"This seems to be my first time to conquer Pokémon without fighting, right?"

Fang Yuan looked down at the long-tailed monster that was tugging at his trousers with an impatient expression. He felt a little strange.

One bag of Pokémon food, and you managed to kill a Pokémon?

If you tell me, no one in the entire alliance would believe it, right? Fang

Yuan felt a bit toothache after looking at the delicious tree fruits on the side....It was unwilling to follow him before...

Is it because of the foodie nature that you don’t want to part with these fruits?

Fang Yuan felt that his heart hurt so much...

Is his charisma not as good as a pack of Pokémon food?

Long-tailed monster: Sorry, no really....

Charmander and Vulpix lowered their little heads and were concentrating on the fruit in front of them.

Fang Yuan and the long-tailed monster stared at each other with big eyes.

Fang Yuan: Do you still want this unreliable guy?

Long-tailed monster: I'm so cute!

Fang Yuan: Sorry, ugly!

The long-tailed monster blinked his big eyes, and the tail hand moved again, tugging at Fang Yuan's trousers.

"OK, OK! Take you away! Take you away!"

Fang Yuan smiled bitterly, shook his head, and took out a new elf ball.

He just pressed the button and enlarged the elf ball to normal size.

The tail of the long-tailed monster stretched out directly, grabbed the elf ball, and put it on his head Smash it.

The elf ball landed on the ground without even shaking, and then it made a"ding" sound, and the whole process was too tortuous. Fang Yuan picked up the elf ball and did the second step of conquering the elf. There was no hope.

Just when he was about to put the elf ball away, the elf ball suddenly opened and the long-tailed monster ran out and called out to Fang Yuan. The long-tailed monster made two gestures with his hands and ran to the tree again.

"Could it be, there is still stock?"

Fang Yuan's mouth twitched.

Half an hour later, Fang Yuan was speechless as he looked at the tree fruit mountain blocking the road in front of him.

However, the foodie attribute of the long-tailed monster is not without its benefits to Fang Yuan. At least. , after returning, he doesn't have to worry about the relationship between Long-tailed Monster and Xiaoguang, as long as he leaves enough Pokémon food with Xiaoguang.

"However, what should we do with this small mountain of fruit?"

Looking at the mountain of fruit trees in front of him, Fang Yuan was troubled.

Even if he wasn't a foodie like Long Tail Monster, he thought it would be a pity to throw away such delicious fruit....

Half an hour later,

Fang Yuan embarked on the journey again.

However, at this time, the few elves around Fang Yuan were all carrying baskets filled with fruits.

The weird costume made the Pokémon passing by look sideways.

In order to reduce the burden, Fang Yuan and a few little guys simply ate while walking.

The long-tailed monster looked at the rapidly decreasing number of berries, and his little face looked a little distressed.

"Don't feel bad, when the fruit is finished, I will compensate you with Pokémon food!"Fang Yuan comforted.

Thinking of the ultimate delicious food, the long-tailed monster smiled happily, and stretched out his tail palm in front of Fang Yuan.

"Five packs? nonexistent! Maximum of two packs!"

The long-tailed monster took back two fingers and shook its tail.

"Three guarantees? OK! make a deal!"...

Although most Pokémon are friendly to humans.

Even the long-tailed monster has more elements of mischief than malice.

But there are also some Pokémon that will actively attack humans because of their personalities and other reasons.

For example...

In front of Fang Yuan and the others, another monkey seeking death jumped out!

The monkey Pokémon in front of me has light yellow hair, and the ends of its limbs turn brown.

It has a pink nose that resembles a pig's nose, and its triangular eyes reveal an unruly look.

The hands and feet are divided into three fingers, and there is a long and flexible tail with a brown end.

It's a monkey monster!

[Monkey Monster Lv.30]

[Category: Pig-Monkey Pokémon]

[Gender: Male]

[Height: 0.5m]

[Weight: 28.0kg]

[Attribute: Fighting]

[Traits: Motivation]

[Items to carry: none]

[Grade: Rare]

[Combat strength: Bronze]

[Introduction: The monkey monster has a very bad temper and is extremely irritable! If someone makes it angry, it will chase after you! When the monkey monster is timid, its rapid breathing is a sign before it becomes angry. Once angry, it will forget to be afraid]


The monkey monster pointed at the baskets behind the little guys, and then pointed at himself.

I think this guy was also attracted here by the scent of the fruit.

"Bronze-level combatants also imitate others to block roads and rob? Fang Yuan smiled,"Little Charmander, use"Spark"」!"

There is no monkey monster in his hiking bag yet! Just enough to tame one.

However, although this one is also a monkey, it is obvious that Fang Yuan will not give it to Xiaoguang.

First of all, ahem, this guy is male...

Secondly, if you keep a bad-tempered monkey monster at home, its destructive power may be even more terrifying than the creature called the husky that existed before the Great Nirvana!

「"Spark" is only a very basic skill, but its power depends on who uses it.

Charmander now has Silver level combat power, and it is more than enough to defeat a Bronze level monkey monster.

The next second, the monkey monster turned into circles and fell to the ground.

"Go for it! Poke ball!"

Fang Yuan threw it, and the elf ball spun and landed on the monkey monster.


The monkey monster was put into the elf ball, and the elf ball couldn't help shaking.

After shaking twice, the monkey monster ran out of it.

Maybe he knew that he had kicked the iron plate. As soon as he came out, the monkey monster turned around and Run.

Seeing the monkey monster disappearing into the grass, Fang Yuan decisively chased after him with Charmander and Vulpix. How could it be possible for you to run away with a Pokémon with a keen sense of smell


The traces of the monkey monster's escape were caught.

However, as he ran, Fang Yuan gradually smelled an unusual smell, which seemed to be a slight vibration in his ears.

"Did you hear anything?"

Several elves nodded.

After hesitating, Fang Yuan pushed aside the grass in front of him.

The sight in front of him suddenly became clear.

Looking at a Pokémon in front of him, Fang Yuan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

"I’ll just say it!

How could a Pokémon that holds such a grudge like Monkey run away without a trace?...

" so...

Are you running away now? still...

ps: Some readers reported the issue of turn-based battles.

I responded several times in the comment area but couldn’t post it.

I don’t know if those readers can catch up here.

Let me explain that battles are inherently things that come and go.

From writing The point of view must be constantly switching to write about the performance and response of both parties.

It seems like a turn-based system, which is normal, but in fact, when I write skills and other things, I have never followed a strict turn-based system.

Frankly speaking, , I have never seen a novel that contains a battle. It’s not about you punching me. Even if you punch to death, the villain still has a frightened expression, right?

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