Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 104, subdue the long-winged gull

The twenty-seventh day of survival on a desert island, sunny.

The day's plan begins in the morning, but there is no morning exercise today because they are going to steal the honey from the giant needle bee.

"Big Crab, you stay and look after the house. I'll go back with Tadpole and Baddie." Yuhai picked up the bucket and waved to the Crab.

"Kuo Bang, Kuo Bang, leave early and come back early," the crab quickly agreed, and it would take good care of the home.

Later, Yuhai, Tadpole and Baddie went to the territory of the giant needle bee.

It's still the same old routine, Badadie goes to hypnotize the giant needle bees first, and when Badadie comes back, they go to steal the honey. There is basically no danger.


Half an hour later, Badadie came back. He also took care of the giant needle bee and could steal the honey.

"Okay, let's do less this time." Yuhai was frightened by the sneak attack of the giant claw crab. If he got too much honey, the giant claw crab would attack him again, and they would have no choice but to run away.

Anyway, the honey is not far from the tree house. It only takes more than ten minutes to go back and forth. At most, I will only take two or three meals of honey back, and then continue to make it after eating.

He wanted to spend the rest of his life digging into the back garden of the giant stinging bees. Who asked these giant stinging bees to chase him, and he even hurt his feet.

However, when he woke up this morning, he realized that he finally no longer needed crutches. The soles of his feet still hurt a little, but there was no big problem in walking. He should be able to run tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

The last time I was injured was on the fifteenth day of survival on a desert island. Now it is the twenty-seventh day, which is more than ten days. The foot injury is finally healed.

After getting the honey, he asked Baddie to pick some strawberry fruits and berries, and returned to the tree house.

Then he asked Badadie to wake up the hypnotized needle bees and help them guard the honey.

Back at the tree house, the long-winged gulls were already waiting here. Yuhai suspected that the long-winged gulls had already settled here, but they just didn't know where the long-winged gulls' nests were.

"Come on, come on, come in and eat honey," Yuhai was not too showy this time. Instead of eating honey outside, he let the elves enter the tree house.

Even if the floral fragrance of honey spreads, it will be locked in the tree house because there is no wind, and will not be smelled by the crab.

It was the first time for the long-winged gull to enter the tree house to eat honey, but for the honey, the long-winged gull also risked his life.

He had already been drugged before he could take the drug, and he had eaten so many meals, not least this time.

Ukai is also testing his friendship with the long-winged gull. The long-winged gull can enter the tree house, which shows that the long-winged gull trusts him, and he is also confident about conquering the long-winged gull.

Since the skylight was previously opened in the tree house, it was of no use at night. During the day, the tree house would be illuminated. Even if the wooden door was closed, one could still see clearly inside the house.

As the four elves held their own rice bowls in their mouths, they lined up to wait for Ukai to share the honey. Ukai did not keep the four elves waiting for a long time. He opened the bucket and scooped out four cups of honey with an iron cup and placed them in the four elves' bowls.

They only got about ten pounds of honey, enough for the four elves to have a breakfast, plus a dessert, and then nothing more.

After all, there were only three elves before, and now that there is one more elf, the honey that the elves can share will become less.

The simple elves have not realized this problem, but Yuhai has long realized that this is human beings. Human beings are very complicated, so complicated that there can be six groups in a four-person dormitory.

This is also the reason why he likes to get along with simple elves. There is no office intrigue in the previous life, no boss's pie, no overtime, no involution, no KPI...

The life of a fisherman is so simple and unpretentious.

Don't look at the fact that the fishing guy is lying down and has no pursuit, but I feel that the fishing guy is hopeless and useless...

In fact, fishermen also have their own pursuits in life, that is, how to lie down better and flatter, and still be able to smoke more money and catch big fish...

Then, the fishing guy traveled through time and met a simple elf. This was because he didn’t want the fishing guy to lie down.

For a fisherman who has long since laid down, the encounter with the elf is a perfect match.

He knows that elves are very simple, so he will spend all his resources on high-potential elves.

After cultivating the elves, he hopes that the elves can bring him rewards. Even if they can bring him the power of self-preservation and make his desert island survival better, it is also good.

For a simple elf, he doesn't have to worry about killing the person he likes first with his first sword ashore.

The villain in the animation is the best example. The elf's view of right and wrong follows the trainer.

Trainers only need to be responsible for their own elves, devote all their emotions and resources, and form a deep bond with their own elves. The elf is the trainer's always trustworthy partner.

This is also the reason why a fisherman who is tired of the workplace becomes more comfortable with life. Compared with complex humans, he prefers to get along with simple elves.

With the company of the elves, he will not have to survive on the desert island and have psychological problems. He will not be lonely at all. He can fish and have elves at the same time. This is exactly what the fisherman wants most in life. He feels very happy now. .

When the four elves finished eating the honey and lay on the mattress to rest, Yuhai also took out the elf ball, placed it in front of the long-winged gull, and asked the long-winged gull: "Long-winged gull, you want to be our partner. What?"

"Uh-oh?" The long-winged gull blinked when it saw the red and white Poké Ball, recalling its encounter with Ukai, which was really wonderful.

At first, it just stole some of Ukai's fish meat, which made Ukai furious. But later, Ukai ignored it, and it found the mosquito-repellent tadpoles again.

The little tadpole couldn't stand the teasing and exploded at the slightest. It liked such a little tadpole so much that it liked to transform into a Zaan and fight against the little tadpole. Every time the little tadpole couldn't quarrel with it, just because the little tadpole couldn't. It can fly, but it can't be hit yet.

The first time we met was also the first time it ate cooked food. From then on, it fell in love with cooked food. Every time Yuhai came over, he would give it some cooked food without letting the tadpoles see it.

It would secretly laugh every time, and would tease the tadpole with this incident, which would make the tadpole angry.

Later, he also ate honey, and he was bold enough to serve it on the table. It was not a companion of this human, but this human still prepared food and honey for it. It didn't understand why.

At first it thought the food was drugged, but later it turned out that she was overthinking it. If anyone wanted to subdue it, they would ask in person.

The decision you make at this moment will determine whether you can eat cooked food and sweet honey in the future.

If you agree to enter the elf ball, it can stay and live with the tadpoles, giant butterflies, and giant claw crabs.

If it leaves, it will live its wandering life again, drifting with the current and migrating along the monsoon.

It looked at the mosquito-repellent tadpoles indifferently, not wanting it, a silly bird that annoys tadpoles, to join in their disgusted expressions.

It looked at Badadie's eagerness to try, and his excited expression that he wanted to agree quickly.

There is also the expressionless giant crab who has always been taciturn and doesn't like to talk.

It finally stretched out its wings and gently touched the button on the elf ball. The elf ball opened and took it in. After the elf ball flashed a few red lights, it stopped shaking.

Seeing this scene, Yuhai secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that the long-winged gull would refuse, and he was also prepared for the other party's refusal.

He will drive the other party away, and if the other party comes to have a meal next time, he will also reject the other party.

As a person, you need to have a sense of boundaries. You need to know what you should do and what you shouldn't do, what you should manage, and what you should refuse...

He has passed the age of passion, turned into a keyboard warrior, and has passed the age of hitting hard, and he has taken everything lightly.

If it doesn't work, change it, and if it doesn't work, change it again. He won't give in, including conquering the long-winged gull.

He has many choices. Even if the long-winged gull refuses, he will not fight against the long-winged gull. There are many elves who can take him away from the desert island.

When he picked up the Long-winged Gull's Poké Ball and saw the Long-Winged Gull's proficiency panel, he felt that this Long-Winged Gull was very good, so there was no need to change it.

Fortunately, the long-winged gull was not subdued by force, and it was indeed a wise move to outwit it.

Although he takes everything lightly, it does not prevent him from being very excited when he catches a big fish. When he comes home, he will carry the big fish on his back and walk around the streets, show off in the streets and then go home... …

【Long-winged Gull】

[Attribute: Water + Flying]

[Gender: Female]

[Potential: 57%]

[Level: 16.57%]

[Characteristics: Moist body/6.39%]

[Mastery of moves: (Wind/7.59%) (Feathering/8.01%) (Water Ring/5.23%) (Water Dip/4.14%) (Scream/11.23%) (Water Gun/10.49%) (Lightning Flash/8.29 %) (Supersonic/3.54%) (Wing Attack/4.58%)]

The potential of the long-winged gull is actually fifty-seven points. He has always felt that this long-winged gull is unusual. Not only is it smart, but it is also talkative. If the potential is too low, it will not be worthy of his eyes.

It is already at level 16, and has certain survival and fighting abilities. I don’t know if Long-Winged Gull has any bad habits besides chewing.

After all, the level is a bit high, with traces of battles and life, the plasticity is greatly reduced, and there is no opportunity to cultivate and cultivate a positive outlook on life from an early age.

However, he did not intend to let the Long-winged Gull fight. He positioned the Long-winged Gull as a weather player, support, and vehicle.

This point of the long-winged gull did not disappoint him, but rather made his eyes light up, because the long-winged gull's characteristic is a moist body, which will turn into rain after evolution.

His weather hand, the weather hand that assists the training characteristics of mosquito-repellent tadpoles, was finally found.

The Long-winged Gull has no hidden characteristics, which is a pity, but they are all minor problems. The most important thing about the Long-winged Gull is its rainfall characteristics, and the ability to carry it away from the uninhabited island is the most important thing.

Next, the Winged Gull is more of a supporting role, and combat is not impossible.

This long-winged gull is quite good in terms of water and flying talents. It has three flying moves and three water moves. It is worth developing these two attributes.

If cultivated well, the potential after evolution can exceed 60, and he has added another king to his team.

Although the three king-level elves are not very strong mainstream elves, this is a king-level elf. He has surpassed many young trainers.

The potential and talents of these three elves are very good, only the mosquito tadpole...

Baddie inherited telekinesis moves, not to mention his talent, he is also very talented in flying and insect types, but he developed his telekinesis first.

The giant claw crab has a mutated large claw and also inherited an arm hammer. It is very talented in claws and needs to explore the relationship between the claws and the strange power claws.

He almost cut off the large pliers before, but he can only say that it was lucky that he didn't cut it off, otherwise he would have suffered a big loss.

It was only later that he realized that while the pliers were weapons, they were also related to the characteristics of the strangely powerful pliers.

If you cut off this mutated large pliers, you don't know if you will have such good luck, and a large mutated pliers will emerge. This kind of thing is rare.

Finally, there is the mosquito-repellent tadpole, with mediocre potential and mediocre talent.

Although it has hidden features, it’s a little surprise!

He could understand that the inheritance had given him a new look, and he was still somewhat useful. He could relieve the abnormal state.

As for ice hockey, it shows that the tadpole has some ice talent, and maybe he can learn the freezing fist in the future, which is not bad.

But what the hell is the eye of the heart? Reality is not a game. You need to lock the enemy with the eye of the heart to increase the hit rate of your moves.

In reality, we either can't hit him, but we have to hit him when we create opportunities. It's a shame. If we still can't hit him, we can only say that he is not as fast as the opponent.

He still hasn't found the use of this move. When training the floating ball, he didn't trigger this move. Could it be that he hasn't reached the limit of the water gun yet, so he doesn't need it.

This move may be used to break through the limit. He also said before that there is no limit to the number of floating balls. The only limit is the tadpole.

There is also a possibility that the tadpole doesn't even realize that he has this move and needs him to remind him.

After all, this move is very metaphysical, not as simple and direct as the water gun move. The introduction of the Eye of the Heart on the proficiency panel is to feel the opponent's actions with your heart.

What does it mean to feel with your heart?

Please ask the panel translator to translate, what does it mean to be careful? What does it mean to feel with your heart?

With the heart or with the brain?

The game is easy to understand, but in reality it's all nonsense.

During this period, the tadpole's training on the four floating balls got stuck. The hit rate of the three-shot water gun was very high, but the fourth shot of the water gun was always a little slower. It seemed that he could give the mind's eye a try.

The introduction of the Eye of the Heart is that it can lock on moving enemies, and naturally it can also lock on moving floating balls.

Tadpole is not as good as the other three elves in terms of potential and talent, so we can only tap into Tadpole's potential in this aspect.


After subduing the long-winged gull and looking at the long-winged gull's proficiency panel, Ukai released the long-winged gull again.

He was very satisfied with this long-winged gull. Overall, it was pretty good. Although the potential was not sixty, it still had fifty-seven potential.

He also discovered a pattern: unevolved elf babies probably don't have more than sixty potential, and even if they do, they are still divine beasts.

If you have a chance in the future, you can use the proficiency panel to test the potential of the cubs of the mythical beasts.

Now, of course, it’s morning exercise. “Tadpoles, giant butterflies, crabs, and long-winged gulls will be our partners from now on. Everyone welcomes long-winged gulls...”

"Yo yo," although the tadpole didn't like this talkative guy, it saw the happiness on Yu Hai's face and expressed its welcome to the long-winged gull.

"Kuao," the giant claw crab seems to be following the crowd. After all, it only has eyes for the tadpole, but it still welcomes the long-winged gull to join.

"Bah, bah, bah," Bada Die pulled the long-winged gull out of the tree house and flew in circles in the air to express its welcome to the long-winged gull.

"Uh-oh," the long-winged gull was a little unprepared for the welcome of Bad Butterfly. After all, its wings are long and narrow, and it prefers to glide or fly horizontally, and is not good at taking off and landing vertically.

"Okay, we're going to train the big butterfly, as well as the tadpoles and crabs." Yuhai saw that the long-winged gull couldn't open its wings, so he reached out to catch the long-winged gull, letting the long-winged gull stand in his hand. superior.

He hadn't thought about the long-winged gull's training plan yet, so he said to the long-winged gull: "You don't need to train, wait until I think about it..."

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