Please Stop Talking

Chapter 256: Green is green (two more)

Through the information resume, Ye Feng knew the other party's information at a glance.

The female anchor's name is Lu Xue, she is twenty-four years old this year, and she is a small anchor who belongs to his company!

"Hello everyone, there are many people in this jade shop, it looks very lively, it should be a gambling on stone!"

"Xue Er doesn't know much about gambling, but I heard that gambling is a bit of heaven and a bit of hell. I don't know if you are interested. Xiaoxue will take you to see the excitement of gambling!

Lu Xue had a sweet voice and walked inside!

"Xue'er, there is a handsome guy over there, and I will look at the handsome guy!"

"Look! There is a big beauty there, I want to see the beauty!"

"It's so beautiful! It looks like a secretary, the capitalist of Dog Day!"

"Wow, my little brother is so handsome. I really want to be a secretary for my little brother. He is eighteen years old and has a beautiful body!

"The **** upstairs, this looks like the kind of scumbag man who plays with women!"

With the camera facing Ye Feng and Li Na, the live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

The same **** repels each other, the opposite **** attracts each other, and they are divided into two camps at once!

"Woo, don't you guys love Cher anymore?"

Lu Xue pretended to be wronged, and then told the netizens in the live broadcast room the news she had just inquired, saying:

"I just asked you about the handsome and cool little brother and little sister!"

"Sher don't cry, stand up!"

"Wow, what's your brother's name?"

"What is Miss Sister's name?"

Countless barrages flashed by, and various rewards flew up. Lu Xue didn’t sell her, and said sweetly, “I don’t know what they are called. I just know that the little brother just picked ten rough stones in one minute. 112 million!"

"That young lady calls younger brother boss, it should be assistant or secretary!"

"Hi! Is this the world of the tyrants? One hundred million is spent in one minute!"

"This is a local tyrant, this is simply a tyrant!"

"Wow, the little brother Shenhao is so handsome, the anchor asks, does the little brother still lack a secretary? Lovers are fine too! They are soft and soft, can be salty or sweet, and beautiful as flowers!"

"Don't make a fuss upstairs, and don't pee to see what you are like?"

"The little brother Shenhao is so handsome, so rich, what kind of woman doesn't have, look at that little sister, it's so beautiful!"

"A bunch of coquettish bitches!"

The Lu Xue live broadcast room was boiling, and Ye Feng looked at Boss Zhang and said calmly: "I'll cut it myself!"

"Cut yourself?"

Boss Zhang and everyone were taken aback, and they didn't expect Ye Feng to say this. Although cutting rough stones is now using machines, it is not a good job!

Ye Feng is a young man who knows how to cut rough stones?

However, adhering to the fact that customers are God, not to mention that Ye Feng is a big beneficiary with a wave of 100 million, Boss Zhang naturally meets Ye Feng's requirements as much as possible!

"My son, please here!"

Boss Zhang stretched out his hand and reminded: "But if the cut is broken, we are not responsible!"

Although the crowd eating melons was a bit surprised, it is not difficult to understand. Ye Feng probably came to play!

Can only be said to be rich and willful!

But they are still very interested, want to see what Ye Feng can cut out!

Lu Xue's live broadcast room was boiling:

"Wow, Brother Shenhao is about to cut the rough stone, so I look forward to it!"

"The rough stone selected in one minute is probably waste material!"

"Upstairs is jealous, get fucked!"


Lu Xue watched the live broadcast room become lively, and she was overjoyed and looked forward to it.

If Ye Feng can cut something good, her live broadcast room will definitely be a big hit!

Even if you can't cut good things, Ye Feng lost 100 million in betting on rocks, which is also a gimmick that can make her live broadcast room so popular!


However, the stone cutting has not yet started, but Lu Xue found that the popularity of her live broadcast room has soared, and countless netizens have poured into the live broadcast room!

what happened?


She knew from new netizens that she was actually blocked on the homepage of Xinghai Live!

She opened her eyes wide, completely unaware of what happened?

She is just a small anchor, and she actually got on the homepage to block tweets?

This was naturally ordered by Ye Feng!

He wants some prestige, so naturally he can't rely on the poor fans in Lu Xue's live broadcast!

When he continued, Lu Xue's live broadcast room was hung in the most dazzling position of Xinghai Live!

Countless curious netizens flooded in!

Ye Feng lifted the windbreaker and pulled out a sword that shone with cold light!

The sword is about two feet long and has a terrifying edge!


"What the **** is this?"

"Is it the street hacking? Or is it a gang fire?"

"This is where?"

"Is this acting in a movie?"

The netizens who have just entered the live broadcast room have wide-eyed. Unexpectedly, they will encounter such high energy as soon as they come in. The old members of the live broadcast room are also dumbfounded!

They know that this is not a filming scene, but a rough shop!

Did you lose the gambling and prepare to kill people?

But the rough stone has not been cut yet?

"My son, what are you?"

Boss Zhang was taken aback. He was the closest, and he was able to feel the sharpness of the sword. It was definitely not fake!

And it's still opened!

This is contraband!

Shen Yanbing was also a little curious at this moment. Not only did he sprinkle more than 100 million freely, he also brought an Kaifeng sword with him. Who is this?

She had never heard of such a rich second generation in Tianhai City!

But this person seems familiar!

She seemed to have seen it somewhere, but she couldn't remember for a moment!

"Of course it is cutting rough!"

Ye Feng took a sword flower casually, but what he said stunned everyone!

These days, there are still people who use swords to cut rough stones.

Are you kidding me?

Not only was everyone stunned, but the hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room were also stunned, and countless barrage pouring out like a tide!


Shen Yanbing finally couldn't help but sneered.

Now she understood that Ye Feng didn't come to bet on rocks, but to play!

Everyone at the scene felt that Ye Feng spent money to play, but the interest was soaring!

They also want to see how Ye Feng cuts rough stones with a sword?

Everyone's eyes widened, full of expectation!

Without delay, Ye Feng grabbed a head-sized rough stone and placed it on the table. Then, amidst everyone's exclaim, he slashed it with a sword!

Huh huh!

The sword light was shining. Before everyone could see it clearly, they saw Ye Feng stop!


"What is it, don't cut it?"

"Yes! Cute!"

There was a murmur, with a hint of anger in disappointment. Isn't this teasing them?



Before their words fell, the rough stone on the table cracked, followed by a piece of stone falling, and all the doubts came to an abrupt end.

The scene is dead!

follow closely.

They made waves of exclamation!

"Oh my God! It's green!"

"Go up! Go up!"

"This green... is a kind of glass!"

"Fuck! What kind of luck, just pick one and it's sold out, it's still glass!"

"Just don't know if it was broken?"

"A violent thing!"


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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