Please Stop Talking

Chapter 248: Hades wants you to die three times

"The speed of the alloy bee reaches supersonic speed, and with its powerful alloy body, it can penetrate the human body in an instant, comparable to a sniper rifle!"

Chen Feng's eyes straightened when he saw the introduction of this S-class alloy bee!

He was originally a downright young man. He got the crazy evolution system a month ago. This evolution system did not evolve people, but evolve pets!

He can obtain part of the pet's abilities based on the evolved pet!

And if you want to evolve a pet, you need to consume money!

So he became a killer!

After receiving orders for a month, he has moved into a villa and has a group of evolved pet killers.

Carry out the task, without gains, without failure!

"System, how much does it cost to evolve S-grade alloy bees?"

Chen Feng asked quickly.

Breathing faintly becomes rapid, this S-grade alloy bee is really too powerful, offensive and defensive!

"Individual evolution, ten million each!"

"Group evolution, one hundred and five billion!"

"Hi, so expensive?"

Chen Feng took a breath in his heart, as if being poured cold water, he now has only 600 million left, which is the bounty for completing the task plus the money to rob the target!

After all, a task is sometimes only a few million, up to tens of millions!

He can't make much money in a month!

So he put his attention on the target!

Mission targets are generally rich, he can control animals, so no one can find him, he can blackmail the target for whatever he wants!

After the target gives the money, he solves the target and collects the task reward!

"System, one hundred advanced!"

A penny stumped the hero, Chen Feng said helplessly.

He originally wanted to evolve thousands, or even tens of thousands, when encountering danger, the alloy bees can form a comprehensive shield without dead ends, and his safety will be greatly increased!

It's a pity that there are only enough to evolve a hundred!

A hundred alloy bees make up a shield about the size of a fan, and can block bullets at most, don't even think about bombs!


A burst of white light fell, and the bee in front of Chen Feng changed. It was full of metallic luster, and its wings were like alloy blades, sharp!

Chen Feng picked up a saber and let the alloy bee lie on the table, and he slashed hard.


As if gold and iron collide, a saber pops out of a gap, and the alloy bee is unscathed!

"Sure enough, strong enough, hard enough!"

Chen Feng laughed, his mind manipulated the alloy bees to form various shapes, sometimes turning into shields and sometimes into daggers.

Finally, he ordered the alloy bee to rush to the big tree outside the window, and with a bang, the tree was hit by the waist!

"The last passive defense!"

Instead of controlling the Alloy Bee, Chen Feng ordered a Red-Lian King Snake that had evolved to A Grade to pounce at him!


At the moment when the Chilian King Snake pounced on, the Alloy Bee flew automatically and formed a shield directly in front of him to block the Chilian King Snake's attack!

"Good good!"

Seeing the effect of alloy bees, Chen Feng's desire to make money and evolve more alloy bees is even stronger!

He opened the dark web and started searching!

He is now in Tianhai City, and according to the principle of proximity, he quickly found an amazing reward task:

[Sss-level task-rich businessman]

Bounty: 2 billion meters of gold

In fact, he knew about this task before, because this task has the highest reward and the closest to him, in Tianhai City!

But he didn't answer it before!

After all, with such a high bounty, I certainly don’t know how many powerful killers have tried, but the mission is still there, indicating that the mission’s goal is difficult to kill!

Although he can control the evolution pet, he is not sure!

Now that there is an urgent need for money, and there are alloy bees that have evolved S-level, he thinks he can try it!

With Alloy Bee's petite size, powerful alloy body, and supersonic speed, he doesn't believe anyone in this world can resist his assassination!

As for the good and the bad, in his opinion, everyone on the dark web has a way to die!

This is why he didn't take the initiative to rob the rich, but took the task on the dark web and robbed the target of the task by the way!


Chen Feng accepted the task and sent the target information to him!

[Target-Ye Feng]

Identity: Chairman of Tianhai Xinghai Group.

Frequently haunted locations: Fenglin Villa, Yunlan Garden, Xinghai Technology!

Matters needing attention: This person is a martial arts master, with super strength, secretly protected by the strong, and the difficulty of assassination is very high.

Friendly reminder: This person has many women, you can start with his woman, known girlfriends and confidantes: Qin Qingqing, Li Na, An Xin, An Ran, Sun Xiaomeng, Gu Qingcheng, Gu Liying...

"What a scumbag!"

Chen Feng had a taste of lemon in his heart. He also graduated from Tianhai University. Gu Liying was his last year's elder sister and the goddess of school flowers. All he dreamed of was her at midnight!

I didn't expect to be arched by Ye Feng!

"Haikushiruan and Wanli Xiongfeng are so expensive, they are simply vampires. I have to blackmail him and kill him again!"

Chen Feng checked Ye Feng's detailed information and found that Ye Feng was not so rich, and his heart was fiery, as if he had seen countless banknotes flying towards him!

No, these are not banknotes, but alloy bees!

If he builds an army of tens of thousands of alloy bees, who can be the enemy?

After checking the information, Chen Feng took his pet army to Fenglin District where Fenglin Villa is located!

After arriving in Fenglin District, Chen Feng did not go out, but released an alloy bee, controlling it to fly into Fenglin Villa!

His consciousness can be attached to pets, and the bee's eyes are his eyes!

"What a luxury!"

Seeing the huge Fenglin Mountain Villa and the castle, Chen Feng's eyes were full of jealousy. Alloy bees flew around the castle to observe the situation inside!

"This is Ye Feng's secretary, it's really the best!"

"This face, this waist, this stalwart breast..."

"Gou Ri's capitalist!"

Thinking that such a superb beauty could be enjoyed by Ye Feng at any time, Chen Feng couldn't help cursing in his heart, glanced enviously, and continued to fly up!

This time Ye Feng met him, it was the end of a good day!


Li Na in the office looked out the window suspiciously. Just now, she felt like she was being spied on!

This is the all-round enhancement of her senses after taking genetic medicine!

It's just that she looked out the window and found no one!

"Am I too sensitive?"

Li Na shook her head, couldn't figure it out, and stopped thinking about it!

In his mind, the place where Ye Feng sits is the safest place!

In the laboratory, Ye Feng was experimenting with intermediate genetic medicine enthusiastically, but he didn't know anyone wanted to assassinate him!

"Huh? This window is actually one-way, and Ye Feng doesn't know what to do in it!"

Chen Feng controlled the alloy bee to come to the window outside the laboratory, but found that he couldn't see the inside, and cursed in his heart!

A picture appeared in his mind!

A superb beauty is lying in front of the window, you can see the outside from the inside, but you can't see the inside!

Then Ye Feng went crazy behind...


The moment Chen Feng was observing the inside of the laboratory, Ye Feng seemed to feel something, and when he looked outside, he saw a bee flapping its wings!

"This is not an ordinary bee!"

Ye Feng's strength has skyrocketed during this period, and his eyesight is amazing. You can see the difference between the alloy bees at a glance!


Ye Feng came to the window instantly, carefully observed through the one-way transparent glass, and could hear the buzzing of bees!

"Ye Feng must be here, I have to find a way to go in and see the situation!"

The buzzing sound of bees fell in the ears of Ye Feng, who is proficient in animal language, and directly translated into Chen Feng's muttering!

"Good guy, is someone controlling the bee? This bee looks unusual. Does it have a pet system?"

Ye Feng thought a lot for a moment, his eyes excited!

Since the last time he swallowed Xiao Chen's shared boyfriend system and obtained the fruit of thunder, he has been looking for the system owner!

Unexpectedly, it will be delivered automatically today!

"Xinghai, send me a micro drone to monitor this bee and find the person behind it!"

Ye Feng ordered!

"Good boss!"

Xinghai directly releases a micro drone from the other side to monitor the bee through a camera!

In fact, if Chen Feng's system hadn't helped him erase the traces on the dark web, he would be targeted by Xinghai the moment he took over the reward of Ye Feng!

This is also one of the reasons why no killer has ever succeeded!

You just took the task, Ye Feng already knew about it and sent someone to destroy you. As time passed, no one dared to take on the task of assassinating Ye Feng!

After instructing Xinghai, Ye Feng walked out of the laboratory.

His laboratory has no dead ends at 360 degrees. Once it is closed, Chen Feng's little animals can't get in, so Ye Feng came out to see what the other party wanted to do!

As Ye Feng came out, Chen Feng quickly discovered Ye Feng. As for the laboratory, he didn't care if he could not enter!

He released an evolved mosquito into the castle and explored the situation inside!

Ye Feng naturally found this mosquito!

But he pretended not to see it!


Chen Feng, who had figured out the situation in Ye Feng Castle, started to act!

He took out a piece of paper with blackmail written on it and made it fly into the castle with an alloy bee, and threw it on Li Na's desk when Li Na was not paying attention!


Li Na made a cup of coffee when she came back and saw a small paper ball on the table!

The small ball of paper is lonely in the middle of the table and can be seen at a glance.

She clearly remembered that this ball of paper did not exist before!

She frowned and opened:

"Before three shifts tomorrow night, pay 10 billion, Hades!"

A card number is added at the back. This card number is a virtual card number issued by Chen Feng's system. It cannot be tracked or frozen!

"Sure enough, someone was watching before!"

Li Na looked solemn, thinking of the feeling of peeping before, she didn't dare to be careless, and quickly went to find Ye Feng with the note!

"Hades? Huh? Really consider yourself as Hades!"

Seeing the note, Ye Feng sneered at the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect someone to be so mad and blackmail him 10 billion!

The third watch mentioned above obviously means, ‘Hell wants you to die for the third watch and will not keep people until the fifth watch.’

In other words, if you don't make money before the third watch tomorrow night, the other party will kill!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng directly sentenced the other party to death!


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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