Chapter 143, poof...

"Cancel one month's pocket money..."

This angry roar was heard even by Yu Hai who was standing outside the Elf Center. Sure enough, no matter which world they were in, parents were the same.

These words also made the little fat man's face turn green. It was a month's pocket money. How could he buy delicious food and cultivate the two elves in his hands without a small amount of money?

At this moment, the little fat man did not dare to delay. He hung up the phone in a hurry and went to see Miss Joy, expressing that he wanted to take away his two elves.

Because of the shortage of beds, Ms. Joy will satisfy any trainer who wants to take away elves.

He also told the trainer that he would need to come over for a checkup tomorrow. After making sure that the elf was fine, all that was left was to rest.

Yuhai watched the little fat man follow Miss Joy to retrieve the elf, his eyes resting on the landline phone in the elf center.

In fact, the technology tree in the elf world is crooked, and it is a gradual change from the technological development in the previous life.

When reality changes, changes will appear in anime.

The first Elf animation in the previous life was broadcast in 1997. At that time, Big Brother had just exited and Nokia had just come out a few years ago. Naturally, there was no smartphone in the first animation.

However, as the times develop, these things will emerge. Don’t underestimate the inertia of history, just like artificial intelligence will inevitably appear.

Ukai stared at the phone for a while, and the little fat man also came out of the ward, used the elf ball to retrieve the giant crab and Ubo, said goodbye to Miss Joy, and hurriedly left the elf center.

Yuhai, who was waiting outside the Elf Center, also raised his feet and quickly followed the little fat man.

The little fat man didn't notice him after following him all the way, or he was in a hurry to go home, which made the little fat man a little careless.

In a sparsely populated road with almost no one around, Yuhai rushed up to stop the little fat man, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and forced the little fat man into the alley.

"What are you going to do? Help... Uh-huh," the little fat man was about to scream, but Ukai reached out and covered his mouth.

"Orb silk spider, spin silk to seal the opponent's hands and feet, and there are also pokeballs." After Yuhai hijacked the little fat man into the alley, he asked the orb silk spider to spin silk to fix the little fat man to the wall.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey," the Orb Silk Spider followed Ukai for several hours, but didn't hear Ukai's order. It just lay on its shoulder and didn't dare to move. Now it's finally time for it to make its appearance.

The orb silk spider immediately jumped to the ground, spit out white silk threads from its mouth, sealed the little fat man's hands and feet that were about to touch the elf ball, and used the silk to fix the little fat man to the wall.

At the same time, Yuhai also held a dagger and placed it on the little fat man's neck, but the dagger was backwards. He did not want to hurt the little fat man.

He just wanted to ask Little Fatty, a local, something. In order to make Little Fatty cooperate with him, he had no choice but to make this move.

"Little fat man, I don't like nonsense. Let me ask you an answer. Do you understand?" Yuhai's voice is still hoarse, and his pronunciation is not standard, but he can still understand it if he speaks slowly, which is just right for him. Make a disguise.

In order to make himself more fierce, Yuhai not only had a hoarse voice, but also had a cannibalistic look in his eyes. He also pressed the cold knife back deep into the little fat man's neck, which scared the little fat man to the point of peeing.

"Uh huh?" The little fat man wanted to say yes to Yu Hai, but his mouth was still blocked and he couldn't speak at all. Suddenly he was sweating profusely and peed his pants.

"Just nod or shake your head," Yuhai didn't let go of his hand. If the little fat man screamed as soon as he let go, and if others were attracted to him, he would have no choice but to run away.

"Uh huh," the little fat man heard Yu Hai's words and nodded hurriedly in agreement to Yu Hai, for fear that Yu Hai would overwhelm him.

He is still young and he doesn't want to die yet. He still wants to participate in the elf battle and live happily with his favorite elves.

"Okay, look at what a bear you are," Yuhai was speechless. Is he really that scary? Is the acting too realistic?

Just like a real villain, if you play a villain, can you win a statuette?

The little fat man was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak. He could only wait quietly in fear. His legs were shaking even more than before, and he didn't know what questions the robber would ask.

"Little fat man, how old are you?" Yuhai also started to ask the first question.

"Uh huh?" The little fat man lowered his eyes to look at his mouth. He wanted to complain about the robber, but he still covered his mouth with his palms and told him what to say.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I'm sorry," Ukai laughed twice and slowly let go of his palm. His palm didn't move too far away. If the little fat man wanted to shout, he could cover his mouth immediately.

"Eleven years old," the little fat man opened his mouth and answered Yu Hai's question, but this question made him feel a little childish. The little fat man thought that the other party would ask him to hand over the money!

"What is your initial elf?" Yuhai asked the little fat man again. In fact, it was not that he was bored, but he started with simple questions and gradually broke through the little fat man's inner defenses, so that the little fat man could not guess what he was going to do.

"Big Claw Crab," the little fat man answered easily. After all, these were simple questions.

Ukai: "What is this island called?"

Little Fatty: "Hasa Island, this is Hasa City and Hasa Port. Don't you even know this?"

Seeing the contemptuous look in the little fat man's eyes towards the country people, Yuhai's temper suddenly rose. He pressed the dagger forward again and warned the little fat man:

"Little fat man, understand the current situation. I am asking you, not you. If you dare to talk more, I will prevent you from seeing your elf."

The threat of snatching away the elves was immediate, and the little fat man was instantly frightened. He lowered his head, not daring to look into Yu Hai's eyes, for fear of irritating Yu Hai and killing him.

Yuhai: "How many elves do you have?"

Little Fatty: "Two..."

Yuhai: "Which elves are they?"

Little Fatty: "Big Crab and Wubo..."

Yuhai: "Where do you live?"

Little Fatty: "Wubo Community, Building 9, Unit 3, 1202..."

Yuhai: "emmmmm..."

After Yuhai was silent for a moment, he asked again: "Do you have the Elf Guide?"

Little Fatty: "Yes..."

Yuhai: "Do you have it with you?"

Little Fatty: "No..."

The little fat man saw the doubt in Yu Hai's eyes and hurriedly explained: "I really didn't bring it, that thing is of no use. Only trainers who travel will bring that thing..."

The little fat man was still afraid that Yu Hai wouldn't believe it, so he continued to explain: "You can search me. I really don't have any with me. There are only so many kinds of elves that come and go here. I have memorized them all, so I don't need to bring an elven guide."

"Oh, you're showing off to me that you have an excellent memory, right? You have such a good memory that you're so bad in battle, don't think I don't know..."

Yuhai just complained in his heart and didn't say it out loud. He didn't want to expose it yet, and the next step was the main topic.

Yuhai: "How to obtain the Elf Illustrated Book?"

Little Fatty: "With the new trainer badge and the proof of when you registered as a new trainer, just go to the Elf Center to buy it, don't you?"

Yu Hai: "Little fat man, you don't have a long memory, do you?"

Hearing this, the little fat man raised his head and lowered it in a hurry. He already knew that this robber was a savage. He didn't even know this common sense. What was he if he wasn't a savage?

And the hoarse voice of the robber was too unpleasant and scary. He missed his parents and home, "Oooh, who can come and save me!"

Yuhai: "Little fat man, how can I get the new trainer badge?"

Little Fatty: "This? Dad took me there, I don't know very well..."

"You have one more chance to answer the question," Yuhai pressed the dagger on the little fat man's neck again, letting the cold dagger penetrate deeper into the little fat man's flesh. No matter how ignorant the little fat man is, he always knows more than a layman like him. So not knowing is impossible.

"Wait, let me think about it, I can remember it," the little fat man was pressed by the cold blade. He was frightened and broke into a cold sweat. He only hated himself for why he deserted and why he didn't listen carefully. Conversation between Dad and Miss Joy.

The little fat man closed his eyes and thought for a while, racking his brains, and wanted to grab a life-saving straw.

As he thought about it, he thought of his thin friend, a new trainer who was working hard to earn points and become a certified trainer by the alliance.

He had heard from a thin friend that there were many conditions for becoming a new trainer, but none of them were obstacles to him.

When he was ten years old, he was taken to the elf center by his father, and he became a newbie trainer certified by the alliance.

Before becoming a new trainer, he just wanted to be a new trainer and loved elf battles. Then he became a new trainer. His parents had already prepared everything for him, so there was no need for him to worry about these things.

It can only be said that the potential of the human body is unlimited. When he was pushed into a hurry, the little fat man really thought about the requirements for becoming a new trainer certified by the alliance.

Yu Hai: "Little fat man, my patience is limited..."

Little Fatty: "Wait, I thought about it. To become a new trainer certified by the alliance, you must be ten years old, an elf, and a lot of money..."

Yuhai: "No more?"

Little Fatty: "No more..."

Yuhai: "Are you sure?"

Little Fatty: "I...let me think about it again..."

The little fat man was really not sure, because if it were that simple, his thin friend wouldn't have been stuck for so long.

"That's right, that's right," the little fat man thought. The thin man's friend often shouted about points, and he should still need points.

There is also a thin friend who does not have an adult at home. To register as a new trainer at the Elf Center, he needs an adult to take him there. He was taken there by his father.

Little Fatty: "I thought about it, you still need points, and you need an adult to take it with you."

Yuhai: "Points? How many points?"

Little Fatty: "I, I... don't know..."

The little fat man lowered his head as he spoke. He really didn't know. The thought of this was already his limit.

Looking at the sweaty and anxious little fat man, Yuhai knew that if he continued to ask, he wouldn't be able to find out anything. It was really embarrassing to scare the little fat man like this.

There was nothing he could do, it just made this little fat guy remember a lot. Go home as soon as it gets dark and don't wander around outside. He didn't have all his hair, so he was just fighting some elf battle. He should practice his moves first.

"By the way, little fat man, do you know where I can get a fake certificate?" Yuhai originally didn't want to ask this question, but seeing how obedient the little fat man was, he couldn't help but ask.

After all, this kind of black business is not accessible to a simple and good boy like Little Fatty.

But the hijackings are all hijackings, and a dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, so it’s okay to ask casually.

Before becoming an alliance-certified newcomer trainer, solving the identity problem is a top priority.

Just the few demands that the little fat man said, he was immediately dismissed, not to mention that he was still a gangster.

The little fat man's brain never let him down.

Little Fatty: "I don't know..."

"Forget it, let's go!" Yuhai waved his hand, ready to let the little fat man go. The value of the little fat man's information had been drained and was useless.

As for money?

How much money does this guy have? Maybe he doesn't have any money himself. He hasn't spent the elf hunter's more than 5,000 alliance coins yet.

Little Fatty: "Really?"

Yuhai: "What? You don't want to leave?"

"No, no, thank you, thank you..." The little fat man saw Yu Hai nodding. While thanking him, he found that he could not break free from the shackles of the orb silk spider, which meant that he could not walk away.

Unable to break free from the shackles of silk spinning, the little fat man burst into tears and looked at Yu Hai with tears in his eyes, saying that he couldn't get out.

"Orb Silk Spider, go help him," Yuhai waved his hand and turned around, not wanting to see this guy again. This guy is really too bad.

After the little fat man broke free, he sighed that he could finally stay away from the devil Ukai. He had just taken a few steps happily when he suddenly remembered something and turned around and said: "That! I remembered, there is a midnight bar at the port! You should want it. False evidence..."

"How should I find the bar?" Yuhai was shocked when he saw the little fat man turning around to talk again. The little fat man who was scared to pee even if he was forced to do so, and the little fat man who was crying for his father and mother actually didn't run away and dared to turn around and follow him. get in a word.

Even if the humans in the elf world are very simple, they cannot be so stupid.

Is he too kind, making this docile sheep think that the big bad wolf will not eat sheep and can still chat with the big bad wolf?

Little Fatty: "That bar is easy to find. I've only been there once. My parents told me not to go. I went there once out of curiosity. It was very dark and eerie. I heard that the bar only turns on the lights at night." "

Yuhai: "Yeah! I understand, do you have money?"

Little Fatty: "Yes..."

Ukai: "How many?"

Little Fatty: "There are more than five thousand alliance coins..."

Yuhai: "Bring five thousand."

Little Fatty: "Oh..."

Yuhai: "Okay, let's go home!"

Little Fatty: "Goodbye, Mr. Robber..."

"Pfft," Yuhai wanted to take a sip of water, but ended up spitting it out.

He looked at the little fat man's back as he disappeared around the corner. How did this guy grow so big?

With this guy's IQ, is he really not going to be deceived?

Originally, he was planning to let the other person leave, but this guy seemed to be tamed and thought he would not kill people, so he turned back to chat with him.

When I left, I was still smiling. Instead of being angry that my little money was robbed, I was actually very happy and thanked him. This guy must be very ill!

In fact, this is not a very strange thing. This thing is called Stockholm Syndrome.

It is the harmonious and good relationship between the offender and the victim in the process of crime and victimization.

[Note: If you are interested, you can learn more about it on your own. There are many real cases. I declare in advance, please do not imitate, please do not imitate, please do not imitate...]


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I want votes, I want votes, I want votes...

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