Please Stop Talking

Chapter 257: Eighty-one sword (three shifts)

"If it breaks, it's a sin!"

As a piece of stone fell, a touch of transparent green appeared at the edge of the knife, and the people who were knowledgeable at the scene were excited!

They could tell at a glance that this is the glass type in the premium jade series!

What is glass?

It is that the degree of transparency of this jade is like a glass plate, and the purity is extremely high!


The glass type is the best jade second only to the emperor green!

Many knowledgeable people were so excited that they wanted to step forward to see if this jade was broken, but Li Na took the lead and picked it up!

With Li Na's movements, all the stone chips on the original stone fell one after another, revealing a green small round polyhedron the size of a human head!

"My God, how is this possible?"

"I must be dazzled!"

"The piece just now is definitely not a rough stone, but a processed glass seed wrapped in a rough stone!"

"That's right! I just made a cut just now. How could it be done like this? There are at least fifty or sixty sides, and every side is the same size. It's natural, it's impossible to cut it easily!"

Seeing the glass polyhedron in Li Na's hand, everyone was shocked, and they didn't want to believe that it was cut out by Ye Feng with bare hands in an instant!

"Wow! Boss, you are so amazing!"

Li Na held the decent glass in both hands, carefully wiped off the stone chips on it, looking at every square face, her eyes were full of worship!

With her current intelligence and eyesight, she could see that this polyhedron had eighty-one faces at a glance, that is to say the moment just now!

Ye Feng cut out eighty-one swords, every sword was just right, the cuts were as smooth as jade, there were no cracks, it was natural!

"Who is he? Is this true?"

Shen Yanbing was shocked, she was always there, from Ye Feng choosing stones to Ye Feng cutting stones, there was no chance of cheating in the middle!

and so.

Only two possibilities!

One is a scene jointly performed by Ye Feng and Boss Zhang!

One is that Ye Feng really used a sword to cut a piece of rough stone into a work of art in an instant!

But is it possible?

Is this something anyone can do?

"My son, how about I spend 10 million to buy your piece of jade?"

Shen Yanbing stepped forward. At this moment, she was a little curious about Ye Feng. What does this man want to do?

"Boss, I'll buy it for you!"

Li Na held the green glass seed like a small human head and couldn't put it down. The most important thing is that Ye Feng made it by herself!

Although she is a secretary, she does not lack the ten million now!

"What to buy, I'll give it to you!"

Ye Feng waved his hand and said, "There are nine more. Are you sure you choose this one?"

"I want this!"

Li Na knows that the latter may be better, but she knows the truth of Zu Changle, there is no need to get the most expensive one!

As long as it is given by Ye Feng, she likes it!


Seeing that Ye Feng ignored him, Shen Yanbing clenched his fists, gritted his teeth!

However, after spending several years in the mall, she is not enough to get angry now, so she won't talk more and look at the situation!

Lin Yan's small eyes are more curious, his body has been strengthened by the system, ten times that of ordinary people, and his eyesight is stronger!

Although he hadn't seen it clearly just now, he also saw that Ye Feng had cut dozens of swords in an instant!

He knew this was not a drill, it was all real!

Not only could Ye Feng easily select the best rough stone, but his strength was also abnormally strong. He originally thought that he had ten times the physical fitness of ordinary people, even if he was not invincible in the world, he would have few opponents!

But seeing Ye Feng, he knew that the gap between them was too big!

It is estimated that Ye Feng can hang him with one hand!

There are such people in the world?

Isn't this an ordinary technological world?

Or does this person also have adventures?

the other side.

The little anchor Lu Xue also widened her eyes. Her live broadcast room was already boiling, and many people felt that this was filming, otherwise, who could cut the rough stone into this in an instant?

"This is absolutely false. It's impossible for anyone to cleave so many swords in an instant and still be so precise? If this is true, I will live broadcast!"

"Save screenshot!"

"Get ready to eat upstairs, do you know who that is? Acting? Acting Nima coins? Who can afford it?"

"Let's give a big introduction upstairs, who is that person?"

"I know, isn't this the chairman of Xinghai Group Ye Feng? The live broadcast platform we are watching now belongs to him!"

"Fuck! I remembered, this is Ye Feng! No wonder I felt familiar before, as if I had seen it somewhere before, it turned out to be Ye Feng!"

"Xue'er, you got lucky and ran into your boss's boss. No wonder your live broadcast room was suddenly hung on the cover of the homepage!"

"Xue'er, don't hesitate to kneel and lick it. You don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life!"

"Jingxian boss! Is this the daily routine of bosses?"

"Does the boss carry a knife every day? (Funny

The live broadcast room was boiling, Lu Xue's eyes widened, and a storm surged in her heart. Did she live broadcast the big boss?

But it seems okay?

Also blocked by the homepage?

She feels her legs are soft!

It turns out that the boss is so close to her!

She wanted to step forward, but she didn't dare!

However, Shen Yanbing took a step forward and picked up a piece of rough Ye Feng placed on the ground. He smiled and said, "The son is really amazing. I don't know the name of the son?"

While she was talking, she rubbed the rough stone with her palm and pressed hard at the same time!

She is obviously not so enthusiastic and helpful, but wants to see if Ye Feng's rough stone is real!

"You can see it as you want, no need to bend around!"

Ye Feng penetrated her little movement at a glance, and then said flatly: "Ye Feng!"

"It turned out to be Ye Gongzi... Ye Feng!"

Shen Yanbing didn't care about it at first, but he smiled and prepared to study whether Ye Feng's rough stone was genuine!

But suddenly, a name came to mind!

"You... Are you Ye Dong of Xinghai Group?"

Shen Yanbing's body trembled and looked at Ye Feng in shock. The original stone in his hand fell out without holding it firmly!

This rough stone also weighs tens of kilograms. If it hits her foot, her foot will be useless!


She let out a scream!

But at this moment, Ye Feng stretched out his hand to grab it, and easily grasped the dozens of kilograms of rough in his hand!

"Thank you!"

Shen Yanbing lowered his head, what a shame!

Can't wait to find a seam to drill in!

"It turned out that Dong Ye came here, Zhang Yuanfu, I met Ye Dong!"

The fat boss was shocked and walked forward with a flattering look. No wonder Ye Feng is so wealthy and wealthy, it turns out that he is a big Buddha!

He just said that the rich second generation can easily put out 100 million to play with, it is not surprising that it is Ye Feng!

People make billions a day!

One hundred million but drizzle!

Little money!

"You're welcome, I want to continue cutting the stone!"

Ye Feng waved his hand, put the rough stone on the table, and raised the sword!

Everyone held their breath!

Keep your eyes on!

I'm afraid to miss a bit!


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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