Please Stop Talking

Chapter 247: Crazy Evolution System

"What? Ba Ye is dead? How is this possible?"

"I'll tell you, I heard that the Eighth Master has done too many ethical things, and was condemned by the heavens. All the more than one hundred heavily armed thugs in the villa were killed by the Lord's thunder, and the Eighth Master was wiped out!"

"How can this be?"

"I heard that not only the Eighth Master, but also the Tiger, the Chicken, the Long and his subordinates were all killed by God's Thunder!"

"God has opened his eyes!"

"Sure enough, good is rewarded for good, and evil is rewarded for evil. It's not that the time has not come!"

"My poor Hong'er was only fifteen years old when he was played to death by Lord Long. Now Hong'er is alive in the sky, and he can rest in peace!"


In the area of ​​Yuenan, Ye Feng destroyed eight evil forces in a row and destroyed thousands of people. The impact can be imagined!

Especially when he murdered, using the power of the Thunder Fruit, Thunderbolt couldn't hide it at all, and countless people around him heard the movement!

Ordinary people only know a general idea, those in power are even more frightened, they know more news!

This is not a anger at all!

For example, the eighth master Ren Bahuang was not rumored to be killed by thunder, but was shot and headshot!

This is obviously artificial!

Just who can control the thunder and lightning and kill the people scattered in different places in just one hour?

of course.

They had a faint guess in their hearts, because the leaders of the eight major forces that perished were all under the same teacher, and these people themselves involved some extraordinary powers!

They might offend the existence of terror with extraordinary power!

For a time, countless people were frightened!

In particular, the forces that usually have deeper contact with the eight major forces and cooperate more, one by one are frightened and quickly cleared the relationship.

At the same time, they also sent their subordinates to clear the remaining external personnel of the eight major forces!

A big reshuffle kicked off!

Ye Feng didn't care about the panic caused in Yuenan. At this moment, he was holding Gu Liying into the bedroom, ready to play the game!

Pokémon battle game!

Ye Feng, who had just experienced a killing, carried a trace of hostility in his heart!


This is a fierce battle!

Ye Feng directly dispatched King-level Pokémon, Purple Rock Python, Big Tongue Monster, and Kato Eagle!

Purple Rock Python:

Natural skills: rapid assault.

Trick: magma eruption.

Big Tongue:

Natural skills: addicted to biting.

Jia Teng Ying:

Natural skills: Faqiu Broken Soul Finger.

Stunt: Two-finger probing acupoint

Gu Liying is a rookie who has never been on the battlefield, and can only passively face it.

She dispatched the Big Tongue and the Iron Shell!

The final result speaks for itself!

Under Jiatengying's round of attack, Tiejiabei couldn't stand it, foaming at her mouth!

The two passively defensive Snow Mountain Monsters have no offensive power and can only be ravaged by others.

Trembling and trembling under the combined attack of Jiatengying and Big Tongue!

At last.

Ye Feng launched a general offensive, and the purple rock python attacked, and the defense of the iron shell was broken in one assault. The latter vomited blood and trembled!

In less than a quarter, Gu Liying was defeated!

However, although she was defeated, she showed a persevering fighting spirit!

Although it was the first time on the battlefield, although he was beaten with blood!

But she was fighting with a fiery heart, never surrendering, and stood up again and again!

Every time she is defeated, her fighting spirit will become even higher!

Every time she is injured, it will stimulate her passion, become more enthusiastic and more engaged!

For her, victory is not important!

What she enjoys is the feeling of fighting, seeking happiness in pain, sublimating the soul in battle, and experiencing life in battle!


After an hour, the battle ended.

Ye Feng looked at the sleeping beauty in his arms, with a trace of tears in the corner of his eyes. It was a realization in the battle and wept with joy.

She looked tired, but between her eyebrows there was a touch of happiness and satisfaction after a happy battle!


eight pm.

Ye Feng returned to Fenglin Villa with Gu Liying in his arms, and Gu Qingcheng and the others, who had already received the news, hurriedly greeted them!

"Ye Feng, sister, are you all right?"

Gu Qingcheng came in front of her, and saw that Gu Liying's complexion was as red as blood, she was so hot, she was held in her arms by Ye Feng, she couldn't help but worry!

Is it hurt?

"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

Gu Liying shook her head, her eyes shy.

She is indeed hurt!

Ye Feng's attack was too fierce!

Thinking of the Pokémon battle with Ye Feng in the afternoon, I can’t wait to find a place to sew in!

"Okay, let's go in and talk!"

Ye Feng walked into the castle holding Gu Liying, and the girls were sitting together, all a little curious!

Ye Feng briefly recounted Ren Tianxie's affairs, and he was considered to be a reminder to them, usually be more careful!

"What a scumbag, let me meet such a bad old man in the future, I will blow his head with a punch!"

Sun Xiaomeng fisted, and after the injection of genetic medicine, the black-bellied devil became a violent devil!

My favorite is to fight monsters in the virtual game world!

During this period of time, she was familiar with all kinds of gun operations in Wolf Warriors, and fought fiercely with mercenaries on the battlefield!

Her strong physical fitness and intelligence make her learn everything quickly. It can be said that her current strength is not inferior to a soldier king!

"Mengmeng, don't be arrogant. You have to know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. Watch out for capsize in the gutter!"

Gu Qingcheng seemed to be used to saying a few words about Sun Xiaomeng, and when Sun Xiaomeng's voice fell, he reminded him.

"Huh, give me a punch!"

Sun Xiaomeng rushed towards Gu Qingcheng. She used to be weak due to a congenital heart defect, but now she has recovered from her illness and her strength has become stronger again. She has completely released herself!

At home, she is like a catfish, so lively!

"Liying, take a good rest tonight, and tomorrow I will inject you genetic medicine!"

Ye Feng ignored Sun Xiaomeng's play, and through this incident, Ye Feng decided to call Cai Yan, Han Muxue, Lin Ruoxi, and Shi Can tomorrow.

These are his direct descendants, let them become stronger, and they can do things better for him!

the next day.

When Shi Can, Han Muxue, Cai Yan, and Lin Ruoxi came to Fenglin Villa, they all had some doubts in their hearts. They didn't know why Ye Feng called them over!

As for genetic medicine, they naturally don't know now!

This is top secret!


Seeing Ye Feng, everyone bowed in greeting.

"You are all the backbone of my group. I am calling you over today. There is nothing else but to reward you with good luck!"

Ye Feng took out a bottle of genetic medicine, and under the curious eyes of everyone, he explained: "This is the genetic medicine I developed. It can increase your physical fitness and intelligence by five or six times!"

"What?" Shi Can's eyes widened!

"How is this possible?" Cai Yan couldn't believe it!

"Is there really such a genetic medicine in science fiction in this world?" Lin Ruoxi was shocked, worried!

She had only joined Xinghai Medicine for a few months, and Ye Feng gave her such a precious genetic medicine, which made her a little difficult to follow!

Han Muxue's eyes are fiery. As a mirror chaser, she is still a warrior. She has a strong desire to become stronger!

She has seen many magical abilities of Ye Feng. Although surprised, she has an instinctive self-confidence!

"Don't worry, this medicine has no side effects, but the process is a bit painful, but it is not dangerous!"

Ye Feng took out a syringe and took out a bottle of genetic medicine, and said, "Which one of you will come first? If you don't want to, I won't force it, but don't let this matter out!"

Although he is not afraid, he is afraid of trouble!

"I come!"

Han Muxue bravely took the lead, eager to try.

"it is good!"

Ye Feng gave her an injection in the arm!

Then everyone chose to inject, after all, five or six times the physical and intellectual capacity, no one can resist the temptation!

They also believe that Ye Feng will not harm them!

after an hour.

Everyone had finished washing, ate and drank enough, the eyes looking at Ye Feng were grateful, especially Shi Can!

Thousands of horses have always existed since ancient times, but Bole hasn't always existed!

If it weren't for Ye Feng, how could he have today, let alone get the prize of precious genetic medicine!

From this we can also see Ye Feng's trust in him!

Scholars die for confidants!

He is definitely Ye Feng's diehard now!

Han Muxue, Cai Yan and Lin Ruoxi were excited and complicated, especially Han Muxue. She is neither Ye Feng’s woman nor Ye Feng’s employee!

This time I owe Ye Feng a lot!

I don't know when I will get it!

With Ye Feng's strength and status, she might not be able to make it for a lifetime!

Is it promised by the body?

Ye Feng didn't know the mood of the people. After he sent the people away, he went into the laboratory and prepared to get out the intermediate genetic medicine!

"Intermediate genetic medicine, I plan to add loyalty, surrender and other elements to it. If I incorporate my own super self-healing genes into it, wouldn't it be even stronger?"

Inspirations burst in Ye Feng's mind one by one. His eyes lit up and his heart was fiery. You must know that his current self-healing ability is abnormal!

Even if there is only one cell left, it can be resurrected!

Even nuclear weapons can hardly kill him!

If the intermediate genetic medicine is added to this ability, the effect is simply defying!

of course.

Ye Feng would not use this kind of genetic medicine for others. Only a woman who is absolutely loyal or his is qualified!

Just do it!

Ye Feng devoted himself to it!

The girls are busy with their work!

Sun Xiaomeng and Gu Qingcheng, Ye Feng asked them to manage Xinghai Electric Company!

Xinghai Electric mainly focuses on TVs and mobile phones, but not ordinary mobile phones, but holographic projection TVs and mobile phones!

This company has just been established and is waiting to be flourished, but Ye Feng believes in their strengths!

Although Sun Xiaomeng looks a little unreliable, but in fact she is clever and black, and she is also a master goddess in school!

Not to mention Gu Qingcheng, a proper super schoolmaster!

Now, with the blessing of five or six times the intelligence, it is absolutely no problem for them to manage Xinghai Electric Company!

Now Ye Feng rarely talks about the company. He provides technology and other people manage it. He only controls the general direction!

Besides, Xinghai is at the helm and monitoring, and if there is an emergency, he will report to him as soon as possible!

And when Ye Feng was busy researching intermediate genetic medicine, there was a young man about twenty-four to five in a villa in Binjiang Yujing Villa District, Tianhai City!

The young man's name is Chen Feng!

At this moment, Chen Feng looked at the void in front of him, but his eyes showed excitement, because there was a virtual screen in front of him that others could not see!

There are texts on the screen.

Crazy evolution system:

【S grade alloy bee】

"The evolvable host has bees, so it can evolve a superalloy body, which can withstand heavy weapons, light weapons, invulnerability, water and fire!"

"When the host encounters danger, it can instantly condense into a superalloy defensive wall, which automatically protects the host and resists damage. The defense area depends on the number of bees!"

"When attacking, bees can freely combine into various shapes, or they can attack individually!"


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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