"Nidoking, get out of the way!"Ding Zhiyong said urgently.

Because Nidoking's attention was diverted by the"piercing sound", he did not notice the movement on Shakira's side.

But as a trainer, Ding Zhiyong, even if his sight was obscured by the sandstorm, It's impossible to be unaware of it. It

's not just the sight that is disturbed by the sandstorm.

The constantly whistling wind and sand also affect Nidoking's ability to receive the trainer's instructions.

He covered his ears, so that when Ding Zhiyong’s instructions reached its ears, they were already a little blurry.


Nido King let go of his hand and turned his head slightly to look back, his eyes a little dazed.

In the process, Shakira's"Earthquake" did not stop!

Spider web-like cracks were spreading towards Nido King Along the way, it gradually expanded.

In the crack like an abyss, rubble and smoke rolled, and the power of the earth surged.

Soon, the crack was less than a few meters away from Nidoking, and the land under its feet also grew slightly. It started to move, and something seemed to be breaking out of the ground.

"Nidoking, use"Splitting Tiles" downwards』!"Ding Zhiyong gritted his teeth and said.

He also knew that after this delay, it would be impossible for Nidoking to avoid it!

Instead of doing this, it is better to find ways to reduce the damage you will receive!


Nidoking roared, and white light condensed on his thick palm.

However, Nidoking still wasted too much time in this one after another!

Before its palm could be waved down, on the ground under its feet, Huge stone pillars tore open the ground and rushed out with unparalleled power.

The battle areas in the gym were specially designed to prevent the fighting parties from causing too much damage to the main building of the gym.

But this time, the audience seats more than ten meters away from the battlefield could faintly feel the vibration coming from the direction of the battlefield. Some spectators even thought that there was an earthquake, and there was some commotion!

You know how powerful the skills used by Shakira are.

Even if the audience is like this, it goes without saying that the pressure faced by Nidoking, who is the first to bear the brunt, is even more severe!

Especially, the damage of"Earthquake" to Nido on the ground. For many kings, the effect was outstanding!

Being firmly stamped on his body by the huge stone pillar, Nido King let out a painful cry. This scene was similar to Yuki's before.

The situation between La and the Giant Pincer Mantis is somewhat similar, but this time, Shakira, who has no arms and legs, will naturally not be able to use"Rock Climbing".』……

"Shakira,"Destruction of Light"』!"Fang Yuan said calmly.

Compared with Bangla, Shakira is still not a 'scientist'.

Using"Destruction Light", a skill that is reflected in the game and has a power of up to 150, is enough to take away Nidoking in one wave.

In front of Shakira's purple armor, a white light group condensed, and the light became more and more intense, and finally even reached a point of dazzling the eyes.

The next moment, a strong light shot out towards Nidoking who was thrown into the air.

The light passed through the swirling sandstorm and hit Nidoking without any surprise, who had nowhere to rely on in the air.


Nidoking closed his eyes weakly under the attack of the light.

The huge body flew out and hit the wall behind Ding Zhiyong hard.

The specially made strong wall of the gym was in such a collision. Below, he was also knocked out of a deep pit!

The smoke and dust that were thrown up covered Nidoking's figure...

The smoke and dust quickly dispersed, and Nidoking moved, and finally fell directly from the pit. Oh, my eyes turned into circles

"Ding! Defeat the Master Nidoking! Flash Shakira gained 86497 experience points!"


"Ding! Shakira Lv.55-Lv.56!"


"Nidoking has lost the ability to fight! The winner of this round is challenger Fang Yuan!"

The referee once again made a verdict, but if you listen carefully, you can hear the trembling in his voice. It is obvious that his heart is not as calm as it appears.

And the entire audience also exploded after a moment of silence. There was an uproar.

According to the insider's report, everyone present basically knew that Nidoking was Ding Zhiyong's stronger Pokémon.

However, it was still easily defeated by Fang Yuan's Shakira!!

The most important thing is that Ding Zhiyong has sent out three Pokémon, and all of them have lost their fighting ability...

And Fang Yuan has not only sent out two, but these two still haven't received much damage, and they still have a chance to fight. force!

"Is it possible...that this genius trainer can really defeat the gym owner?"

I don't know who said this in the audience. Everyone fell silent instantly, and their shocked eyes turned to the young and handsome trainer on the other side of the battlefield.

…… ps: I forgot to give experience after defeating Darkrai earlier. It was embarrassing.

Then, I would like to ask for a wave of automatic subscriptions...

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