Ding Zhiyong walked to stand opposite Fang Yuan and said casually:"Let's decide quickly! I still have things to do!"

Fang Yuan smiled:"I think so too!"

Ding Zhiyong couldn't help but look away at him, shook his head and laughed..

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!

Do you really think you can defeat him like you defeated a weakling like Cheng Taihua? too naive!

"The showdown between gym trainer Ding Zhiyong and challenger Fang Yuan begins now!"

The referee on the side seemed to have sensed the stiffness of the atmosphere on the battlefield, and waved the flag to signify the start of the battle.

For a moment, the trainers watching the battle couldn't help but hold their breath, and they responded to what the two sides would send next. The Pokémon are full of expectations.

They usually don't have the opportunity to watch such a high-level duel at such a close distance!

"The decision is yours! Gem starfish!"

Ding Zhiyong took the lead in taking out the [Poké Ball] and threw it towards the sky.

White light flashed, and a starfish-like Pokémon appeared on the ground.

Its main body was purple.���There is a golden metal-like structure on the front of its body, with a red gemstone embedded in the middle.

The whole thing looks like a purple starfish carrying another starfish on its back.

[Gem Starfish Lv.64]

[Category: Mystery Pokémon]

[Gender: no gender]

[Attribute: Water superpower]

[Features: Natural reply]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Epic]

[Combat Power: Diamond]

[Introduction: Can rotate its body like a geometric figure and swim in the water, as if it is always emitting mysterious radio waves]

"Water-type and super-type Pokémon? Fang Yuan smiled,"That's you!" Darkrai!"

Took out the [Advanced Ball] and threw it into the air, and Darkrai, who was as black as a shadow, appeared in the air.

"What kind of Pokémon is this?"

This thought arose in the minds of everyone present.

The trainers watching the battle were the most excited. This has just begun, and there has been such a big surprise. The subsequent battles are even more worth looking forward to!

"You probably used this undiscovered Pokémon to scare Cheng Taihua, right?"Ding Zhiyong came back to his senses and snorted coldly.

"But I'm not him, so don't try to take advantage of me!"

Fang Yuan's smile remained unchanged, and he didn't even bother to tell him Darkrai's attributes.

Before he had a duel with Cheng Taihua, he told him Mewtwo's attributes because he wanted to have a fun battle with him.

As for Ding Zhiyong?

Or Teach him how to behave first!

"Gem Starfish, use"Water Cannon"』!"

Seeing that Fang Yuan didn't answer, Ding Zhiyong's face darkened and he took the lead in issuing the order.

At the ruby of the Gem Starfish, a ball of water-attribute energy condensed, and the next moment a water column shot out towards Darkrai like a cannonball.

"Darkrai, stay away!"Fang Yuan said lightly.

Against Darkrai who is as fast as a ghost, using this skill with its own lack of hit rate, no matter how powerful it is, what's the use?

Darkrai's body shook slightly, and in an instant He moved a few meters away and easily avoided Gem Starfish's water cannon.』

"Darkrai,"The Wave of Evil"』!"

Darkrai clasped his hands together, and a ball of brown-black energy condensed, exuding an evil aura.

The next second, the brown-black energy ball came out of his hand, and with the sound of breaking wind, it shot towards the gem starfish.

"Evil attribute attack? Is this an evil Pokémon? Ding Zhiyong was shocked,"Gem Starfish, use"Guard"』!"

A thin blue translucent mask appears on the surface of the gem starfish.

The brown-black energy ball attacked the light shield, only knocking back the gem starfish and causing no damage.

However, in a short period of time, the success rate of using"Hold" will decrease as the number of uses increases!

How many attacks can it block?

"Darkrai, using"Evil Wave" continuously』!"

On Darkrai's palm, brown-black energy balls continued to condense and were thrown towards the gem starfish.

Ding Zhiyong's expression changed. It was no longer realistic to dodge. Let's take it hard!

"Gem starfish, use"water cannon" to stop them!"

The gem starfish once again condensed the water attribute energy, and a huge water column shot out, facing the brown-black energy ball.

The water column was still in a stalemate with one of the energy balls for a moment...

But after the subsequent brown-black energy ball arrived, the water column It was torn apart in an instant.

Several brown-black energy balls hit the Gem Starfish's body hard, causing it to fly backwards and hit it with several"evil" effects that could cause it to stand out. After the wave, Gem Starfish lay on the ground and could not stand up again!

He was killed instantly! There was an uproar in the surrounding audience.

"Gemstone Starfish has lost its ability to fight, so the winner of this round is challenger Fang Yuan!"

The referee waved the flag and announced the result.

"Come back, Gem Starfish!"

Taking back the gem starfish, Ding Zhiyong's face looked ugly.

How could he lose?

It must be because he didn't know the attributes of the Pokémon in front of him!

If he had known that it was an evil attribute from the beginning, he would not have lost!

At this moment, He completely forgot what he said when Darkrai appeared...

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