Not to mention how horrified the old principal was when he learned the news.

At this time, Fang Yuan was riding a fire-breathing dragon and was already galloping towards the other side of the human base.

Along the way, looking from a high altitude towards the human base below, one could see groups of heavily armed soldiers evacuating the crowd in an orderly manner.

People living near the edges of human bases are required to move into the interior of human bases.

After all, not long has passed since that turbulent period, and older people all know the seriousness of the matter.

During the migration, there was no case where anyone refused to leave.

Lines of defense one after another were set up in circles by the soldiers, obviously preparing for the worst case scenario of the outer defense line being breached.

This terrible execution also reflects from the side what the turmoil was like back then.

This was after humans gradually gained a foothold and established a human base!

What would it be like during the 'Great Nirvana Period' when the Pokémon Alliance was established?

People who were not born in that era may never know


With the fire-breathing dragon flying at full speed, Fang Yuan quickly arrived at the other side of the human base

"The level of strength of the Warcraft here is indeed much higher than that of the side I came from!"

Even though he hasn't landed yet, the battle fluctuations coming from far away still made Fang Yuan feel the difference.

Corresponding to the strength of the monsters, there are many more high-level human trainers on this side!

[Water Arrow Turtle] Lv.65]

[Category: Carapace Pokémon]

[Gender: male]

[Properties: water]

[Features: Riptide]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Epic]

[Combat Power: Diamond Peak]


[Strange Power Lv.63]

[Category: Weird Pokémon]

[Gender: male]

[Attribute: Fighting]

[Traits: Perseverance]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Epic]

[Combat Power: Diamond]


[Gyarados Lv.66]

[Category: Vicious Pokémon]

[Gender: female]

[Attributes: water flying]

[Characteristics: Intimidation]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Epic]

[Combat Power: Diamond Peak]


Looking along the way, the trainers at the front are basically diamond-level trainers!

A rough calculation showed that as far as Fang Yuan could see, there were twenty or thirty diamond-level trainers!

But it’s not surprising if you think about it, each human base will have three more diamond-level trainers every year.

Over the past few decades, even taking into account the attrition under various circumstances, the number can reach close to a hundred people.

There was not much pressure on the old principal, so he was left with an old man who was as powerful as a diamond-level trainer to deal with emergencies.

The rest of the diamond-level trainers are scattered in various defensive lines with high pressure.

The defense line with a quasi-god-level monster in front of us is naturally the place with the greatest pressure!

"Um? Is that Cheng Taihua?"Fang Yuan inadvertently saw a familiar figure in the center of the defense line.

He couldn't help but let the fire-breathing dragon fall in that direction.

"Become a brother!"Fang Yuan asked the fire-breathing dragon to join the battle and turned to say hello to Cheng Taihua.

"Is your boy back?"Cheng Taihua was slightly startled, and when he saw it was him, he laughed heartily,"With your entry, brother, our pressure has been reduced a lot!"

Cheng Taihua has fought against Fang Yuan, and he is very aware of his strength. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is even stronger than him.

The people around him who were directing the elves to fight all had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Cheng Taihua As the gym leader of a human base, Hua is also a member of the guardian team, but it is rare for him to admire a person so much!

What is so special about this boy?

However, when they see it ? After joining the battle group, Charizard became so powerful that he could n't help but feel slightly relieved. It was hard to overestimate how highly he had a master-level Charizard at such a young age.

Little did he know that Cheng Taihua also looked at Charizard in surprise. I never thought that Fang Yuan had such powerful Pokémon besides Chaomeng.

"Isn’t it said that there are quasi-god-level monsters? Fang Yuan asked doubtfully,"Why didn't you see it?""

"There it is!"Cheng Taihua stretched out his hand and pointed.

Fang Yuan followed his hand and finally found a distinctive figure in the group of monsters.

It was a dark black tiger-shaped monster. It was among the group of monsters. He could not even notice it if he didn't pay attention. Discovered.

But when Fang Yuan noticed it, he felt the power fluctuation in it was no less than that of the quasi-god-level Vajra Demon Bear he had killed before.

[Netherworld Demonic Tiger]

[Type: Warcraft]

[Characteristics: Destruction]

[War. Power: Quasi-God]

"Is it really a quasi-god-level monster? Fang Yuan licked his lips,"It looks like another huge amount of experience income!""

Yes, Fang Yuan came here for this huge amount of experience. ps: I suddenly realized that it has been over a hundred chapters. Thank you all for accompanying me all the way! Thank you!

I will continue to work hard and hope to be able to walk through one after another with you all. A hundred chapters!

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