The quasi-god-level Vajra Demon Bear in the previous abandoned city had been killed by Chaomeng.

The one that appears now is obviously from another abandoned city!

As Fang Yuan knows about this continent, the number of abandoned cities in the wilderness area far exceeds the five hundred human bases!

As for this beast wave, it was obvious that the human base where Fang Yuan was located was facing monsters from several abandoned cities at the same time!

"Old principal, is our base the only one to be attacked by the beast tide?"After thinking about it, Fang Yuan asked for a piece of information that he wanted to get before he came back.

If he wants to solve the beast tide in front of him, he just needs to fight back, which is just treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

Only by finding out the cause of the beast tide, and Solving it completely is the fundamental solution!

"No, if the news I got is correct, it seems that the entire continent is experiencing a beast wave at the same time!"The old principal thought for a moment and replied

"However, for some unknown reason, the strength and number of monsters faced by our human base are not as good as other places!"

When I first learned about this situation, the old principal was puzzled for a while.

You must know that the five hundred human bases are not randomly arranged!

Affected by many factors such as water sources, food, etc., although humans cannot directly gather together to establish A separate human base.

However, these five hundred human bases have been carefully calculated and can share the pressure from Warcraft to a certain extent, so in theory, they are not easy to defeat one by one. The pressure faced by various human bases should not differ too much!

"Maybe it's because I destroyed an abandoned city?"Fang Yuan secretly thought.

However, the news that five hundred human bases were facing a beast tide at the same time made his eyes freeze.

"Is it the joint decision of all quasi-god-level monsters? Fang Yuan's eyes flashed,"Or... the decision of a certain magical beast?""

Thinking of that possibility, even Fang Yuan's eyes froze slightly.

Turning to look at the old principal, Fang Yuan asked:"Old principal, there was a beast tide more than ten years ago. Have you ever found the specific reason? ?"

Fang Yuan wanted to confirm his guess through past examples.

"You may not believe it……"The old principal smiled bitterly,"The tide of beasts was constant back then, just because so many warcraft were born during the 'Great Nirvana Period' that they didn't even care about losses!"

Fang Yuan was silent. With just one sentence, he could feel the situation they were in. The turmoil of that era.

No wonder it is considered the century of destruction!

However, in this way, the examples from that year have no reference value.

In recent years, a certain balance has been formed between humans, Pokémon and Warcraft.

Naturally, it won't be a tide of beasts caused by too many.

"You stay here, take good care of Xiaoguang, and help take care of the defense line by the way. I have to go over there and take a look!"The old principal summoned his fire-breathing dragon, Fang Yuandao

"etc! Fang Yuan stopped him,"Let me go!""

His Mewtwo and Mew, it is now difficult to gain experience!

A quasi-god-level monster has appeared. No matter what considerations he has, he hopes to see it in person.

"you sure?"The old principal stopped.

"Sure! Fang Yuan smiled,"Don't forget, I am no weaker than you now!""

The old principal was slightly silent. Whether it was the strength of the Pokmon he had taken action at the lakeside before or the well-bred fire-breathing dragon in front of him, they all proved that Fang Yuan's words were not lies.

"You still have a chance to regret it!"Raising his head, the old principal looked at him seriously,"I'm not afraid to tell you that the line of defense I'm guarding now has the least pressure among all lines of defense! After a pause, the old principal continued:"But that side is extremely dangerous!""

Hearing this, Xiaoguang couldn't help but nervously pulled Fang Yuan's clothes.

Fang Yuan hugged the girl apologetically and whispered a few words of comfort.

Letting go of her, Fang Yuan smiled:"You always see me as someone who is easily impulsive. people?"

The old principal shook his head.

"That's right! And I can’t possibly let Xiaoguang’s grandfather rush to the front at his age, right? Fang Yuan joked,"Help me take care of Xiaoguang, I will be back soon!""

The old principal wanted to stop him, but Fang Yuan, who jumped on the back of the fire-breathing dragon, turned around with a smile.

"Aren't you curious about what I have been doing in the past two months?

The old principal replied subconsciously:"What did you do?""

Fang Yuan patted the fire-breathing dragon. The fire-breathing dragon rose into the air, and his voice spread to the bottom.

"Haven't you always wondered why our human base faces much less pressure?"

"you know?"The old principal's eyes widened. Combining Fang Yuan's words before and after, a bold idea came to his mind.

Fang Yuan's faint voice came

"I did it!"

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