The abyss-like ravine is still approaching Mega Bangira


Mega Bangila didn't mean to evade, and stepped down hard again with his thick soles.

『Tread hard'!

The power of the earth surged, forming a shock wave that headed towards the crack without hesitation.

The two collided, and a huge explosion instantly occurred at the center of the collision. Countless mud chunks even flew out among the billowing smoke and dust.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, a deep pit with a radius of more than ten meters was revealed. On both sides of the pit, there were deep ravines left by the aftermath of the collision!

Evenly matched!

You must know that even after Banjila's Mega evolution, she can only barely reach the quasi-god realm!

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, the three-headed beast kings roared together and ran, trying to shorten the distance between the two sides.

Chaomeng's body swayed and disappeared.

When the sonic boom came out, it had already arrived in front of the Blood Hell Demon Lion.

Behind it are countless pale pink twisted sharp blades.

The sharp energy of the blade even faintly split the space, causing wisps of black to appear on the edge of the blade!

『"Spiritual Blade"!

Following Chaomeng's thoughts, the pale pink blade cut through the air and headed straight for the Blood Hell Demon Lion.

The Blood Hell Demonic Lion could only stop its progress abruptly and rolled up the sand, leaving a drag mark on the ground.

The next moment, a"spiritual blade" sank into the ground in front of it.

Even if it reacts a little slower, it will still be scarred by Mewtwo's attack!

There was no time to rejoice, and the Blood Hell Demon Lion began to dodge in embarrassment.

In the air, a rain of"spiritual blades" is waiting for it!

While dodging, it raised its scarlet eyes and met Chaomeng's cold, seemingly emotionless eyes.

[Your opponent is me]



The little dreamy flicked its tail and flew towards the strange power demon bear.

Around it, powerful spiritual power was released, forming a huge vortex, rolling up the soil and dust.

When the strange power demon bear was away, When the bear was less than a hundred meters away, Mengmeng's cute eyes lit up with a faint pink light. A powerful force of thought was exerted by it, and a sharp pain shot into the head of the strangely powerful demon bear.

The strange power demon bear let out a painful roar.

Its consciousness became blurred, and it could not even maintain its current running movement. As soon as its front paw was free, it fell heavily to the ground with its jaws falling to the ground. After being dragged for tens of meters, it fell at an extremely fast speed, causing its rough skin and flesh to suffer a certain amount of damage.

When it shook its head and tried to get up from the ground, it showed a dreamy momentum.

Rising rapidly.

All the power of Mew's whole body was mobilized, forming a huge light ball exuding a powerful aura in the mind of the strangely powerful demon bear!

It was still in chaos, so much so that it had no consciousness of interrupting the dream's"Qi Bomb" before it was condensed.

Soon, the dream's"Zhen Qi Bomb" condensed into shape, and the light was as bright as a small sun!

The fluctuations of this energy were so strong that even Cheng Taihua, who was several miles away, was secretly frightened.

"Meow meow!"

Meng Meng's little hand pushed forward, and the"Qi Bomb" hit without any accident.

When the energy ball fell on the strangely powerful demon bear, the movement caused was probably no less than an ordinary missile.

After the loud noise, a mushroom Shape-shaped dust rushed into the sky and lingered for a long time.

The dreamy eyes once again lit up with a pink light representing spiritual power, and an energy emerged on the surface of the strangely powerful demon bear.

『Mind power’!

Dream just dragged it and flew to another open space


In the end, the only one left who could truly come to Mega Bangira was the Vajra Demon Ape.

Whether it is Mega Bangira or Vajra Demon Ape, they are both leaders in physical attacks.

Both sides did not intend to use special attacks. When the other two battles started, the two sides had already collided fiercely.

Mega Bangira's fist glowed white, and the energy in his body surged towards the fist.

With a sudden force, Mega Bangira punched out his fist

『Megaton giant fist!

The Vajra Demon Ape was also not to be outdone. He mobilized the demonic energy on his body and also concentrated it on his fist.

The fists of both sides collided in the air.

At the moment of contact, an invisible sound wave that would burst an ordinary person's eardrums spread out, rolling up circles of dust and moving towards the distance.

And the ground under the soles of both sides' feet also sank a lot in an instant!

Different from the other two battle circles... here, it is destined to be a showdown of absolute strength with fists and fists!

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