Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 144, six conditions

Watching the little fat man disappear, Yuhai also got some unclear information.

How to become a new trainer certified by the alliance, the conditions mentioned by the little fat man are very incomplete.

He still needs to catch a few more teenagers and ask them before he can sort out how to become a new trainer and what conditions are required.

But he didn't know that after the little fat man stayed away from him, he was still thanking him for being a good person and not hurting himself.

But when the little fat boy saw his parents waiting anxiously at the gate of the community, a gust of cold wind blew, and the little fat boy was instantly awakened. He immediately cried out and ran towards his parents.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Mom and Dad, I was robbed and robbed of five thousand alliance coins," the little fat man walked over crying, and his crying also attracted the middle-aged couple at the gate of the community.

"Little Fatty, why are you coming back now? I told you to come back early, come back early, why don't you listen?" This was the fat mother's angry roar, and she thought the little Fatty was lying.

"Okay, mother, now is not the time to lose your temper." The fat dad was calmer. He noticed something was wrong with the little fat man and noticed the white silk on the little fat man's shoes. He squatted down and asked the little fat man: "Little fat man." Fatty, what else was robbed from you?"

"Only five thousand alliance coins," the little fat man saw his father. He stopped crying when his father was there. His father was a powerful senior trainer, and he would definitely be able to defeat the bad guy just now and protect him.

"It's just money. He should be a little hooligan who only knows how to steal small amounts of money. As long as he's fine, let's go home first." The fat dad heard that only the money was taken away and he checked the fat man's body again.

Since the little fat man had no obvious injuries, he didn't plan to call the police because he wanted to find out this little gangster himself.

However, that is all a matter of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Today he has to accompany his frightened fat son.

As long as the gangster is still committing crimes, he can catch the gangster. It's just a few thousand alliance coins. The gangster will not be satisfied. He understands the gangster.

The other party didn't steal the elves or hurt anyone, which confirmed his suspicion. It was just for a little money, so there was no need to do anything hurtful.

On the other side, Yuhai, who was misunderstood as a gangster, found another target to bully. He dragged the person into the alley again and continued the previous question, asking the frightened little kid in front of him.

When I asked how to get the new trainer badge, I got similar results to Little Fatty, but still had more information than Little Fatty.

In the end, he casually robbed some money to prevent his purpose from being guessed and to keep the victim's attention focused on the money, and then he let go of the crying brat.

Then he robbed several new trainers and passers-by.

But when he heard the sirens later, he thought they were coming to arrest him, so he stopped and left Hasa City and returned to the wilderness.

That night, he obtained more than 20,000 alliance coins through robbery, and finally learned what conditions were needed to become a new trainer certified by the alliance.

First, they must be over ten years old and have a certain ability to take care of themselves. To put it simply, they must have sound limbs, good intelligence, and a certain ability to live.

Second, an initial elf is needed, an elf that must be completely subdued and obey the trainer's orders. This is the most basic requirement, in order to prevent the elf from losing control and hurting people.

In order to prevent elves from hurting people, some cities do not allow elves to be brought into the city, but this is a tourist city. If elves are not allowed to be brought, there will undoubtedly be many fewer tourists.

In order to attract tourists, the city allows trainers to bring elves.

Third, detailed home address and family situation are required. The person concerned must have no criminal record and have valid identity documents, including parents, grandparents, or grandparents.

Damn it, isn’t this the same routine as taking the civil service exam in my previous life!

Fourth, you must have a stable source of income and not have too many debts. This test is about whether a new trainer can afford to raise elves.

However, most of them examine the financial situation of the parents, rather than the financial situation of the child. It is impossible for a ten-year-old kid to support himself, let alone an elf.

Fifth, 10,000 alliance contribution points are required, which are the task points of the elf center. The elf center will have some simple tasks issued by residents, all of which are tasks for children. The purpose is to mobilize the enthusiasm of children.

Let the children take on the tasks themselves, complete the tasks, and get rewards. The rewards for the tasks will be converted into contribution points.

The exchange ratio between alliance coins and contribution points is ten to one.

Ten alliance coins are equivalent to one point, and ten thousand points are equivalent to one hundred thousand alliance coins.

For wealthy people, this condition is very simple. The above conditions are very simple. You only need to buy points.

Every time an unregistered trainer completes a task in the Elf Center, the Alliance will also draw a reward from it, which is actually equivalent to tax deduction, but the tax rate is not high.

Sixth, new trainers need a guarantor. This guarantor must also be a trainer and a senior trainer certified by the alliance.

This senior trainer also needs to have no criminal record, a detailed home address, family situation, and a valid identity document.

If a clean criminal record is five points, then four and a half points will not work.

If the credibility is four points, it can only be said that this senior trainer has some minor problems and his credibility has been deducted.

You need to have a clean criminal record for one year, and your credibility will be replenished before you can continue to be a guarantor for new trainers.

The last request was the ultimate one. No wonder the little fat man mentioned asking an adult to take him with him. It turned out that he was going to be a guarantor, the damn daddy alliance.

However, being a guarantor will affect your credibility. Unless the senior trainer doesn't care, it is impossible for an unfamiliar senior trainer to come forward as a guarantor.

As long as it is not illegal, trainers will rarely be deducted points. Even if they are, in most cases it will be because they have acted as a guarantor for new trainers.

After all, he is a young man, and it is common for him to get into trouble. As long as he gets into trouble or is caught by Miss Junsha, not only will the young man himself have points deducted, but so will the guarantor.

Being a guarantor is equivalent to taking on double the risk, and the other half of the risk is completely uncontrollable.

After being deducted points, it has no impact on the rich, except that they cannot enjoy some of the alliance's benefits, such as the elf center, contribution points, and basic salary.

While enjoying the benefits, trainers also have to bear corresponding obligations and can be recruited by the alliance at any time to perform tasks, such as resisting the invasion of wild elves into the city, stopping the rioting wild elves, cleaning up the wild elves that hurt people in the wild, and war...

He has mixed feelings about the alliance's regulations. For most people, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages. It's just that newcomers can't enjoy any benefits except the elf center.

But the elf center is enough. Free food and lodging, although it is just ordinary food and lodging, but there is also free medical care. This is what trainers urgently need.

But the prerequisite is to become a new trainer certified by the alliance, or even a senior trainer. The higher the trainer level, the more benefits he can enjoy.

The first requirement was that he should be over ten years old, and he barely qualified.

The second requirement, an initial elf, he barely qualified.

The third requirement was a detailed home address and family situation. He was an orphan and a gangster, so he was not qualified.

The fourth requirement, a stable source of income, uh... is it illegal?

The fifth requirement is to contribute 10,000 alliance points. Well... is that illegal?

The sixth requirement is the guarantor, well... can he guarantee himself?

After counting the six requirements, he only passed two and failed the rest.

He also knew the intention of the Alliance's request. After all, they were trainers, a group of humans with powerful combat capabilities. It was understandable to ask for more.

Fortunately, he had no illusions before, and the reality was indeed very realistic.

Fortunately, he had robbed the little fat man of his money before and let out a bad breath.

He just barely slapped that little fat man twice, for actually daring to challenge him in front of him.

Well, it suddenly occurred to him that the guarantor of the little fat man who robbed him before should be the little fat man's father.

Doesn't that mean that the little fat man's father is a senior trainer.

Fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, they didn't come looking for him, otherwise he would have had no choice but to run away.

Don't think that the alliance is too kind. If you really think that it is the same as shown in the anime, you would be completely wrong.

There is no utopia, even if you travel through time, you still have to fight for it.

Damn, it’s another world of fighting for your dad.

An alliance organization that spans nine regions, several islands, and countless secret places, no one really thinks it is a good thing!

Don't be ridiculous, people can't stand firm if they are not ruthless, especially countries. Weak countries have no diplomacy, which is no joke.

What's more, it's even more so for a cross-regional organization like the Alliance.

In fact, as long as you are a good citizen and have a stable job, it is easy to meet the six basic requirements for becoming a new trainer. Except for the guarantor, if the new trainer has no father or mother, it is another matter.

If you have parents, when you were young, you didn't have two elves, and you weren't a trainer yet.

Although the passion is no longer there when he becomes an adult, he still has the strength at the senior level. It is easy to be a guarantor for his own children.

Therefore, it is easy to find a guarantor, as long as the parents vouch for the child.

If you've been working as a parent for most of your life and still can't become a senior trainer of more than 20 levels, then you should just work hard!

The same goes for spending some money to let others guarantee it. Things that money can solve are small things.

Maybe he can do the same thing after he gets his true identity.

He satisfied the first and second requirements and there was no need to spend any money.

The third requirement requires your home address and family situation. You can spend money to find an orphanage and ask the director to find a family to adopt him. You can also ask the director to lie and say that he was a child who grew up in an orphanage.

The fourth requirement is a stable source of income. Just find a job and then you can spend money to find someone to arrange it.

The fifth requirement is 10,000 alliance contribution points. You don’t need to worry about this. It’s 20,000 alliance coins in one night, and 100,000 in five nights. It’s easy.

Well, he didn't mean to rob again, but he wanted to express that for a trainer, one hundred thousand alliance coins is really simple.

He hasn't dealt with the elf hunter's inheritance yet. When he finishes dealing with the elf hunter's things, he will definitely receive more than 100,000 alliance coins.

The sixth requirement, guarantor, well... this thing can be done with money. There will definitely be senior trainers who sell their credibility for financial gain.

Hey, the purpose of spending money is to obtain legal status and become a positive and helpful young trainer. Why is it so difficult!

Such an alliance is too unfriendly to a gangster like him. Does it want to force him to join the Rockets?

If spending money can't solve the problem of new trainer certification...

Fuck the league, fuck the trainers, I’m not going to do it anymore, a gangster is a gangster, he’ll do it to the end and join Team Rocket.

After complaining angrily, Ukai returned to the forest on the Big-billed Gull. Without an identity, he could only live in the wilderness.

He didn't even dare to try to get a room in the city, for fear of getting into trouble due to identity issues.

When he came to the forest, he took out the tent and moisture-proof mat, and released mosquito-repellent frogs to inflate the tent. He looked at the time and saw that it was three o'clock in the evening and it was time to go to bed.

After the mosquito-repellent frog inflated the tent, he asked the Orb Silk Spider to guard outside: "Orb Silk Spider, you stay vigil tonight, don't fall asleep..."

"Yituo, 咿TUO," the orb silk spider heard that it was about to keep vigil, and immediately spun silk to cover the surrounding tent. Once something entered the silk mesh, it would be able to sense it.

Allowing the orb silk spider to lay out its web, both Yuhai and the mosquito-repellent frog entered the tent. The orb silk spider guarded outside and the mosquito-repellent frog guarded inside the tent.

Since you have decided to spend money to solve the identity problem, you must first have money.

If you want to make money, you need to sell the elf hunter's inheritance first.

He can only sell black goods like this on the black market. The alliance officially prohibits the trading of elves. When they blocked the road just now, he also asked about it.

But the alliance has not blocked the trade. As long as they are not special elves, protected elves, or rare elves, they can be bought and sold.

For example, breeding houses, hunting areas, breeding farms, exchange meetings, and Carp King, these products are sold directly with clearly marked prices, and Kojiro has been deceived many times.

But on the surface, no matter what kind of transaction it is, he can't deal with the black goods in his hand. Black goods like this can only be dealt with in the black market.

Just like how to become a new trainer certified by the alliance, he is also a layman when it comes to the legendary black market.

But you can go to the midnight bar at the port mentioned by the little fat man. There might be some clues there.

However, the black market is different from other places. He needs to be fully prepared before he can visit the midnight bar at night and get a fake ID to find out about the black market.

That was tomorrow too, now he just wanted to sleep.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, good night..."

"Hey..." The mosquito-repellent frog saw Yuhai sleeping, but it couldn't sleep. It suddenly came to this strange environment. It felt that everything was strange and it couldn't help Yuhai at all.

It's like going back to the time when it met Ukai, everything depends on Ukai, and it can't even find food.

I thought it would be able to help Yukai after evolving, but unexpectedly, after changing the environment, it returned to its original appearance.

Hey, it really wants to help Yuhai share some things and share the pressure of coming to a strange environment, even just a little bit.

"Yo Bo, Yo Bo..."

We will resume double updates. Please give me some help. The monthly tickets are already reserved for 1,000 people.

Have you all been hollowed out...

I want tickets. Others have four thousand a day, but they all get into the top one thousand, the top five hundred, the top one hundred. There is no reason why I can't get in with eight thousand a day.

Please give me some help. If you can't get in this month, it's because you are too short...not that I am too short.

Four thousand people got in, but eight thousand couldn't get in...

Next month, I will lie down...

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