The elves were doing morning exercises and when Ukai was making lunch, they were all thinking about the long-winged gull's training plan, but they couldn't come up with a result.

After all, his role for Long-winged Gull is as a weatherman, auxiliary, and means of transportation.

Both of these require the evolution of the long-winged gull. The current long-winged gull does not have rainfall characteristics, cannot carry people on flights, and cannot assist in the training characteristics of mosquito-repellent tadpoles.

Apart from training the long-winged gull with water guns or flying moves, he couldn't find anything else the long-winged gull should do.

"Huh? By the way," when Ukai was making lunch, he also fed the silly water plants in the bucket and saw the weak tench in the bucket.

He can let the Long-winged Gull learn Water Wave, and learn it from the Weak Tench. On the Long-Winged Gull's proficiency panel, among the moves that the Long-Winged Gull can learn, there is the Water Wave move, but this move is in Gray state.

The proficiency panel can not only see the potential level of the elf, but also the introduction of moves and characteristics, as well as the move pool of an elf, which contains all the moves that an elf can learn. The proficiency panel is equivalent to an elf encyclopedia. The whole book.

"Tenfish, come up," Yuhai waved towards the bottom of the water, signaling the tench to come up. He was going to let the long-winged gull learn the fluctuations of water from the tench.

But when the tench appeared, he could not find the long-winged gull. He remembered that the long-winged gull was on the roof, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Long-winged gull, long-winged gull," Yuhai shouted twice to the sky, but when he saw no response from the long-winged gull, he stopped shouting.

He didn't know where this guy had gone, but he wasn't worried that the long-winged gull would disappear unless the long-winged gull didn't want to eat honey.

There are many elves who want to eat honey, and he is not short of a long-winged gull. He doesn't know if the long-winged gull will come back before lunch.

"It's okay, weak tench, you can play by yourself..."

Yuhai called the tench over, and now that it was okay again, he felt a little embarrassed, so he fed the tench some honey to compensate, and let the tench quarrel with the stupid thing.

He found that the stupid thing couldn't beat the weak tench. It was probably because the weak fish discovered the stupid thing's external strength and the middle part, and knew that the stupid thing could only splash and jump.

After all, no matter how good a weak tench is, it is still a fish that can shoot a water gun, which is slightly better than the Carp King.

The morning exercise passed quickly and lunch was served soon, but the long-winged gull still did not come back. Yuhai immediately asked Badadie to find it: "Baddie, fly into the sky and take a look. Where is the long-winged gull?"

"Bah, bah, bah," Bada Die nodded and flew into the sky. He scanned around the tree house and didn't see the long-winged gull, so he flew down.

"Bah, bah, bah," Badadie shook his head, indicating that he had not seen the long-winged gull.

"Didn't see it? Where will the long-winged gull go? Forget it, don't wait." Yuhai thought about it, but he didn't even think about where the long-winged gull would go, so he asked Badadie to sit down, and he wouldn't wait for the long-winged gull for lunch. , they eat first.

When Yuhai divided the grilled fish for the three elves and told everyone to prepare for the meal, the long-winged gull arrived belatedly with something in its mouth, shining a dazzling sea blue light in the sun.

"Long-winged gull, where have you been? This lunch is yours," Yuhai saw the long-winged gull landing on the dining table, and quickly placed the long-winged gull's food in front of the long-winged gull. They were all ready to eat. .

"Oooh, ooh," the long-winged gull did not look at the grilled fish, but came to Yuhai and put down the thing in its mouth, which was a crystal clear blue gem.

"Blue gem?" Yuhai reached out and picked up the gem with the saliva of a long-winged gull. The color of the gem was as blue as the sea. He didn't know what the use of this thing was.

In human society, it can still be sold for some money, but here it can only be used as a decoration. The blue gem was probably a gift from the long-winged gull, a return gift of honey and food.

Yuhai looked at the blue gem for a while and found that it was of no use, so he put it down. He thought it was just an ordinary blue gem and didn't care too much.

Only when he noticed that the tadpoles, giant claw crabs, carp kings, weak tench, and long-winged gulls were all staring at the blue gem in his hand with longing eyes, he realized that this blue gem was The gems are probably not simple.

[Water Gem: A small gem contains rich water energy, which has unparalleled attraction to water elves (purity 76.92%)]

"Holy shit, is this okay?" After Yuhai used the proficiency panel to display the blue gem panel, he was immediately surprised by the blue gem that was a little larger than his thumb.

This blue gem is as tempting to water elves as cats are to catnip.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that this return gift was not just a decoration, but could improve the elves' use and control of their own water attributes, and perhaps enhance the potential of the water elves. It was a rare good thing.

From this point of view, this return gift is a bit precious. The water gem is also very important to Long-winged Gull, an elf of water and flying types, but Long-winged Gull just gave it to him.

"Long-Winged Gull, did you really give me this blue gem?" Yuhai needed to reconfirm Long-Winged Gull's attitude towards the blue gem.

"Oh," the long-winged gull nodded, making it clear that the blue gem was a return gift.

In fact, when it came over with the blue gem in its mouth, it didn't think about eating the blue gem. Faced with the temptation of the blue gem in its mouth, it drooled a lot.

But when it thought of honey that was sweeter than the blue gem, it resisted the urge to swallow the blue gem. It had eaten a blue gem before, and the gem gave it some indigestion.

Temptation is temptation, delicious is delicious, these are two different things.

Blue gems are a psychological temptation. When I saw this blue gem, there was a voice in my heart that tempted it. Eat the blue gem, eat the blue gem...

Honey is a physical temptation. The floral fragrance of honey is inhaled by the nose, and the hungry stomach will drive the brain to make it must eat honey, to eat honey...

Compared with the temptation of blue gems, honey is more tempting to it. Only water elves who have never seen blue gems will be attracted by the rich water energy emitted by blue gems.

Looking at the eager eyes of the four elves, Yukai hurriedly put away the water gem, wrapped it in rags, got up and placed the water gem in the tree house to prevent the rich water energy on the water gem from attracting other water elements. Elf.

When he came back, he quickly urged several elves to have lunch, forgetting what happened just now, and pretending that nothing happened.

Although the elves had different thoughts and all wanted the water gem, Ukai had said so, and they did not continue to struggle. They all put away their eager eyes and waited for Ukai's arrangement.

Among the many elves, water gems have little impact on Badadie, because Badadie has no water attribute and is just a broken stone, which is not attractive to it.

When the elves finished lunch and began to take a lunch break, Ukai was thinking about how much potential this blue gem containing water energy could increase, and how much the elves' control over water energy could be increased.

In fact, there is no doubt about the ownership of this blue gem. It must be given to the tadpole. Even the stupid thing has higher potential than the tadpole. If he doesn't give it to the tadpole, who will it be given to?

Water gems should have little effect on improving other water elves. They should be the same as honey, and have no effect on elves with too high potential.

But the tadpole's potential is only 34 points, and there is a lot of room for improvement. If you want to make the most efficient use of the water gem, it can only be the tadpole.

It's not that he is partial, but that Tadpole's potential is too low. Without good things like water gems, Tadpole's future potential can only reach more than fifty levels, which is already the limit.

The little tadpole's strength has stagnated. This is the last thing he wants to see. He doesn't want to see the little tadpole stay at level 50 and make no progress from now on. He doesn't want to...

He said that if he wants to take the tadpole to the top, he must do it.

Although he is a fisherman, he is a fisherman who has fallen asleep and only wants to catch big fish.

But in the new world, in the new life, he also wanted to be passionate, even if it was just once, he didn't want to leave any regrets.

But he couldn't reach his peak without tadpoles. He had promised to live, and he couldn't say the words to give up.

The fishing guy will not break the contract, except for the Air Force. After all, this thing is too metaphysical, and it is useless even if he promises it.

There are still five or six levels left before the tadpole evolves into a mosquito-repellent frog, which is only four or five days.

I don’t know if this unexpected blue gem can improve the tadpole’s potential, and whether it can improve the tadpole’s water talent. I really look forward to it.

He was still worried before that when the tadpole evolved, there would be no good things for the tadpole, so he could only let the tadpole evolve with regret.

Now, with the Water Gem, it is somewhat of a good thing. It should be enough for the evolution of the tadpole. Even if it is not enough, there is nothing he can do.

For a black trainer who lives on a deserted island, being able to obtain the honey from the giant needle bee is already his limit.

Even if there are good things in the center of the desert island, they don't dare to go there. They have already seen the brutality of the armored tyrannosaurus. If they don't want to be stepped on by the armored tyrannosaurus, they stay away from the center of the desert island.

After the lunch break, the elves' afternoon training started again. Baddie still used telekinesis to carry water, Big Crab's water gun fired three times in a row, and Long-Winged Oull also used training water guns.

He planned to arrange the time to learn about water fluctuations in the morning. If the long-winged gull was deprived of the water gun training and the long-winged gull missed the opportunity to chase the tadpoles with the water gun, the long-winged gull would probably be angry.

Therefore, he was not disappointed and trained water guns together in the afternoon. The training methods are all ready-made. Each elf has a different understanding. How good it can be depends entirely on the elf's own personal ability and effort.

This afternoon he did not fish, nor did he let the mosquito tadpole continue to practice the water gun. Instead, he called the mosquito tadpole aside alone. He wanted to try whether he could trigger the Heart's Eye move.

Since the introduction of the Eye of the Heart is about using the heart, it is definitely not about using the eyes, but the eyes are the windows to the soul, and it cannot work without eyes.

Finally, he came up with a compromise, which was to cover one eye of the mosquito-repellent tadpole with a rag and let the mosquito-repellent tadpole use one eye to practice hitting floating balls with a water gun.

After training the left eye, practice the right eye, and finally cover the two eyes, allowing the tadpole to feel the trajectory of the floating ball carefully, or remember the movement of the floating ball, and then hit the floating ball with a water gun.

All in all, it was very metaphysical, and he didn't know how to train this move. He could only let Tadpole feel it with his heart.

If you have to explain it, you can identify the position by listening to the sound, have excellent memory, and remember the speed and swing amplitude of the floating ball. It can also be understood this way.

"Come here, Tadpole, water gun training is upgraded. I will cover one of your eyes. You can only use one eye to observe the floating ball. Start with a floating ball..."

"Yo yo?" The mosquito-repellent tadpole didn't understand Yukai's operations at first, but after one eye was covered, it saw things crookedly, and its field of vision was limited and its vision was unclear. It needed to re-correct its vision.

"Okay, let's start with the motionless floating ball," Ukai shouted, and the tadpole spit out the water gun.


The water gun of the mosquito-repellent tadpole is very accurate, and it directly hits the floating ball. The floating ball that does not move is not able to defeat the mosquito-repellent tadpole.

"Go on, attack the swaying floating ball," Ukai shouted again.

Puff puff--

The mosquito-repellent tadpole spit out three more shots from the water gun, but only one shot hit. It seemed that the one-eye had some influence on the mosquito-repellent tadpole's accuracy.

"Don't stop mosquito-repellent tadpoles, continue the water gun, increase the hit rate..."

Puff puff--

The mosquito-repellent tadpole spit out the water gun continuously for half an hour. Even with one eye, the hit rate reached 80%. This was still based on the previous water gun shooting floats, and the mosquito-repellent tadpole's ability to adapt was so fast.

Next, Yuhai covered the other eye of the mosquito-repellent tadpole and let the mosquito-repellent tadpole continue to practice hitting the moving floating ball.

Also half an hour later, the mosquito-repellent tadpole had completely adapted to the one-eyed floating ball training. Whether it was his right eye or his left eye, he could achieve a hit rate of more than 80%. What he wanted was not a 100% hit rate.

He needs the tadpole to use a water gun to hit the floating ball with limited vision to see if it can trigger the Eye of the Heart.

This requires the mosquito-repellent tadpole to be highly concentrated, because next he will cover the mosquito-repellent tadpole's eyes with only a layer of rags. The mosquito-repellent tadpoles can also see the shaking floating ball through the gaps in the rags. .

"Mosquito-repellent tadpoles, the difficulty is upgraded. You can only faintly see the trajectory of the floating ball, but you need to hit the shaking floating ball with a water gun..."

Ukai personally tried the rag that blindfolded his eyes, and he could barely walk with the rag on. It was like having a bunch of squares in front of his eyes, and he could see things, but it was in a pixel style.

Poof, bang——

On the first try, the tadpole hit the floating ball.

"Papa papa, not bad, the difficulty continues to escalate," Yuhai put a second layer of rags on the mosquito-repellent tadpole, and the mosquito-repellent tadpole's vision became blurry again.

If it was a pixel style before, now it is just a bunch of mosaics, and everything in front of you is blurry.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpoles, water guns," Ukai shouted again.

Poof, poof——

The mosquito-repellent tadpole immediately spit out two water guns, but they all failed because the mosquito-repellent tadpole was still looking at the floating ball with its eyes.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpole, your eyes are no longer of much help to you. You cannot rely on your eyes. You need to use other methods to lock the shaking floating ball, such as the eye of the heart. Use the eye of the heart to predict the shaking floating ball..."

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