The burning flame 'big' character, with terrifying power, was stamped on the body of the monster.

In the violent explosion, the monster turned into charcoal and flew backwards.

William suddenly raised his head, and like everyone else, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, he looked at the handsome young man riding a fire-breathing dragon and descending from the sky like a savior.

Many people will never forget this scene even when they are old.

Even in the minds of some people, the boy has become a belief-like existence!

The young man is none other than Fang Yuan who came at great speed!

Jumping off the back of the fire-breathing dragon, Fang Yuan couldn't help but give William a thumbs up.

He also saw the scene just now. It was Captain William who was always known as a good old man!

The handsomeness when he pounced to save the girl was one-tenth as handsome as when he fell from the sky!

Some people in the crowd cried with joy, their previous despair gone.

These people are obviously from William's adventure group and are somewhat aware of Fang Yuan's strength.

"It's the big brother! Big brother is really coming��!"

"We are saved!"

"I have decided that my eldest brother will be my lifelong idol from now on!"

"Um! Me too!"


"These damn monsters!"

Glancing at his exhausted elves from the corner of his eye, Fang Yuan's eyes turned cold.

He took out the elf balls and put them away. He nodded politely to the crowd. Fang Yuan turned around lightly and looked at the people in front of him. Warcraft Ocean.

Now is not the time to reminisce about the past, let’s get rid of the immediate trouble first!

Taking out two [Master Balls], Fang Yuan threw them into the sky:"Please! Mew-two! dream!"

When the quasi-god-level Mewtwo and Mew appeared in the air, it seemed as if there was a vague sense of oppression in the entire space.

Whether it was the monsters in the sky or on the ground that were attacking crazily, their movements were slightly stagnant.

Fang Yuan did not intend to leave time for Warcraft to react and directly issued the order.

"Mewtwo uses"Psychic Blade" in the air! Dream, use"Evil Wave" on the ground』!"

Countless pale pink sharp blades appeared around Chaomeng's body, and their sharp energy radiated, making the surrounding space slightly distorted.

As Chaomeng waved his palm, the pink blade shot out, cutting towards the black flying monsters in all directions.

In an instant, the blackness in the sky seemed to have gaps in it.

One after another, the flying monsters turned into small black dots, falling towards the ground like rain.

The pale pink blades did not stop like this. Their energy was slightly exhausted, and they continued to spin and harvest under the control of Chaomeng.

"Ding! Mewtwo kills the silver-level monster! Gained 247 experience!"


"Ding! Mewtwo kills the bronze-level monster! Gained 46 experience points!"


"Ding! Mewtwo kills the gold-level monster! Gained 794 experience!"



Dreamy's little hands closed in front of his chest, and a brown-black energy ball emerged.

As its little hands pushed forward, ripples spread in circles, like a half-moon-shaped sword energy sweeping forward. Go.

Wherever the brown-black ripples hit, smoke and dust billowed, and the monsters that couldn't dodge were deprived of their life force and fell slowly even if they were able to survive one round. The Warcraft, under the attack of successive rounds of brown-black evil energy, eventually followed the footsteps of the former.

"Ding! Dream kill the gold level monster! Gained 976 experience!"


"Ding! Dream about killing silver-level monsters! Gained 357 experience!"


"Ding! Dream kill platinum level monster! Gained 2647 experience!"


With Mewtwo and Mew working together to clear the area, the blackness in front of them was quickly reduced by more than half, as if someone had directly erased it with an eraser.


Looking at this scene, everyone was stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

"Is this... really the monster we were tired of dealing with before?"

"too strong! These monsters were completely defenseless in front of him!"

"Could this young man be a master trainer on the Earth Ranking?"

"I think he is much stronger than the average master trainer! Maybe he has the strength to hit the Heavenly Ranking!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone took a breath.

What is the Heavenly Ranking? That is the ultimate honorary list that the five strongest talents in the entire alliance can be on!

They are king-level trainers!

But, hope Looking at Fang Yuan's always calm profile, they somehow vaguely felt that Fang Yuan might really have such strength!

This is the real boss!

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