Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 443, The dark side of luxury cruise ships

On the eighth day of our trip to the Kanto region, it was sunny.

Today is the second day after Ukai and the others went to Ziyuan Town. After breakfast in the morning, they all went about their own business.

In fact, Yu Hai was the only one busy training, Xiao Ai was playing all the way, Xia Bo was on the deck to take care of Xiao Ai, and Wind Speed ​​Dog became Xiao Ai's full-time nanny. They didn't go anywhere on the deck.

After morning training and lunch, Yuhai continued to train the elves in the afternoon. The mosquito-repellent frogs were practicing new moves. The armored tyrannosaurus had been learning from Xia Bo's armored tyrannosaurus for the past two days. He did not disturb the armored tyrannosaurus.

The elves have not changed much in the past two days. Only the giant claw crab shed its shell again due to soaking in the hot springs, and its potential has increased a bit. It is possible to become the champion if it continues like this.

After all, other elves cannot shed their shells. Only the Giant Claw Crab can shed its shell and has the potential to increase in size, just like eating rocks. These are the elves' own racial talents and need to be developed by trainers.

In the following afternoon training, the elves practiced their new moves in pairs. Only when their proficiency is improved can they be used in actual combat.

After the afternoon training, they sat together and had dinner. After dinner, he said he wanted to go back to the house to rest and not participate in activities in the evening. He just watched the sea with a bad old man, so he was not so bored.

In fact, it wasn't that he didn't have any activities, but that he didn't want others to notice his activities. Uncle Xia happened to be taking care of Xiao Ai, but he didn't have time to pay attention to him. He locked the door after returning to the house.

He released Gengar, Orb Spider, Variety Monster, and Big-billed Gull, and prepared to take them to the underground battle arena of the ship to play.

They were on a luxury cruise ship that was more than ten stories high. Since there was a competition for trainers on the surface, there must be some underground gambling going on behind the scenes.

There are also elf trades, elf dueling arenas, contraband trade, all legal, illegal, and things not allowed by the alliance will appear underground.

In fact, it would be easier to understand if we change the name. In previous movies, underground duels, octagonal cages, and irregular life-and-death battles often appeared in movies. The invisible underground is a place of lawlessness.

The place he is going to tonight is such a lawless place. He discovered it when he wandered to the bar on the ship last night. He found that some people were not here to drink at all. After arriving at the bar, they went directly to the kitchen. .

He guessed that there must be a place like a black market here. The cruise ship should be divided into upper and lower floors. The upper floor normally receives tourists for entertainment, while the lower floor is the darkness hidden under the glamor of the luxury cruise ship.

He put on his backpack, let Gengar hide in the shadows, let the Variety Monster jump on his face and change his face, and let the Orb Silk Spider lie on his shoulders. He also hung a black faceband around his neck for easy access before he came. Go to the balcony and close the window, the big-billed gull sits and leaves the room.

The Big-billed Gull sat on the upper deck and came to the middle deck. He put away the Big-billed Gull and took the Orb Silk Spider into the elevator to the bar on the lowest floor, where there should be the entrance to the underground black market.

When he came to the bar, he sat on the bar. The waiter came over and asked him what he wanted to drink.

"Sir, what would you like to drink?"

He took out a five hundred coin and put it on the table, waved to the waiter, and when the waiter approached, he asked in a low voice: "I want to know how to get downstairs?"

"Sir, please come with me," the waiter immediately understood as soon as he heard this. He quietly put away the tip on the bar and took Yuhai to the bar kitchen.

"Sir, the entrance fee to go down there is 10,000," the waiter took Yuhai to the kitchen, reminded him, and left.

There was a man in a chef's uniform guarding the door. Yuhai paid an entrance fee of 10,000, and the man opened the door. He saw a downward stair passage, which was dark inside and only illuminated by emergency lights.

After he entered the passage, the door behind him closed. He immediately asked Darkrai to go down and see what was going on.

Not long after, Darkrai came back: "There is no ambush below, there are just many masked people..."

"That's it." When Yuhai heard this, he quickly pulled up his scarf and walked straight down. After going down three stairs, the lower part suddenly opened up. What came into view was a large square with many vendors and shops. It was simply It's just a small market.

Apart from people buying and selling things, the most lively place here is the underground duel ground. Even if he hadn't gone there, he could already hear the shouts there.

He did not go to the shops on the road, but went straight to the duel ground and watched the competition here.

There are several types of competitions here...

The most popular competition is the fighting competition. If the trainer can defend ten consecutive games, he will receive ten boxes of energy cubes or a bonus of 100,000.

If you defend for twenty consecutive games, you can get a random fighting type elf egg. If you defend thirty consecutive games, you can designate a fighting type elf egg owned by the organizer. You can defend from seven o'clock in the evening to five o'clock in the morning the next day. , you can get a bonus of 50 million.

There is no need to watch this kind of competition. Yuhai just understood the rules of the fighting competition and left.

It is possible to win ten games in a row in this fighting competition, win thirty games in a row, or even win until the next morning.

Forget it, even without the organizer's sniping, it would be difficult for an elf to persist in the competition. The organizer will not be stupid enough to release 50 million funds. The 50 million is just bait to attract trainers to participate.

In addition to the fighting competition, there are also some small competitions, which are similar to the small competitions on the cruise ship. Basically, they are held once a week. They are all small competitions sponsored by sponsors. When there are no sponsors, the organizer is the sponsor, after all, the atmosphere needs to be lively.

There is also the strongest attribute challenge here, and the strongest attribute winning streak record. Yu Hai saw that the holders of the winning streak here are mostly dragon elves, which is worthy of being the synonym of powerful.

Even the list of other attributes is occupied by dragon elves plus other types. For example, Dragonite, which is a dragon type and flying type, occupies the first place in the flying type attribute list, with a winning streak of 64 games and no defeat.

There is also Garchomp, which occupies the first place in the ground type list. On the dragon type winning streak list, all dragon types are in chaos. Dragonite, which occupies the first place in the flying type list, is also ranked third on the dragon type list.

Compared to the outstanding performance of the Dragon type, the Ghost type is much quieter, with only a few Ghost type Pokémon. The rest of the other attribute lists are similar, and the winning streak records are not as many as the Dragon type. However, there is no Fairy type here, probably because it has not been discovered yet.

As for the purpose of this list, it is of course a strong reputation. If the trainer wants the reputation of being the strongest with the same attribute, the organizer will give the trainer this reputation. For the reputation, these trainers will fight for their heads...

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