Fang Yuan was startled by the grimacing monkey face and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Only then did I realize that it was a long-tailed monster!

[Long Tail Monster Lv.21]

[Category: Long-tailed Pokémon]

[Gender: Female]

[Height: 0.8m]

[Weight: 11.5kg]

[Properties: General]

[Features: Pick up]

[Items to carry: Unknown tree fruit]

[Grade: Rare]

[Combat Power: Black Iron]

[Introduction: Long-tailed Monster is a very naughty Pokémon who often plays pranks and brings trouble to others! It can cleverly use its tail that moves more freely than its hands, and it lives high in the trees.]

Seeing that the trick was successful, the long-tailed monster returned to the tree with a strong force on its tail.

Looking at Fang Yuan who looked constipated, the long-tailed monster couldn't help but pull his eyelids with his fingers and made a face again.

After finishing it, perhaps because he thought it was funny, the long-tailed monster held his belly in his hands and laughed.

"You stupid kid!"

Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows and planned to let Little Vulpix get it down from the tree.

"Vulpix, use"Fubuki"」!"

Little bits of snowflakes blew towards the long-tailed monster, which scared the long-tailed monster and couldn't help but hide behind the tree trunk.

After a while, the long-tailed monster carefully poked its head out from behind the tree trunk.

Perhaps realizing that Fang Yuan was really a little angry, the long-tailed monster couldn't help but scratch his head with his tail.

"Are you going to come down by yourself, or are you going to wait for me to get you down?"Fang Yuan said with a smile.

Little Vulpix and Charmander looked at it with threatening eyes at the same time.

The long-tailed monster hesitated for a while, obviously weighing the combat effectiveness of both sides.

He recalled that he just brushed past it. , it was covered with cold snowflakes, and the long-tailed monster couldn't help but shiver.

It just came to the tree obediently, like a student waiting for the teacher's criticism, and stood there honestly for a while. There was a bit of confusion on the long-tailed monster's face.

Then, Fang Yuan saw it taking out a bright red fruit from somewhere.

Looking at its fawning smile, Fang Yuan asked. :"Is this for me?"

The long-tailed monster nodded.

Fang Yuan took the fruit and asked Chaomeng in his mind. After getting a positive answer, he put it into his mouth without hesitation.

The fruit melted in the mouth, was sweet and delicious, and had a rich flavor. The aroma made Fang Yuan's eyes light up

‘Looking at the long-tailed monster hand with evil intentions, Fang Yuan said:"Are there any more? Take out some more and I will forgive you!"

After hearing this, the long-tailed monster hand fumbled and took out another produce a handful of the same fruit.

Fang Yuan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, you only took out one before, maybe it was not for fun?

Distribute the fruit to Charmander and Vulpix. The two little guys ate so much that their eyes narrowed.

"alright! Forgive you!"

Looking at the way this long-tailed monster is 'aware of the current affairs', it is obvious that it blocks the road and scares people, and then Guozi compensates for it, which is also a skill it plays very well.

"As expected of a Pokémon that looks like a monkey, its death-seeking temperament is no different from the monkey head before the Great Nirvana...."

He reached out and touched the head of the long-tailed monster, and the sudden movement scared it's head.

After knowing that Fang Yuan was not going to hit it, it relaxed and squinted its eyes to enjoy Fang Yuan's touch.

"Little guy, don’t do this kind of thing again!" Fang Yuan warned.

It's not to curb the nature of the long-tailed monster, but it is just like this to intimidate passers-by.

It's okay if you meet someone with a good temper, but one day you meet someone with a bad temper.

As for its little arms and legs, it only has black iron

The long-tailed monster's expression dropped, he would probably die of depression if he didn't find something to do in the forest. Will you follow me? Maybe it will be more interesting than if you stay in the forest!"

The long-tailed monster is only rare, and it is obviously not qualified to be used as the main battle elf.

However, with its interesting temperament, sending it to Xiaoguang's side may also make the girl's life interesting. Get up.

The long-tailed monster was stunned for a moment and shook his head decisively.

There were no trainers who tried to conquer it before, but they all failed without exception.

However, Fang Yuan did not insist on catching the elf. It's to collect differences. This long-tailed monster is indeed more lovable.

Forcibly subduing it would go against Fang Yuan's original intention.

"Goodbye, little guy!"Fang Yuan stood up.

Perhaps feeling Fang Yuan's kindness, he saw the long-tailed strange hand suddenly climbed up the tree and tinkered with it.

He ran back and forth several times, and in front of Fang Yuan, the delicious tree fruit, Has piled up into a hill

"For me?"Fang Yuan was slightly surprised.

The long-tailed monster nodded.

"In this case, let me give you something as well!"

I rummaged through the system store and found Pokémon food that suited Long-tailed Monster's taste.

It took a few minutes to redeem it, and Fang Yuan handed it to Long-tailed Monster.

Long-tailed Monster took it excitedly. He came over, sniffed, and immediately tore open the outer packaging, took out a few pills and put them into his mouth.

The long-tailed monster closed his eyes and lay down on the ground.

This reaction almost made Fang Yuan. It was suspected that the Pokémon food sold in the system store was expired food.

When the long-tailed monster got up from the ground, its eyes were filled with little stars.

The long-tailed monster grabbed Fang Yuan's clothes with its big hands.

Fang Yuan's face looked a little strange.

"you mean...Do you want to come with me?"

The long-tailed monster nodded.

Hiss~ Fang Yuan took a breath.

Foodie! Where is your moral integrity?

As a creature with incredible power, where is your dignity?

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