After Mewtwo and Mew intervened, the rest of the people were completely idle.

Previously, when facing the army of Warcraft composed of the highest-level combat monsters in the abandoned city, the only one who could break through the defense lines of Mewtwo and Mew was the Blood Demon Eagle.

How can these monsters, whose combat power is only platinum, have the ability to do this?

"Come out too! Bangira! Yukira!"

Looking at the nearly zero experience value on the panel due to the combat power of Mewtwo and Mew Quasi-God, Fang Yuan suddenly slapped his forehead and took out an [Advanced Ball] and a [Master Ball].

Flash Yukila Now he's still a pitiful Level 1!

There was a flash of white light, and a huge Banjira appeared on the ground, as well as a shining Yukira wearing green armor.

"Yo! Yo!"

Little Yukila may have been playing in the elf space. When she was summoned, her little eyes looked confused for a moment.


Banjila immediately became alert after seeing the ocean of Warcraft.

"Bangila, take little Yukila to fight against the monsters to get some exercise!"Fang Yuan turned to Bangila.

When he heard that there was a fight, little Yukila suddenly became excited.

"Yo! Yo!"

Without waiting for Bangila to respond to Fang Yuan's words, he rushed into the sea of monsters with his short legs.


Benjila, this mother, was so worried that she could only follow step by step to protect little Yukila.

Both Chaomeng and Mengmeng knew what Fang Yuan was going to do, and they used the skills to avoid them consciously. In this area, with the protection of the quasi-king-level Bangila, little Yukila will not be in danger at all.


Banjila's claws glowed, and she used"Dragon Claw", seriously injuring the monster in front of her, and then pulled it in front of little Yukila.

"Yo! Yo!"

Little Yukila used the"Claw" in a similar manner. The glowing little claws easily penetrated into the body of the monster, completing the harvest of residual blood.

"Ding! Kill the silver-level monster! Bangira gained 274 experience! Flash gained 32468 experience by Kira!"


"Ding! Flash by Kira Lv.1-Lv.6!"


"Ding! Kill the silver-level monster! Bangira gained 267 experience! Flash gained 34675 experience by Kira!"


"Ding! Flash by Kira Lv.6-Lv.11!"


"Ding! Flash Yukila Combat Power: Bronze-Silver!"


"Ding! Kill the gold-level monster! Banjira gained 1265 experience! Flash gained 52346 experience by Kira!"


"Ding! Flash by Kira Lv.11-Lv.15!"




"Ding! Flash by Kira Lv.23-Lv.25!"


"Ding! Shining Yukila Combat Power: Silver-Gold!"


[Flash by Kira Lv.25]

[Category: Rock Skin Pokémon]

[Gender: female]

[Properties: rocky ground]

[Traits: Perseverance]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Legend]

[Combat Power: Gold]

As expected, a battle of this level is more suitable for a little guy like Yukira.

In a short period of time, Yukira-chan directly reached gold-level combat power!

"Level 25 reaches the gold level. Although it is not as good as the original Mewtwo, it is much better than the performance before Nine-Tails and Charizard!"Fang Yuan nodded happily.

"It is indeed a shining elf with a chance to reach the supreme level!"

After reaching the gold level, Xiao Yukila obviously noticed the change in his own strength and became more courageous.

Moving his short legs, he directly threw away Bangira and rushed into the group of monsters. His little claws During the swing, the several silver-level monsters in front of Little Yukila were not its current enemies at all! Bangila was a little worried at first, but when he saw Little Yukira's performance, he couldn't help but feel relieved at the same time.

, it also vaguely felt that Xiao Yukila's strength was related to Fang Yuan's previous subjugation, and the slight resentment in its heart also disappeared.

Fang Yuan was right, and Xiao Yukila followed. He is the best choice!

As for the people around him, they were once again confused by Fang Yuan's actions.

They couldn't see the change in little Yukila, but Benjila's actions were obviously a trick. , and Fang Yuan's initial words of 'exercise', they still saw it in their eyes and heard it in their ears.

"If I'm not mistaken, this Yukira is honing combat experience in a group of monsters, right?"

"It turns out... the terrifying monsters in our eyes are just tools to sharpen their own elves in the eyes of the boss.……"

"Do you feel like you have lived like a dog for the rest of your life?"

"Do you think so too? It’s over, I feel so useless!"

"Boss, it’s so scary!"

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