mouthed bat. He also used the big-mouthed bat to fight two games in a row. It was really unexpected!

However, after only waiting for half a minute, a masked trainer came on the scene and without saying anything, he lost 100,000 to the referee.

"Please send battle elves from both sides..."

Bang bang——

"Guagua," the bad frog finally appeared, and they also saw the opponent's elf, which was an electric elf.

"Eh-" The three-in-one magnet monster is the elf sent by the new challenger.

It is indeed a good choice to fight the electric type against the flying type, but Ukai does not use the Big Mouth Bat...

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