"Evil attribute?"Ding Zhiyong glanced at Darkrai,"Then this round, I will use it!"

Take out a Pokémon ball and throw it into the sky. White light flashes, and a Pokémon wearing red armor appears on the ground.

Behind it, there are two pairs of translucent wings, and there are patterns like eyes on its hands. The pincers.

Giant pincer mantis!

[Giant pincer mantis Lv.70]

[Category: Pincer Pokémon]

[Gender: female]

[Properties: Insect Steel]

[Traits: Insect Premonition]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Epic]

[Combat Power: Diamond]

[Introduction: You can’t fly even if you flap your wings, but you can regulate your body temperature by vibrating your wings at high speed]

"Giant pincer mantis? Fang Yuan murmured softly,"Then come back, Darkrai!""

Take back Darkrai's advanced ball and put it back on his waist. Fang Yuan took out a master ball.

"Let this battle be a stepping stone for your evolution! Yukira!"

The master ball was spinning in the air, white light flashed, and Kira, a flash of green armor, appeared on the battlefield.

"Yo! Yo!"

Yukira raised his little arms and shouted with fighting spirit.

[Flash Yukira Lv.53]

[Category: Rock Skin Pokémon]

[Gender: female]

[Properties: rocky ground]

[Traits: Perseverance]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Legend]

[Combat Power: Diamond]

The little guy is not far away from Lv.54 in terms of experience. If you defeat this giant pincer mantis, maybe you can actually reach Lv.55 in one step!

"By Kira?"

Not everyone trusts Fang Yuanmi like Cheng Taihua.

When they saw Yukila, the people present did not pay attention to its distinctive armor color at all. Instead, they preconceived it and regarded it as Ordinary Yukira

"Why did he take out an initial form of Yukira? This is at least a diamond-level battle!"

"That's right, even if you are dazzled by victory, it won't happen!"

"Could he have picked up the wrong elf?"

"Wouldn't it be nice to use the Pokémon from before? Why the sudden change?"

At this time, Ding Zhiyong, affected by his previous failure, did not pay too much attention to the color of Yukila's armor. He just thought that Fang Yuan was deliberately humiliating him.

"Giant Pincer Mantis uses"Bullet Punch" with all its strength』!"

In this case, don't blame him for being cruel!

The giant pincer mantis's pincers emitted a bright silver metallic light, and the wings on its back vibrated. It stomped on the ground and galloped towards Yukira.

『Bullet Punch: Use punches as fast and hard as bullets at your opponent, and you will definitely be able to attack first!

"Yukira, use"Tit for Tooth"』!"Fang Yuandao

『"Tooth for Tooth": A charged attack. If you can attack after the opponent, the power of the move will be doubled!

Yukira began to accumulate strength, crossed his arms in front of his forehead, and took down the silver-white metallic luster of the giant pincer mantis.

Although the steel attribute"Bullet Punch" is extremely effective for Yukira, it is not unacceptable given Yukira's super high defense.


Immediately afterwards, Yukira's little fist lit up with white light, and he punched the giant pincer mantis on the waist, causing it to take a few steps back.

Yukira was not defeated immediately. The people watching the battle were stunned. Even Ding Zhiyong was stunned for a moment when he repelled the giant mantis!

"Yukira, use"Earthquake"』!"

Fang Yuan naturally would not miss this opportunity, and before the giant pincer mantis could stand firmly, he quickly issued an order


Yukira screamed softly, and stepped heavily on the ground with her little feet. As the sand and dust rolled, the invisible power of the earth was activated.

The ground began to vibrate slightly, and a tiny crack appeared from under Yukira's feet, all the way to the ground. The giant pincer mantis spreads, and the crack gradually grows, revealing a bottomless abyss, with gravel and dust scattered everywhere.

When the crack spreads to a few meters in front of the giant pincer mantis, huge rocks suddenly tear up from the ground under the giant pincer mantis. It cracked the ground and blasted straight upwards.

The giant pincer mantis was unable to dodge and was thrown into the air.

"Yukira, use"Rock Climbing" to give it the final blow!"


Yukira's little hands and feet glowed, and he ran forward, climbing up along the stone pillar created by the"earthquake" that had not yet returned to the ground.

Soon, Yukira climbed to the highest point of the stone pillar, and under the influence of inertia The giant pincer mantis rushed into the air.

The small fist was once again printed on the waist of the giant pincer mantis.

It fell back to the ground, and Kira's little hand was on the ground, and there was a sound behind it. With a loud noise, the Giant Pincer Mantis fell heavily and lost its ability to fight!

"Ding! Defeat the Diamond-level Giant Pincer Mantis! Flash gained 76498 experience by Kira!"


"Ding! Flash by Kira Lv53-Lv.55!"


"The Giant Pincer Mantis loses its ability to fight! The winner of this round is Fang Yuan!"

The referee waved the flag several times and made a decision.

"come back! Giant pincer mantis!"

Putting away the elf ball, Ding Zhiyong's face was gloomy and he looked at Fang Yuan coldly.

"Your Yukira did surprise me, but the next elf I have is not something your Yukira can handle!"

"Can't handle it? Fang Yuan smiled,"I don't think so!""

I saw Yukira on the field, and at some point, his body was covered with a faint white light.

This is... the light of evolution!

…… ps: Complete the task before midnight!

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