Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 339: Surprised or not?

Chapter 339: Surprised or not...

On the twenty-third day of the journey north, it was sunny.

The weather was pretty good today, perfect for hiking up the mountain. After Yuhai knocked on the door, he saw Luo Yan, who looked haggard and rubbed the corners of his eyes with bloodshot eyes.

"You didn't sleep last night?"

"Boss, I only slept a little. I went to catch elves last night," Luo Yan instantly became energetic when he saw Yu Hai, and the previous fatigue was wiped away. He didn't want Yu Hai to see him so decadent.

"You only have five minutes," Ukai dropped the five-minute countdown and left the hotel corridor.

"Yes, boss," Luo Yan heard that it only took five minutes. He quickly went back to the house to dress and wash. After doing personal hygiene, he quickly put on his backpack and went downstairs to the hotel.

When he came downstairs, Luo Yan saw Yu Hai who was eating breakfast on the roadside. He ran over and ordered his own breakfast, and also paid for their breakfast.

When Yuhai saw Luoyan coming down, he planned to go into the forest with him after breakfast. The elves had also been fed breakfast in the room, and they were all in the elf ball, making it difficult to come out.

He only left Darkrai in the shadow to protect him, and the Variety Monster on his face. He did not release other elves around him until he met the Crystal Rock Snake.

He is not going to conquer the Crystal Rock Snake, and the reason why he still wants to search for it is because...

First, even if you don’t accept it now, it’s okay to go and have a look.

Second, in order to help Luo Yan regain his strength, I won’t go into details about this.

Third, although you can't raise the Crystal Rock Snake if you don't tame it, it's not impossible to tame it and you can use it to make friends.

This crystal rock snake is also considered a rare species among the rock snakes. It is also immune to the water damage that the rock snake is most afraid of. It is either a mutation of a special physique or a difference in regional form, otherwise it would not be immune to water damage.

This kind of rare elf should be the reason that attracts a large number of trainers. Otherwise, do you really think that the trainers who landed on the island are all for the glass handicrafts on the island? Probably only the crystal rock snake can attract this group of people.

For those who are enthusiastic rock elf trainers, the Crystal Rock Snake is as obsessed as Jerry's love for cheese, and is also very similar to the star-chasing behavior of some people in previous lives towards their idols.

This kind of enthusiasm and persistence for a certain item is easy for him to understand. After all, who is not a fisherman!

Everyone has their own pursuits. The world is still very tolerant, but it cannot tolerate criminals.

No one wants to whitewash criminals!

Not to mention the past life, he is indeed very tolerant, but all kinds of monsters and ghosts appear, which makes people angry and wants to go up and slap them twice. Unfortunately, hitting people is also illegal.

If you are lucky enough to conquer the Crystal Rock Snake, you can also use the Crystal Rock Snake to make friends with certain people.

Some of the people he was talking about were naturally trainers who liked the Crystal Rock Snake. It wouldn't be too much to trade an elf for a favor!

After all, the legend of this elf has been circulating here for so long and no one has conquered it, which means it is hidden very deep.

As for the legend of the crystal rock snake, there is no need to doubt it. They had asked the boss about it when they had breakfast just now.

The boss said that someone had seen a large crystal rock snake in a cave on the mountain. There was also a master glass craftsman in their town. The crafts made by that master were also unique in the town, but the master had died many years ago.

The boss was probably talking about the grandfathers of the supporting brother and sister in the anime. Ukai had some impressions of that episode of animation.

He also knew that Mr. Zhi and his friends saw the Crystal Rock Snake on a small island near Ponkan Island. After the tide goes out, a sand channel will be exposed, connecting the uninhabited island. The Crystal Rock Snake is on that island. In the cave.

This is just the plot in the animation. I don’t know if they are so lucky this time and can meet the big crystal rock snake. The Big Rock Snake, who has been living since his grandfather's generation, should be quite strong, and he must be at the senior level.

There is a crystal mine here, and there are a lot of crystal ores in it. If eating crystals can mutate, then there must be more than one crystal rock snake here, but a group of crystal rock snakes, and the probability of encountering it has also become much greater.

After breakfast, Yuhai and Luo Yan came to the beach. Before entering the forest, he needed to screen the wild elves that Luo Yan caught last night.

There are the most wild water elves. No wonder Luo Yan looked like he hadn't woken up when he got up in the morning. It turned out that he caught fish all night last night.

Among these wild elves, there were the most stupid ones, and I also caught several giant claw crabs.

When he saw the giant claw crab, Yuhai looked at Luo Yan in confusion, "Don't you already have the giant claw crab?"

"Boss, they are all caught randomly. I will pay attention next time," Luo Yan scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn't see clearly yesterday. When he saw the desert dragonfly knocked unconscious, he threw the elf ball to subdue it.

"Forget it, release it quickly. The talents are very poor, so there is no use keeping it." Yuhai threw the giant claw crab's elf ball to Luo Yan and looked at the other elves.

There are several starfishes, all of which have poor talents. There are also mosquito tadpoles, and their talents are not good. Onyx jellyfish, giant-tongued clams, long-winged gulls, fanged fish and other water-based wild elves all have average talents, and none of them are outstanding. All were released.

There are more than two hundred water elves, but none of them has a potential of more than fifty. The unlucky guy Luo Yan is also very unlucky.

"You are so unlucky. Release all these water-type wild elves. I'll look at the insect-type and grass-type ones." Yuhai threw all the less talented elves to Luoyan and asked Luoyan to release them into the sea.

"Yes, boss," Luo Yan honestly released the elves. He had been busy all night last night, but all of them were eliminated. Not a single wild elf with good talent was eliminated.

"Green caterpillars, green caterpillars, still green," Yuhai took out more than ten green caterpillars in succession, looked up at Luo Yan and cursed: "Why are you catching so many green caterpillars?"

"Boss, there are the most green caterpillars in the forest," Luo Yan was very embarrassed. He entered the forest last night and caught the elves when he saw them. He didn't think much about it. Even the green caterpillars were still conquered. He was not picky now. qualifications.

"Forget it, release them quickly," Yukai sighed, and continued to check the insect elves, and found that green caterpillars and unicorn worms were the most numerous. The base of these insect elves was large, but there were too few high-potential elves.

After looking at the insect elves, he then looked at the poison elves, Arbor snakes, supersonic bats, orb silk spiders and other elves, but there was also no high-potential elf.

Then, he looked at the grass elves, mushrooms, walking grass, trumpet buds, shuttlecock grass, lotus leaf boy, Paras...

This time I finally got something. It was a trumpet bud with a potential of fifty, which is not bad.

"Among these elves, this one is the only one with good talent. You can decide whether to tame it or not." Yuhai threw Trumpet Ya to Luo Yan and walked into the forest.

"Boss, is this Trumpet Bud okay?" Luoyan released all the elves he caught last night, took Trumpet Bud's Pokémon ball, and followed Ukai's footsteps into the woods.

"Okay, you have the talent of being the treasure of the store. Do you want to conquer yourself and think about it..." Yuhai waved his hand to Luo Yan who was chasing him to express his decision. He also took out a cigarette and lit it for himself.

Walking in the forest of Ponkan Island, he also took out the insect-type, poison-type, and grass-type elves that he wanted to release from his backpack, and released them in this forest.

This behavior did not shun Luo Yan, and he would later find Luo Yan to do something dirty. There were some things that Luo Yan could not hide from Luo Yan. After all, Luo Yan was an adult and was once the leader of the underground world.

Luo Yan was not bad in strength before, and his EQ and IQ were not low. It was impossible to hide Luo Yan. It was better to confess openly and honestly. We are all adults and there is no need to beat around the bush.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Luo Yan knew he shouldn't ask, but he was still curious. But after asking, he regretted it. He shouldn't know.

"During the black market turmoil you caused, I took the opportunity to collect some things. These elves have no value, so they were released here." Yuhai did not hide anything, but answered Luo Yan's doubts.

However, Yu Hai's words made Luo Yan embarrassed, because the turmoil that night was caused by him and his men.

"Hurry up and catch your elf. I got a lot of good stuff that night, and I need to use your channels to help me ship the goods." Yuhai still didn't hide anything and directly stated the purpose of his shipment.

"Don't worry, boss, I'll take care of it. I have acquaintances in Jingan Island and Penggan Island. I'm just delivering some goods, no problem..."

Luo Yan patted his chest in assurance and turned around to conquer his own elf. He was not stupid enough to question why the boss stole things. This was all normal operation. After all, no one has stolen anything before!

If you want to embark on the path of being a trainer, you must need a lot of resources to cultivate elves. If you can't make so much money through formal channels, you can only find a way in places like the black market.

If he hadn't followed the boss, the Boscodora elf eggs in his backpack, the Swampert elf eggs, and the 200 million in his bank card would all belong to the boss.

However, in order to help him regain his strength, the boss did not take away his things, and the money was not enough. Now the Yanyan team is gone, the territory is gone, his subordinates are gone, and the mine is gone.

Without these sources of income, the salary of 300,000 yuan a month for normal work is not enough to cultivate elves. He will also steal ore and go to the black market to compete for resources to cultivate elves...

He returned to the hard life before, which was how he came here ten years ago. At that time, he had nothing but a small fist stone to accompany him.

He was so hard and tired before, but he was able to come out of it. The situation now is much better than then.

He had nothing back then, but now he has more than 200 million in start-up capital.

Back then, he only had a small fist stone to fight with him in the underground world. Now he also has Desert Dragonfly, a senior elf, as well as the elf eggs of Kocodora and Waterleap Fish.

The most important thing is that this time he is following a mysterious leader. It will be difficult for him to fly even if he doesn't think about the future.

"By the way, Luo Yan, let me ask you something." Now that Yuhai had said it all, he simply asked about the high-level fire stone, "Do you know what kind of fire elf Baofeng is preparing to evolve?"

"Fire element? Fire element?" Luo Yan didn't know why the boss asked this, but he still recalled it carefully and thought of an elf, "Yes, I often see Baofeng holding a Vulpix..."

"Vulpix?" Ukai smiled subconsciously, understanding the use of the high-level fire stone. It turned out to be the evolution stone of Vulpix.

Seeing this smiling Luo Yan, he suddenly figured out something. He realized that the shady thing the boss was talking about shouldn't be that simple!

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter if I tell you, I can help you get rid of your bad temper." Yuhai noticed Luoyan's confused expression and revealed the other person's guess: "I stole Baofeng's backpack..."

"Boss, are you serious?" Luo Yan was a little unbelievable. He was so shocked that he didn't know what to say. That was Baofeng's backpack. It was stolen. It was stolen by the boss. He met the boss again. What a coincidence.

"Believe it or not," Yuhai waved his hand and continued walking into the forest. He was quite speechless. No one believed him every time he told the truth.

"Boss, it's not that I don't believe it. If it's really Baofeng's backpack, he will come after us," Luo Yan was very calm. Although Baofeng lost his backpack and was relieved, they were also in danger. As long as Baofeng's black goods were used, they would be chased. Killing is certain.

"If you don't tell him, how will he know?" Yu Hai felt that this man's mind was filled with stones. If Baofeng could know, he would not tell it.

"Boss, don't you want to sell Baofeng's black goods? Once these things are sold, they will be found out," Luo Yan was a little anxious when he saw that Yu Haihun didn't care.

"Are you worried about me?" Yu Hai stopped. Luo Yan was still worried about him at this time, which showed that he still had loyalty. He was very satisfied with Luo Yan's performance.

"No, boss, it's..." Luo Yan saw Yu Hai stop. Naturally, he was not worried about Yu Hai. After all, the mysterious leader's strength was unfathomable. Even if Baofeng came after him, he might not be able to get any benefits. It's not certain who will die at that time.

He only realized this after saying what he just said, but the boss is not afraid, he is afraid!

He is just a desert dragonfly, and he is at his weakest now. If the storm finds them, it is hard to say whether he can escape.

There is another point. When he thought of this, cold sweat began to break out on his forehead. He lowered his head and said frankly: "Boss, if you tell me this, I am afraid that you will kill someone and silence you..."

"Hahaha, Luo Yan, Luo Yan, you don't even think about it. If I want to kill people and silence them, I would have done it a long time ago." Yuhai smiled and raised his hand to pat Luo Yan's shoulder. Seeing that Luo Yan did not dodge, he was extremely aggressive towards him. Trust me, this subordinate has done well, but he is a bit old.

In order to facilitate smooth shipment in the future, telling Luo Yan about this incident also meant to test Luo Yan. After all, they had a common enemy, which was a fisherman on a boat.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Telling this will not only create a gap between them, but also consolidate the affiliation between them and increase Luo Yan's sense of belonging to the organization.

At the same time, it also shows that your enemy is my enemy. Don't be anxious about revenge. You Luoyan will get what you want.

With a common enemy, there is a common goal. If Luo Yan dares to tell the truth, he can guarantee that the first person to die will be Luo Yan. Luo Yan doesn't know who he is yet, and he is not prepared to let Luo Yan know... …

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