When Mega Bangira arrived at the new battle circle, the situation changed instantly.

Together, Mewtwo and Mew are enough to gain the upper hand against the three-headed beast king.

With the addition of a Mega Bangira with the same quasi-god fighting power, the three-headed beast king even started to think about quitting!


Mega Bangira's aura increased, and he stepped hard on the ground with his thick feet, sending out the first blow of his promotion to the quasi-god!

Invisible energy poured into the ground, and the surface instantly cracked, with countless cracks heading towards the location of the three-headed beast king. Spread in the direction of


When the crack came to a position ten meters in front of the three-headed beast king, the entire land seemed to be shaken, and countless stone pillars rose up from the ground with sand.

None of the three-headed beast kings have the ability to fly, and can only dodge by running quickly.

After a while, the field under their feet became lined with stone pillars, like a rock forest.

There are fewer and fewer places for them to move and dodge.

The Vajra Demon Ape relies on its climbing ability to continuously shuttle quickly through the rock forest.

The flexible movements minimized the impact of the"earthquake" on it.

But the strangely powerful Demonic Bear and the Bloody Hell Demonic Lion are not as relaxing and comfortable as it is.

Just to the side of the strangely powerful demon bear, a stone pillar suddenly pierced the ground diagonally and struck it hard.


The strangely powerful demon bear roared, and the demonic energy surged from its body, making the two bear paws as black as ink.

With the sound of breaking wind, the two bear paws fiercely slapped the rock pillars in front of them.

At the moment of collision, the rock pillars broke apart. , and finally turned into rubble all over the sky and flew in all directions, but the strangely powerful demonic bear didn't feel comfortable either. It was pushed out by the huge force for more than ten meters, and happened to meet another stone pillar...

Although at the last moment, it used demonic energy to protect it. The back was covered, but it didn't suffer much damage, but it still fell to the ground in a mess.

The most embarrassing thing was the Blood Hell Demon Lion! If the lion's paw competed with the bear's paw, he would lose a lot, the Blood Hell Demon Lion thought. It was a bit natural to smash the stone pillar like a monster with a magical energy.

The lion's palm surrounded by the devil's energy hit the stone pillar, and spider web-like cracks appeared on the stone pillar.

However, the entire stone pillar still carried great power. The Blood Hell Demon Lion was knocked away violently.

The feline's innate balance allowed it to successfully flip over in the air, but at the same time, a huge rumbling sound was heard on the ground below it. came out.

Several rock pillars broke through the ground almost at the same time, heading towards the Blood Hell Demon Lion.

The Blood Hell Demon Lion let out a deep roar, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across its scarlet eyes. The demonic energy condensed into a long sharp blade and was swung towards the stone pillar in front of him.

The black sharp blade cut through the air and divided the stone pillar into a large number of fragments.

However, the fragments still directly hit the Blood Hell Demon Lion under the influence of inertia. , shooting it down from the air.

With a loud noise, the Blood Hell Demonic Lion fell heavily to the ground. The ground seemed to shake slightly, and smoke and dust billowed.

After a while, the energy in the ground gradually depleted, and the"earthquake" affected it. Gradually disappeared.

The rocky forest also slowly retreated underground, leaving only the devastated three-headed beast king, whose face was not very good-looking, and the cold light in his scarlet eyes flashed.

『The damage caused to them by the earthquake was not serious, but this feeling of embarrassment was something they had not experienced in a long time.

Almost at the same time, the demonic energy in the three-headed beast king began to surge.

Two black beams of light formed by demonic energy spurted out from the mouths of the strangely powerful Demonic Bear and the Blood Hell Demonic Lion, striking at Mega Bangira.

As for the Vajra Demon Ape, its extremely long arms were covered with demonic energy, and then it punched the ground hard with both fists.

The ground cracked, forming a long and narrow crack, also heading in the direction of Mega Bangira.

The cracks are filled with demonic energy, like the legendary abyss.

A distance of more than a thousand meters cannot be considered a distance at all for a strong person of this level.

I saw two black energy pillars and a dark abyss crack, arriving almost instantly.

However, Mega Bangela never fights alone!

Chaomeng opened his palm, and a light ball full of powerful energy appeared in his hand.

『Wave missiles!

As Mewtwo's arm waved, the light ball in its hand spun away at high speed and headed towards one of the light pillars.

The light ball collided with the black light pillar. The rotating light ball instantly tore the light pillar apart and pushed forward against the light pillar.


Little Dream screamed softly, and a ball of light condensed in front of its little body.

The next moment, a beam of light emitting strong light shot out and faced another black beam of light.

『Destroy the light!

Two light beams, one black and one white, collided fiercely. The stalemate lasted for less than half a breath, and it was obvious that the white light beam was slowly melting and decomposing the black light beam!

And Bangila, from beginning to end, only had to face the attack of a beast king, the Vajra Demon Ape! ps: I haven’t asked for flowers or comments for a long time, so I’m going to give it a try...

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