Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 409, Covered Insect

"Boss, I'm here..."

"Buy me a box of calcium tablets in town. On the road to Xiagan Gym, there is a wooden house and a lake. I will live there..."

After Ukai told Luoyan his address, he came to the battlefield and did not see Atsumi. He only saw Ada and his young cousin training elves.

He immediately found Ada and asked Ada to tell Atsumi that he had something to take off in the afternoon. Before Ada could react, he left the gym without saying a word. He came outside the gym, stopped the big-mouthed gull who was training, and returned. The lakeside cabin requires a large-billed gull.

"Aman, I have something to do in the afternoon and I need the Owl. You go home first and come back tomorrow." Yuhai waved to the Owl, got on the Owl and left.

Ah Man opened his mouth to say something, but when he saw that Yuhai had left, he could only take the big-mouthed gull home. It was still early, so he could go to the sea to catch two fish and go home.

When Yuhai returned to the wooden house by the lake, he had already seen the direction of the town. There was a small black spot coming towards him. That should be Luoyan. We would wait until Luoyan came over.

However, before Luo Yan could come over, he was hit and a small thing threw himself in his arms.

"Ku la kuo," Shui Yueyu hugged Yu Hai excitedly and refused to let go no matter what. Yu Hai could only hold Shui Yueyu in his arms. After not seeing him for a whole morning, this little guy became even more clingy.

"Okay, don't cry, it's not like I won't come back," Yuhai smiled, rubbed Shui Yueyu's head, and looked at Shui Yueyu with tears in his eyes. He looked quite cute.

When Baddie saw Yu Hai holding Shuiyue Yu, he also flew over and shouted: "咒咒咿? 咒咿咿?"

"A friend is coming over later, don't worry about it, just go and play by yourself," Yuhai knew what Bada Die was going to ask. They had been together for so long, and they could still understand this body language.

"Bah, bah, bah," Badadie secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that it wasn't because of Shuiyueyu that she came back. She no longer had to take care of the baby and could continue to enjoy sunbathing and sweet honey.

Not long after, Luoyan sat by the desert dragonfly and landed by the lake. The first thing he saw was Ukai next to the wooden house, holding a cute blue elf in his arms, which was a water leaping fish.

"Boss?" Luo Yan came over with Desert Dragonfly. They hadn't seen each other for half a month since the last time they saw each other on Tiangan Island.

"Ayan, come sit here," Yuhai waved to Luoyan, motioning Luoyan to come and sit under the eaves, and chatted about the recent situation.

"Boss, you want a box of calcium tablets," Luo Yan put down the calcium tablets, which he bought at the supermarket temporarily after hearing Yu Hai's instructions.

"Put it on the ground first and deal with it later." Yuhai took out a bottle of cold beer from the freezer and threw it directly towards Luo Yan.

Luo Yan sat on the bench under the eaves. He knocked the bottle on the armrest of the bench and opened the beer. He took a sip before looking at the water jumping fish in Yu Hai's arms and curiously asked: "Boss, This water leaping fish?”

"The elf egg of the storm," Yuhai also opened a bottle of cold beer, not hiding the origin of Luoyan Shuiyuyu, Luoyan was an insider.

"Haha, that guy is so unlucky," Luo Yan couldn't help laughing. He was very aware of the fact that Baofeng's home was stolen. This matter had already spread in the underground world. When he heard others talking about the news, he would always laugh. I felt so happy every time.

He heard that Baofeng had lost at least 300-400 million in cultivation resources, and he personally took some of the stolen goods. He felt that the amount was almost the same.

That guy Baofeng had tricked him. After that guy was unlucky, he almost laughed many times, but he couldn't laugh in front of others, and only in front of Yuhai could he laugh so easily. It was the boss who helped him get out of this bad mood. ah.

"Come out, water leaping fish," Luo Yan released his own water leaping fish, which was about the same size as Yukai's water leaping fish. The two water leaping fish should be very happy to see the same kind.

"Kuao la kuo," Luoyan's Shuiyueyu just came out and rubbed against Luoyan. He suddenly noticed that the Shuiyueyu in Yuhai's arms looked similar to him.

"Kuo?" Shuiyueyu also saw the same kind of fish for the first time, curiously looking at the same kind that looked the same as itself.

The two little guys screamed more and more cheerfully, and even walked close to each other and sniffed. Suddenly, their feet slipped together and rolled onto the grass. They completely forgot about their trainer. The two water leaping fish were playing and playing on the grass. What a joy.

"Everyone, come out." Luo Yan saw that the boss's elves were all curious and gathered around him. He also released all his elves so that everyone and the boss's elves could get to know each other.

The elves on the falling rock are: Dajia, Dandan, Trumpet Bud, Tooth Fish, Agate Jellyfish, Giant Claw Crab, and Duck-billed Baby.

There are also water leaping fish, Gyarados, Coco Dora, Little Magnemite, Little Fist Stone, Big Tongue Shell, Desert Dragonfly, Orb Silk Spider, Variety Monster...

"Sixteen elves?" Yuhai silently counted the elves in Luoyan. Only a down-and-out quasi-king like Luoyan could cultivate so many elves at the same time. The Cocodora elf egg was also hatched by Luoyan. Come out, this little guy is a big foodie.

After looking at these elves for a moment, he realized something and curiously asked Luo Yan: "You want to join the Sandstorm Team..."

"Yes, boss. As expected, I can't hide anything from the boss. I plan to cultivate Dajia, Dandan, Trumpet Ya and others openly. Shuiyue Yu and Coco Dora will go the same way as before. Team Sandstorm..."

Luo Yan didn't want to hide it in the first place, but after being seen out, he took advantage of the opportunity to speak out his true thoughts. He was also in the Sandstorm Team in Big City, but many elves died on the way, so he could only re-cultivate and join the Sandstorm Team again. .

"As long as you have your own direction," Yuhai didn't say much. That was someone else's choice and he wouldn't interfere.

However, the Sandstorm Team is at a disadvantage in the Orange Islands. It has no combat effectiveness in the sea. The desert environment on land has a lot of bonuses, but there is more water than sand in the Orange Islands.

"Boss, I brought the elves you wanted," Luo Yan released all the elves, then took out an ordinary red and white elf ball and threw it towards Ukai.

Ukai raised his hand to catch the elf ball, saw the elf in the elf ball, and opened the elf's panel.


[Attribute: Insect]

[Gender: Female]

[Potential: 51%]

[Level: 3.37%]

[Characteristics: Molting/1.13%]

[Mastery of moves: (Peck/1.21%) (Stare/1.11%) (Continuous Slash/1.14%) (Insect Cry/1.31%) (Acid Bomb/1.22%) (Insect Bite/1.14%)]

"The talent is not bad, how much did it cost?" Yuhai saw Wuyi's potential and was quite satisfied with this snail. However, he would not subdue this elf. He would only use it to assist the evolution of the small mouth snail.

The reason why he didn't just choose one was because he had his own considerations. After all, when it comes to swapping evolutions, who knows whether the two elves will affect each other.

If the potential of the other party is too low and affects the other party during the exchange and evolution process, then his small mouth snail will be useless.

In order to avoid such an accident, he would rather spend some money to buy a high-potential hyacinth bug than evolve a small-mouthed snail into a waste.

The same goes for the evolution of Slowpoke. If the potential of Slowpoke is too low, it will not be Slowpoke that feeds back to Slowpoke, but Slowpoke that feeds back to Slowpoke.

Judging from the evolution of the small-mouthed snail and the hyaline worm, the small-mouthed snail should have shed its snail shell, and the hyaline-mouthed snail has put on the snail shell of the small-mouthed snail, and the snail shell has become the armor of the hyaline-mouthed snail.

The small-mouthed snails and the hypsids may complement each other in the process of exchange and evolution, so the hypsids should also be cultivated, but don't take it too seriously and just let nature take its course.

"Boss, this capworm was bought from the breeding house for 6 million. The breeding house contacted the branch in Hezhong and transmitted it on the spot..."

"They said that this kind of insect elf cannot evolve. The store is only used for breeding, and it can also pass on some moves to future generations. They also said that this elf has good talent, but it is a pity that it is a female. Males are more expensive..."

"It's okay. If it can evolve, the value will be higher." Ukai put down the elf ball, feeling that six million is not a loss. After the evolution of the Gaigai insect, it is still a very good elf, with high double resistance and attack power, but it is a pity that the evolved type I haven't found it yet, so I can only take advantage of him first.

Then, he shouted to Baddie: "Badie, bring the elf ball from the drawer on your side..."

"Bah, bah, bah," Badadie knew that those elf balls were the elf left by the two old sixes that night. It immediately flew into the side lying on the second floor of the wooden house and took out thirteen elf balls.

"Thirteen elves, estimate the price," Yuhai asked Ba Dadi to put down the elf ball controlled by his mind power, and asked Luo Yan to estimate each one.

"Okay, boss," Luo Yan knew the boss's attitude very well, otherwise he wouldn't have made such a straightforward quotation just now. Gaigai Chong did spend six million, but he didn't count the errand fees, and he didn't dare to ask for errand fees.

He was willing to do things for the boss, but asking for a fee for running errands was too outrageous.

"Boss, these are all elite-level poisons. Moru moths, gas bombs, stink flowers, stink mud, giant sting wasps, and mouth flowers. The poison sacs and materials on these elves are still worth some money on the black market. , after counting this Paras that can be used as medicine, let’s count it as half a million!”

"This bibi bird and toucan are also worth two hundred thousand. Finally, there are the senior-level giant flower-eating flowers, Arbor monsters, megalodon sharks, and stinging jellyfish. They are basically common elves..."

"However, they all have senior-level strength. The purchase price of each one is around two million. Four elves are worth seven million..."

"Okay, and how much is that box of calcium tablets?" Yuhai felt that this estimate was based on psychological expectations. As for the price difference of hundreds of thousands, there was no need to care.

"Boss, the total of the thirteen elves is 7.7 million. The box of calcium tablets is 100,000. If you include the worms, the total is 6.1 million. There is still 1.6 million more..."

"Well," Yuhai nodded lightly, having no objection to the deal, and immediately talked about the third thing about asking Luo Yan: "Luo Yan, I came to you because I want you to post tasks in the elf center and get promoted. Elite trainers need an alliance contribution of 100,000 points. For that 1.6 million, help me issue a mission of 1 million in the elf center..."

"Boss? Do you want to take the path of the alliance?" Luo Yan did not doubt Yuhai's strength, he just felt strange. Logically speaking, Yuhai would be a guest wherever his strength was, and there was no need to fight against the alliance.

"What do you think of Team Rocket?" Yuhai did not answer Luo Yan, but asked an irrelevant question.

"It's very powerful. The Rockets are a giant." Luo Yan has a shadow on the Rockets. His downfall is because of the Rockets. He once couldn't even think of revenge. It was a kind of powerless despair.

"Haha, what do you think of the alliance?" Yuhai smiled and shook his head helplessly. He could hear the tremor in Luo Yan's voice. That was a fear that could not be overcome by time. It required facing the fear head-on.

"The Alliance? It's better than the Rockets. It's a behemoth that spans several regions," Luo Yan said bluntly. In his heart, the Alliance is indeed stronger than the Rockets, but he is not afraid of the Alliance at all, nor is he afraid of getting into trouble.

This is very strange in his heart, because he knows very well that the Alliance will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Even if it is a crime, as long as the crime is not extremely heinous, it will not be sentenced to death. At most, it will require labor reform.

But the Rockets are different. If you are caught, you will really die. Even if you don't die in the fight, you will die on the front line of the charge. A trainer like him who joins the team halfway cannot be trusted. It is often the Rockets and the Alliance. Cannon fodder for confrontation.

"Then how do you think the two compare?" Yuhai has made it very clear. If Luo Yan still doesn't understand, he can only say that this guy's imagination is limited and he has no idea about the benefits within the system and the benefits of joining the alliance. , or unable to join the alliance at all.

"I understand," Luo Yan was reminded by Yu Hai and finally understood Yu Hai's intention of joining the alliance. However, he was a bad trainer and had a criminal record in the elf center and the police station. It was impossible for him to join the alliance, so he did not think about it in that direction. .

But the boss is different. The boss's identity should be very clean in order to join Xia Gan Gym and not be turned away.

After thinking about this, he finally understood the boss's foresight. Although the league is terrible and has many injustices, it is still a force that surpasses the Rockets. It is a behemoth on the surface, not a gutter rat like the Rockets. .

If the Rockets were really strong, they wouldn't have to be sneaky, but would stand up openly and declare war on the league long ago.

It seems that the boss joined the alliance not only to find a backer, but also to take root in the alliance and work undercover in the alliance.

Don't forget that their organizational spiders have undercover agents in all major forces. After all, the Rockets have undercover agents, so the alliance also has the most undercover agents. Even the boss is undercover in the alliance. The welfare benefits of the alliance must be good.

"As long as you understand, one million tasks will be released separately. Just give me the task voucher. You should know what tasks are released?" Yuhai doesn't want to run around. The best tasks are simple ones that can be mixed up and fished. task.

"I understand." Of course Luo Yan knows what tasks to send. When the time comes, he can just break the one million into seven or eight tasks.

"It's past five o'clock. Let's have dinner here. Stay one night and then go back and have a couple of drinks later." Yuhai looked at his watch and found that it was almost dinner. He had to go back to pick up the elves and go to the city to buy groceries. Luoyan has two drinks.

"Boss, is there anything you need me to do?" Luo Yan did not refuse Yu Hai's offer to stay. After all, they hadn't seen each other for a long time, and he also wanted to have a drink with the boss.

"Go to the city to buy some food, have a barbecue tonight, and I have to go to the gym to pick up the elves," Yuhai said as if chatting with an old friend. Sometimes he really didn't regard Luoyan as his subordinate, he was just an ordinary drinking buddy.

It's easier to get along with each other like this, but he won't be polite when he orders the other person around.

"Okay, boss," Luo Yan sat on the desert dragonfly and flew towards the town. The elves he released before were not taken back. Since the boss didn't take them back, it meant that it was safe here and he could go shopping with confidence.

Watching Luo Yan leave, Yu Hai also got on the Big Mouth Owl and went to the gym to pick up some mosquito-repellent frogs...

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