Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 410, Bounty is coming

It was almost six o'clock in the evening, when Ukai returned to the gym, he was caught by Atsumi.

"Where did you go in the afternoon?" Atsumi was waiting for Ukai at the back door. Ukai quietly slipped away during work hours. Isn't this a good opportunity for revenge.

"Master, I have a friend here and went out for a trip." Ukai didn't know what Atsumi wanted to do. Didn't Ada ask for leave for him?

"Why didn't you tell me? You went out without asking for leave. I just looked for you for a long time, how much did you delay me? Do you know?" Atsumi was already happy, secretly thinking that Yuhai finally fell into her hands, and she could finally A legitimate curse.

However, Atsumi's face was calm, even a little serious and angry, and she did not show happiness.

"Didn't I ask Ada?" Ukai saw Ada winking at him quietly from behind Atsumi, and immediately understood what Atsumi meant.

Ada probably didn't trick him, but if Atsumi really wanted to hold on to him, he couldn't help it. After all, he didn't ask Atsumi for leave before leaving, he just told Ada.

Probably...should...not be regarded as a real request for leave. After all, the leader has not agreed, and the leader has the final right of interpretation...

"I'm sorry, owner, I went to look for you at that time, but you weren't here." What else could Yukai do, of course, admit his mistake.

"Can't you wait if I'm not here?" Atsumi asked Ukai, feeling proud at the moment and thinking about how to prepare Ukai's dish next.

"I..." Ukai wanted to say something, but suddenly saw Atsumi raising her hand, blocking his next words.

Atsumi raised her hand and said: "Needless to say, absence from work for no reason will have wages deducted..."

"Um...how much will be deducted?"

When it comes to salary deductions, Yu Hai is really not afraid. Anyway, he is not short of tens of thousands of alliance coins.

"If you miss work for half a day, you will deduct one day's salary." When Atsumi said about deducting wages, she was still looking forward to the expression on Ukai's begging for mercy and asking for his forgiveness. It must be wonderful.

However, she was destined to be disappointed...

"Then dunk it," Yuhai waved his hand, not caring, and even wanted to laugh a little, the little girl was still so innocent.

He used the Poké Ball to retrieve a few mosquito-repellent frogs, and the trainers who taught the mosquito-repellent frogs all went back after saying hello to him.

After taking back a few mosquito-repellent frogs, he got on the big-mouthed gull and ignored Atsushi's threat to deduct wages. After all, his daily salary was only 10,000 alliance coins. He had just given Luoyan 600,000 in hard work, which was only 10,000 alliance coins. Sprinkle some water...

"Hello? You just left like that? Damn it!" Atsumi saw Ukai leaving without hesitation and didn't care about the 10,000 alliance coins. She really couldn't figure it out. It didn't make sense?

She couldn't figure out why it was like this, why things didn't develop as she expected, and the deviation was too big.

It stands to reason that Yu Hai is an orphan, so why doesn't he care about deducting money? Isn't Yu Hai short of money?

"Sister, the trainer hired by Brother Hai will be rewarded with 50,000 alliance coins for teaching him a move," Ada reminded her elder sister in a low voice after spending so many days with Yuhai. She knew the reason.

"I see!" After being reminded, Atsumi figured out why Yukai didn't care about the 10,000 alliance coins. After all, one month's salary was enough to learn six new moves.

The other party could spend hundreds of thousands casually, so how could he care about deducting 10,000 yuan in salary. In other words, deducting salary could not threaten Yu Hai. She had missed the value of 10,000 alliance coins.

"Sister, I saw that Brother Hai's elves eat all high-quality energy cubes. They train to replenish their physical strength with energy cubes. They are all high-quality energy cubes. Each elf can eat a box of energy cubes in one day of training..."

"You know how expensive those crystal-clear energy cubes are. They sell for thousands per box in town. Brother Hai also has so many elves. It costs tens of thousands a day. Brother Hai is not short of money..."

"That's right, why didn't I think of that," Atsumi heard her brother's explanation and instantly came back to her senses and understood why Ukai didn't care about salary.

The small amount of salary is not enough to support Yu Hai's consumption of cultivating elves. She just threatened Yu Hai with a salary deduction, which was really stupid.

However, when she saw Ada snickering proudly, her puzzled expression instantly cooled down. She grabbed Ada's ears and said angrily: "Who do you think Sister You is? Do you still need to remind me? Water Arrow Turtle's Notes Have you finished copying it? Have you been too busy recently..."

"Hiss, be gentle, sister, be gentle, I'm going to copy the notes right now," Ada was grabbed by the ear and immediately panicked. It's impossible not to be scared. This tigress is angry in her heart.

Yuhai didn't look down on the tigress's salary deduction, but in the end he took it all on his own!

Woo woo woo...

Ukai, who had already left, didn't know that Ada had resisted Atsumi's anger alone. He had already returned to the lakeside cabin, and Luoyan had also returned from shopping for groceries.

"Badadie, put up the barbecue grill," Ukai saw Luoyan sitting under the eaves, the vegetables and meat he bought were placed on the ground, and the elves on the grass were still playing.

"Starfish, mosquito-repellent frogs, take the vegetables and wash them at home..."

After giving the ingredients to the elves, he also prepared dinner for the elves so that they could have dinner together later. He also prepared a dinner for the Rockfall Elf.

After all the meals were prepared and placed in front of the elves, and each elf had a portion, they prepared to have dinner under the sunset.

The ingredients washed by the elves have already been sliced ​​and plated by Luo Yan, they just need to put them on the barbecue grill.

As the meat slices on the grill sizzled with oil, Yuhai's ice-cold beer collided with Luoyan's ice-cold beer.


There was a crisp sound of wine bottles clinking. Yuhai and Luoyan each took a sip and started chatting.

"Boss, these are one million mission vouchers. When I went to buy groceries, I went to the Elf Center." Luo Yan took out the mission vouchers from his pocket, and there were seven or eight of them.

The reward for each mission voucher is more than 100,000 yuan, and the missions are also sparring missions, protection missions, and missions to help conquer wild elves. Some missions are commissioned by Luoyan to pay others to release them, so that they can be fake and real.

You can't issue so many tasks by yourself, and Luo Yan can't enjoy the benefits of the Elf Center because of his identity.

Looking at the mission vouchers in his hand, as long as he has these mission vouchers, Yuhai can go to the elf center to hand in the mission at any time. However, it will take some time. The mission has just been released today. It is too obvious to hand in the mission now. It is too hasty.

"How are you lately? Have Team Rocket and Black Ship come here?" Yuhai put down the mission voucher and chatted with Luo Yan about the current situation.

"No, they probably forgot about me a long time ago. I don't have to hide. I also joined a small club on Jingan Island. I hide my identity and live in the club. I can also cultivate the newly conquered elves. I have calmed down..."

Luo Yan was very obedient, knowing that he couldn't take revenge now, so he could only quietly lie dormant and lick his wounds until the day he could take revenge.

"You didn't contact your girlfriend secretly, did you?" Yuhai laughed and teased Luo Yan. If Luo Yan contacted his crush, maybe the backstab would come earlier.

After all, the circle of Heavenly King is only that big. The black ship where Storm is located is just off the coast of Big City, Luo Yan's crush is a big family in Big City, and Yuzu Gym is right next to Big City.

Big City's major forces all have Heavenly King trainers in charge. There is more than one Heavenly King family in Big City, and there is more than one Heavenly King.

In a small place like Big City alone, there are five or six named kings, not to mention other islands, where there are at least one or two kings.

That's why he said that the circle of heavenly kings is so small. As long as there is some gossip, these heavenly kings don't mind giving face to their colleagues. It is a favor from the kings.

"No, I don't dare to contact her. I'm afraid that she will see me like I am now," Luo Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head. Now he is like a lost dog and has no courage to contact Ayan. He is afraid that Ayan will see his desolate appearance.

"Hey," Yu Hai raised his hand and put it on Luo Yan's shoulder, seemingly sighing, but actually he breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Luo Yan didn't contact his crush, he was really afraid that this licking dog couldn't help but contact his crush.

As long as the licking dog is still thinking about that crush, it will have the motivation to move forward. This is a good medicine that constantly spurs the licking dog to work hard, which is enough to support Luoyan for several years.

I just don’t know what Luo Yan will feel when I see a cuckold?

Collapse is certain, but with him holding her down, Luo Yan won't lose control. She's just a woman, not worth it...

Good-looking skins are all the same, but interesting souls can only be picked out of a million. When you have nothing to do, go wash your feet. It’s good to have a little more perspective...

"Boss, I know," Luo Yan also sighed. He must be patient now and cannot be careless because of temporary longing, causing him to lose everything.

He has lost many times, and the worst one was not long ago. He doesn't want to lose again. He has been losing all his life. He really wants to win once, even if Ayan looks at him one more time.

If Yuhai knew what Luo Yan was thinking, he would only lament that that woman was really a PUA master, who controlled Luo Yan so well that even he, the boss, did not dare to change Luo Yan's mind.

What he can't get will always cause turmoil. If he dares to stop Luo Yan, Luo Yan may turn against him and become a mortal enemy.

For Lick Dog, Bai Yueguang and his brother are even superiors, Lick Dog will choose the former without hesitation. There is no need to doubt this. I can only say that Lick Dog is damned, damn Lick Dog.

"Be careful yourself," Ukai said no more about the matter, but picked up the barbecue and put it in his mouth. He hadn't eaten barbecue for a long time since Sweet Orange Island.

Tap tap tap, tap tap tap——

Under the setting sun, Yuhai and Luoyan were eating barbecue and drinking cold beer. After the elves had dinner, some were chasing and playing on the grass, and some were taking a bath and playing in the lake. Everything was so peaceful and quiet.

Tap tap tap, tap tap tap——

Until the sound of rapid footsteps came from the jungle, breaking the tranquility here, the elf with good hearing had already looked towards the forest where the footsteps came from.

Swish, swish, swish, swish—

As the footsteps got closer and closer, the grass on the edge of the woods was pushed away. A bumpy figure broke through the jungle at night and fell on the grass of the wooden house by the lake. He saw the elf beside the wooden house in the distance, and... There are two Ukai people under the roof.

"Ayan, take him down," Yukai couldn't care less. This person dared to break into private property and saw so many secrets. This person could only die.

"Desert Dragonfly, Orb Silk Spider," Luo Yan heard and immediately rushed to the edge of the woods, letting the Desert Dragonfly and Orb Silk Spider pass by first, allowing the Orb Silk Spider to control the intruding strangers first.

"Acting Hall Master, spare your life, spare your life," the visitor shouted loudly and knelt on the ground without any resistance, letting the orb silk spider tie him up and being caught by the desert dragonfly in front of Ukai.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The visitor seemed to see hope after seeing Yu Hai. He struggled desperately and wanted to speak, but his mouth was blocked by the orb silk spider's silk.

"Boss," Luo Yan saw that the young man still wanted to resist, so he almost kicked him.

"Don't worry," Yu Hai raised his hand to stop Luo Yan from raising his feet, because he knew this young man. He also raised his hand and raised his index finger to his mouth, which was a gesture of silence.

It wasn't until the young man calmed down that he reminded him: "I will let you go and say what you have to say. If you dare to yell and scream, I will kill you..."

"Woo," the young man nodded quickly, indicating that he understood.

"Orb Silk Spider, untie his mouth," Ukai saw the young man nodding, and then asked the Orb Silk Spider to untie the spider silk from the young man's mouth.

"Acting Hall Master, save me, save me. I am being hunted by my colleagues. Both of my friends are dead. They are very strong and they came here for the meditation method..."

The young man who desperately shouted for help was the Gotha duck young man who used information to exchange meditation methods with Yuhai. The moment his mouth was untied, A Xiang told all the situations he encountered.

"How much do you know about the person who is chasing you? How much do you know about the person who is chasing you?" The moment Yuhai heard about the meditation method, the secret passage was troublesome again. If he had known it, he would not have exchanged it. This guy didn't cover up the good things. Be careful, you deserve to be targeted.

"There are two people chasing me. They are also bounty hunters. I have dealt with them before. Their strongest elves are two Gyarados..."

"Boss?" Although Luo Yan didn't know what the meditation method was, he also realized that the bounty hunter who came was definitely a formidable enemy. In his current state, how could he fight against the bounty hunter.

He only has a senior-level desert dragonfly, a dragon-type elf that is four times restrained by the ice-type, and a group of elite-level babies. Now is his most vulnerable time.

"It's too late," Yuhai shook his head slightly and looked at the woods where the young man rushed out. Since the young man could run here, the two of them were not far from here.

"How did the meditation method come to light?" Yuhai was also very curious. If you don't hide the good stuff, how could you show it off everywhere, for fear that others wouldn't know?

Axiang, who often wanders around in gray areas, as a bounty hunter, it is impossible not to know this common sense.

If it wasn't for showing off, how did the other party get exposed?

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