Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 338, Champion Level

It’s night on the twenty-second day of the journey north.

When the passenger ship docked at the Ponkan Island port, Yuhai had packed up everything, and Luo Yan was standing next to him.

The two of them got on the Flying Elf at the same time, he got on the Big-billed Gull, and Luo Yan got on the Desert Dragonfly. They took off from the balcony of the sea view room and left the passenger ship together that had been sailing for two and a half days.

They didn't take the usual route to get on the ship. After buying the tickets from the ticket seller, they naturally didn't take the usual route to get off the ship.

The passenger ship, harbor and town on Ponkan Island are basically connected together. After they got off the ship, they landed near the harbor and walked into the town.

They walked into the town and just wanted to find a place to rest. After all, they had been on the boat for three days. They were very sleepy and could sleep on the first day, but it was difficult to fall asleep in the next two days.

When I came to town tonight, I just wanted to have a good sleep. I will go to the island tomorrow to see if the legend of the crystal rock snake is true.

As soon as they entered the town, they saw glass products on the streets. They heard that this island is rich in high-quality crystals. If the crystal rock snake only eats crystals, it might actually mutate.

However, the crystal rock snake has changed its diet, so in the future it can only eat crystals. Once it is replaced with other ores, the body of the crystal rock will disappear and return to its original appearance.

This is the disadvantage of the crystal rock snake. The rock snake can only eat crystal. It is afraid of fire but not water. Its weakness is also very obvious. Think about the thermal expansion and contraction of glass.

If the crystal rock snake is roasted by flames and then comes into contact with cold water for an instant, it will probably shatter to pieces. After all, it is an elf made of crystal and has lost the characteristics of rock. It can only be said that this special mutation has both losses and gains.

Thinking of this, he felt that he was not ready yet to conquer the big crystal rock snake.

Not to mention the food of the Crystal Rock Snake, but the crystal body of the Crystal Rock Snake is not as useful as the original rock body.

The original rock body was not afraid of fire at all, nor would it be deformed by being burned. It was just that its fear of water and fire were interchanged.

Thinking about it carefully, he found that this big crystal rock snake was like this. Even if it didn't have the weakness of being afraid of water, the big rock snake still had five weaknesses. Its resistance was not as good as that of elves like Swamp Monster. After all, there was only one Swamp Monster. The weakness of weak grass.

We'll see what happens tomorrow. The main reason is that it's too troublesome to raise, and he can't afford to raise a large rock snake that eats crystals.

"Boss, I found a place to live and rented two rooms..."

Ukai is admiring glass handicrafts, while Luoyan has found a place to stay, "Where is it?"

He followed Luo Yan to the hotel, where he planned to rest for one night. He would get up early tomorrow and go to the forest with Luo Yan, and help Luo Yan search for elves.

However, Luo Yan was a little anxious and wanted to regain his strength as soon as possible. As soon as they arrived at the hotel, Luo Yan ran to the beach in a hurry, wanting to replenish his elf team as soon as possible.

When Yuhai entered the room, he was naturally not idle. Before taking a rest, he closed the curtains and checked the room carefully. After making sure that there was no way to peek outside the room, he released Gengar and asked Gengar to vomit out all the backpack.

He was going to try to break through Gengar's championship potential here. Before Gengar tried to degenerate, he also asked Orb Silk Spider to go outside the room, and Darkrai also went to guard outside. Once he found someone peeping, he would hypnotize the opponent.

Fortunately, now is different from the previous life. In the previous life, hotels basically had pinhole cameras, and it was normal for people to be peeped at.

When the technology of this world continues to develop, that day is not far away. By that time, he will not dare to try the evolution of ghosts in the room.

"Gengar, you will degrade after eating these poisons," Yuhai took out various poisons and poison sacs from his backpack, at least three or four kilograms, and fed them all to Gengar.

There are also poison energy cubes, poison gems, life energy cubes, and super power energy cubes.

This is his potential to improve ghosts. He is the only cultivation resource left in his hand. Among the trophies, there are no ghost gems, but there are quite a lot of poison gems.

Whether I can reach championship potential this time depends on these poison-type gems, and I don't know if they will be enough.

"Jie, mouth, mouth, Jie," Gengar swallowed all the poison and licked the corner of his mouth, feeling a little unfinished. This batch of poison was too many and too mixed, and the taste was not very good, but he still swallowed it.

"Okay, let's take a look at the degradation," Yuhai asked Gengar to degrade. White light suddenly burst out from Gengar's body and he transformed into a ghost.

It seemed that Gengar's degradation was much simpler than evolution. He immediately opened Ghost Stone's panel and found that the potential was still championship level.

"Let's take a look at the degradation," Yuhai wanted to know if the potential in Ghost's form could still be retained at the championship level.

"Kou Jie, Kou Jie," Ghost Stone was very obedient. The white light flashed by and degenerated into Ghost Stone again.

Ukai opened the panel again, looked at Guisi's potential, and found that it was still point ninety-nine, and he was used to it.

After turning off the panel, he immediately put all the poison gems found in the more than 40 backpacks in front of Guisi, so that Guisi could eat as much as he could.

The purity of this batch of poisonous gems is very low, there are more than 20 in total. There are gems with a purity of over 50, which is only four or five. The remaining gems are all very low in purity, ranging from 40, 30, and 20. …

Even if it costs 300,000 each, this batch of poison-type gems is still less than 6 million.

"Koujie, koujie," Guisi licked the corner of his mouth and started eating mode again, swallowing more than twenty poison-type gems in just a short time.

"And this, Guisi," Yuhai picked up the poison energy cubes on the ground. There were a lot of them, and they were all high-quality energy cubes. Guisi could eat as many as he wanted.

"Koujie, koujie, eat, eat, eat," Guisi showed off several more boxes before expressing that he couldn't eat any more.

"Evolve if you can't eat it. What are you waiting for?" Yuhai looked at Guisi, whose whole face was bulging. This guy didn't need to evolve to consume the food, so what are you waiting for?

"Kou, Jie, wuwuwu," Guisi heard the evolution, and his body immediately erupted with dazzling light, turning into a ghost stone in an instant. Even his whole face shrank back, and all the food he had just eaten was consumed. .

Guisi finished his evolution and looked at the poison energy cube on the ground. Then he stretched out his two newly evolved claws and grabbed the poison energy cube on the ground. He didn't degenerate until he was full.

There are almost a hundred boxes of poisonous energy cubes on the ground. They are all high-quality energy cubes. Ghost Stone can eat as many as he wants. Yuhai does not stop him. He has no shortage of these at all.

These high-quality poison energy cubes were found in more than 40 backpacks. He still had Baofeng's cultivation resources untouched.

Baofeng has more than fifty poison-type gems and hundreds of boxes of poison-type energy cubes. He plans to use the twenty-odd poison-type gems with lower purity to try first. If there are not enough, Baofeng's cultivation resources will be used.

"Spit out the empty gems, let me see how many are consumed?" Yuhai clapped his hands and asked Guisi to spit out the more than 20 poisonous gems he had just swallowed.

"Kou Jie, Kou Jie," Guisi's big tongue stirred in his mouth and spit out four stones that turned into transparent colors.

"Four?" Yuhai thought for a while, maybe it had something to do with the purity of the gems. After all, the purity of these gems was too low.

Moreover, Guisi's potential is still the same, still stuck at 1.99.

According to previous speculations, Luoyan's Rumble Rock was stuck for so long after breaking through the Heavenly King level, so Guisi's Champion level is probably not much better. It is definitely more difficult to break through than the Heavenly King level. There is no need to doubt this.

"Go on, Guisi," Yuhai no longer cares about Guisi eating energy cubes, as long as Guisi evolves after eating the energy cubes and then degenerates.

In this way, the more than twenty gems in Guisi's mouth were all consumed after Guisi evolved and degraded six times. A total of twenty-three poison-type gems were not able to allow Guisi to reach the championship level with his potential.

This was not the first time. He was used to letting Guisi eat energy cubes at will. He also took out more than fifty poisonous gems from Baofeng with a purity of over 50%.

Based on the unit price of 400,000 yuan each, these 55 poison energy cubes with relatively good purity would cost at least 22 million yuan.

I don't know if these poison-type gems can allow Guisi to break through the threshold of the championship. If not, he will continue to smash them. Now that he has no money, he will just smash them to death.

"Go on, Ghost, eat all these gems. You can eat as many energy cubes as you want," Ukai put down more than fifty poison-type gems, letting Ghost inspire evolution again.

Energy cubes are no longer the staple food here, only 400,000 gems are the staple food, and Guisi consumes three in ten seconds on average.

In just over three minutes, Guisi consumed more than fifty poisonous gems by evolving.

Guisi's potential has finally reached the championship level.

【Ghost (different color)】

[Attribute: Ghost + Poison]

[Gender: Male]

[Potential: 80%]

[Level: 7.53%]


"Hahaha, finally, finally here..."

Guisi's potential has just reached 80, which is not much at all, and the board is really accurate.

In order to reach this point, Guisi consumed a total of more than 100 million elf resources, but only raised his potential to champion, and his level remained the same.

Poison energy cubes, life energy cubes, super power energy cubes, and some poisonous poison sacs are not counted, only the apparent consumption is counted.

Two thousand boxes of life energy cubes cost 11 million, ten pounds of venom cost 2 million, and 44 million emptied him completely that time.

There are also thirty-three gems worth fifteen million, three kilograms of senior poison sacs worth nine hundred thousand, and eleven gems worth five million.

The twenty-three gems just now cost 6 million, and the fifty-five gems just now cost 22 million.

Total: 100 million, 5.9 million.

After spending so much money, I still have a poisonous orb for newcomers, a black sludge for newcomers, more than 900 boxes of life energy cubes, more than 900 boxes of super power energy cubes, and nearly a hundred boxes of poison just now. It's an energy cube, and there are more than fifty boxes left.

Over 100 million, this is all Guisi has to eat. Guisi's potential has also increased from 27 to 80, and more than 100 million have been consumed.

Even though he felt distressed, everything was worth it. Guisi has become the elf with the highest potential, higher than Darkrai's potential, and is also the absolute main force in his spider vest identity.

I just don’t know if Guisi will continue to improve his potential after coming to the championship, and I don’t know how many resources will be consumed.

No matter how many resources it takes, everything is worth investing, and he will continue to throw money at it.

"Okay Guisi, let's see if you evolve into Gengar," Yuhai nodded secretly, preparing for Guisi to evolve into Gengar and swallow all the backpack he just spat out.


"Kou Jie, mouth Jie," After Guisi turned into Ghost Stone, Ghost Stone found that he could not evolve into Gengar no matter what. His whole black face turned red, but he could not evolve into Gengar.

"Damn it, maybe it needs gems," Yuhai suddenly realized how he had forgotten this.

He quickly asked Ghost Stone to stay in the room. He went out to the elf prop shop on the street and bought eleven ghost gems for seven million alliance coins.

After the discount, the unit price was 650,000 yuan. Later, the boss even erased the fraction and charged 150,000 alliance coins less. The boss was quite nice.

Damn, after leaving the props store, Yuhai cursed out. It was indeed a black shop again. From now on, he would not buy any ghost gems worth more than 600,000 yuan.

Seeing the boss making money was even more uncomfortable than losing money. He made an extra fifty thousand yuan, but he still made an extra fifty thousand yuan per gem.

Returning to the hotel with eleven ghost gems, Ukai gave them all to Ghost Stone, allowing Ghost Stone to use the energy in the gems to inspire evolution.

After swallowing the gem, Ghost Stone successfully stimulated the light of evolution and evolved into Gengar again, "Kou Jie, mouth Jie..."

"Sure enough, Geng Gui cannot evolve due to lack of energy, and the same is true for super evolution." Yuhai thought for a moment. If there is no super evolution stone and only relies on Gengar's own energy conversion, Geng Gui can perform a super evolution. Don't know how much energy it consumes.

It seems that even if you complete the super evolution alone, you can only use it as a trump card. Unless you find Gengar's super evolution stone, you can only use super evolution frequently.

Asking Geng Gui to swallow the whole backpack, Yuhai pushed all the more than fifty boxes of poison energy cubes left on the ground to Geng Gui.

"Gengar, keep it for yourself as a snack. Come to me after you finish eating..."

"Kou Jie, mouth Jie," Gengar looked at the energy cubes on the ground, picked them up and ate them, stuffing them into his mouth while eating. In the blink of an eye, more than fifty boxes of energy cubes were all stuffed into his mouth by Gengar.

However, Gengar still had a box of energy cubes in his hand. He was unpacking them and throwing them into his mouth one by one, chewing them twice to taste the taste.

"Gengar, you eat slowly, I'm going to bed." Seeing Gengar floating in the air, Yuhai did not disturb Gengar enjoying the food, but he still reminded:

"By the way, Gengar, please give the poison energy cubes to other elves. It's not that poison elves can't eat this kind of energy cube. If you eat it, you will be poisoned..."

"Kou Jie, Kou Jie," Gengar nodded seriously, indicating that he understood, but still gave one to the Orb Silk Spider who was watching the night.

"Hey, hey, hey," the orb silk spider took the fine poisonous energy cube, hung it upside down on the roof, and savored the late-night snack. Just one was enough for it to digest for a long time. Not everyone is as naive as Gengar. So edible.

The other elves had dinner on the ship. They had not trained in the past few days, so there was no need for late night snacks. After they settled down, the elves began to train, and there would be no extra meal in the evening.

Ukai ignored Darkrai, Gengar, and Orb Silk Spider in the room. They were all night watch elves. The rest were sleeping in the elf ball and playing in their dreams.

Gengar will also go in later. After all, dreams are much more interesting. Everyone is playing in dreams. In reality, there are only three elves, which is not fun at all.

Yuhai came out of the bathroom, fell on the bed and fell asleep. We will talk about Luoyan's affairs tomorrow morning. He has been waiting for three to five years. It's just one night. Luoyan won't wake him up.

Now Luo Yan has entered the forest from the seaside. When he comes to the seaside, he catches the water elves when he sees them.

Regardless of whether it is an elf that swims in the water, flies in the sky, or runs on the ground, as long as it is an elf that can move, Luoyan will knock out the desert dragonfly, and then throw the elf ball to subdue it.

After catching the water elves near the beach, Luo Yan walked into the forest at night and saw grass, insect, poison, and flying elves. He also threw the elf ball to conquer them.

In just one night, Luoyan subdued nearly four to five hundred elves. He will wait for Yu Hai to take a look tomorrow. He hopes that among these elves, there will be a few little guys with good talents.

After a busy night, Luo Yan finally returned to the hotel in the town after four in the morning. It was already dawn before he had slept for three hours.

The next morning, Yuhai knocked on the door again. He was still wondering that Luoyan could sleep in, but he didn't expect that Luoyan had caught a wild elf all night long.

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