Before Shakira and Nidoking collided, the audience could only guess at their strength.

But when the skills of both of them were used, the momentum that hit them shocked the audience present, and then they looked envious.

"With this level of power, what level of Pokémon are they?"

"The previous owner used Pokémon with diamond power, but this Nidoking is obviously much stronger!"

"So, what we are seeing now is a master-level battle?"

"Yes, as far as I know, this Nidoking is considered very powerful among the elves of the owner!"

In the audience, there were people who knew more, sharing information with the people around them, causing uproar.

And when they looked at Fang Yuan, they were a little more envious.

It is true that Ding Zhiyong is the leader of the list. But he was already in his early forties, and if nothing else happened, he was going to start to decline. But Fang Yuan was different. He was the same age as most of the people present!

A little bit may make many people jealous...

But when a person's achievements far exceed those of his peers and reach a height that cannot be caught up, then what he gains is basically only admiration and envy!

And in the current battlefield!……


Nido King roared and threw a boulder again, facing the last few arrows in the air.’

‘The arrows hit the boulder one after another, then shattered and sputtered in all directions.

Under the influence of the power of the 'arrow', the speed of the boulder became slower and slower, and spider web-like cracks appeared at the location where it was hit.

The crack gradually expanded and spread to the entire boulder.

The next moment, the boulder fell apart and turned into a pile of gravel and powder, falling to the ground.

This time in the clash between"Sharp Stone Attack" and"Shoot Down", neither side could inflict damage on their opponent.

"Nidoking, using"Sludge Bomb"』!"

After Nidoking stopped Shakira's offensive, Ding Zhiyong issued the order


Nidoking summoned poison-attribute energy, and balls of jet-black mud appeared in his hands, and he threw them towards Shakira.

These jet-black mud contained extremely rich poison-attribute energy. Once it hit, There is a higher chance that Shakira will fall into a poisoned state!

Fang Yuan can guess Ding Zhiyong's intention, but he is not very worried about it. Shakira

's own [sloughing] characteristic has the ability to relieve the abnormal state!

What's more... whether

Nidoking's attack can hit or not is still a question!

"Shakira, use"Sandstorm"』!"Fang Yuan said.

There seemed to be a flash of white light in Shakira's eyes, and a breeze blew across the battlefield.

Then in a short period of time, the breeze intensified and became stronger, rolling up sand and swirling around the battlefield, forming a sandstorm.

Not only were Shakira and Nidoking inside the court constantly being hit by sand and stones, but even the line of sight outside the court was restricted to a certain extent.

"Why use"Sandstorm"』?"

Both the audience and Ding Zhiyong were stunned.

Sandstorm weather will cause a steady stream of damage to Pokémon except for some attributes...

However, Nidoking, who has ground attributes, is not among those who will be disturbed!

"Could it be a command error?"

Such thoughts arise in many people's minds.

The truth is naturally not like this!

Shakira has a hidden characteristic [Sand Hidden]!

[Sand Hidden]: In sandstorm weather, Shakira's evasion rate increases by 20%!

Faced with an overwhelming

Seeing that the jet-black mud ball was about to hit, Shakira moved quickly, appearing to be particularly flexible in the sandstorm..

Balls of black mud passed by Shakira, falling to the ground and exploding.

Even though Nidoking was still trying hard to use the"Sludge Bomb", he still couldn't let the sand go. kira dyed the slightest

"Shakira, use"Earthquake" after"Screeching"』!"Fang Yuan pushed his palm forward and gave the order


In front of Shakira, the harsh sound waves formed invisible circles in the air, heading straight towards Nidoking


The sound wave entered Nidoking's ears, causing him to cover his ears involuntarily, so that the door was wide open, revealing a flaw in the defense.

At this time, Shakira jumped slightly from the ground, and then landed heavily. To the ground.

The invisible power of the earth was injected into the ground, making the entire battlefield seem to vibrate slightly, and a slight crack also appeared where Shakira fell, spreading towards Nido King with the empty door wide open.!

…… ps: In the original setting, there are two characteristics and hidden characteristics. After all, reality and the game are different. In theory, they should exist at the same time, instead of only having one like in the game...

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