Please Stop Talking

Chapter 226: Salted Fish System


Ye Feng casually slapped Huang Gou to the ground!

Although Huang Gou has been strengthened by the system, he still doesn't look enough in front of Ye Feng's physique!


Huang Gou lay on the ground with fierce eyes and grinning teeth, and then his fangs and claws grew at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The fur on his body also began to change, and the roots stood up like steel needles!

Not only can it hurt the enemy, but it can also play a strong defense!

Most people don't talk about beating him, just touching him is like a hedgehog needle piercing!

"Ah...what kind of monster is this, can it mutate?"

Tan Taiyue opened her mouth wide and stared at Huang Gou with wide eyes. She felt trembling when she thought that the big yellow dog was in her villa last night.

"If I go down with this punch, I should be able to blow your dog head, right?"

At the moment Huang Gou rushed towards him, Ye Feng slammed his Tianling Gai with a punch. This punch was like a comet hitting the earth, rippling layers, and the air was blown up!


Huang Gou smashed into the floor, bleeding from Qiqiao, his body twitched a few times, and he lost his breath!

"Ding! The system energy is found, the salted fish system is activating..."

"Ding, the salted fish system is activated and the system is bound!"

"Ding, the system is successfully bound and it starts to swallow!"

"Ding, the devouring is complete, the salted fish system has evolved super..."

"Ding, the salted fish system has evolved successfully!"

"The big fish system is activated!"

A warm energy poured into the body, Ye Feng was warm, as if soaking in a hot spring, every cell came alive!

Thinking becomes more active, wisdom and inspiration are flooding!

Big fish system:

Host: Ye Feng

Intelligence: 250

Physique: 1250

Luck: 1500

Skills: Super hacker master, all-around martial arts master, sportsman (eighteen changes and twenty-four), medical god, basketball master, song god, supernatural detective, car god, costume design master, intelligent master, discovery of other people's information resume, dead server ability , Animal language...

"Nima, there is a system!"

Ye Feng felt bad, but it was not surprising.

His unknown golden fingers are nothing more than limited talents and systems.

Among them, the system has the greatest probability!

He had already guessed!

I just didn't expect to activate it today!

He is also drunk!

Through the system information, Ye Feng learned some functions of the salted fish system, that is, salted fish, passively triggered!

But now it has evolved into a big fish system, with more functions, not only the passive function before, but also the active function!

such as:

You can check in every day and receive rewards!

The system will post tasks, rewards for completing tasks, and no punishment for not completing them!

If you can't accept the task, if you can't complete it, you are free!

It depends on Ye Feng's mood!

Nothing must be done or punished!

In a word, Ye Feng is in charge!


The big fish system can evolve by swallowing other systems, commonly known as big fish eating small fish!

Unlike some systems, the task cannot be completed. Ten centimeters can be changed to two centimeters, which is already short.

"Sign in!" Ye Feng said silently in his heart!

"Ding, the first sign-in is successful, reward a quantum computer!"

"It's not bad to have a black technology the first time you sign in!"

Ye Feng nodded secretly. He is also building a quantum computer himself, but the materials and equipment cannot keep up. It is expected that there will be a few months away!

Now I got one in advance!

"Ye Feng, are you okay?"

At this time, Tan Taiyue rushed up worriedly, looking at the dead dog on the ground, with a trace of panic in her eyes!

"Don't worry, it's just a dog spirit, it can't hurt me!"

Ye Feng squeezed the beautiful woman's white and tender face, and comforted him: "The walls here are all broken, so I can't live for the time being. Go live with me!"


Tan Taiyue hesitated a little, she was naturally willing to live in Ye Feng's house in her heart, but she was a little worried!

After all, there is not only Ye Feng, but Qin Qingqing!

"It's so decided, don't worry!"

Ye Feng can't refuse to say!


Tan Taiyue nodded, both happy and worried.

She packed some luggage briefly, and followed Ye Feng to Fenglin Villa!

It is daytime in Fenglin Villa, Qin Qingqing has gone to the company, only Li Na is there!

Ye Feng arranged a room for Tan Taiyue and went into the laboratory!

"Put the quantum computer here!"

Ye Feng found a suitable location in the laboratory, and then took out the quantum computer that was signed in from the system!


A burst of white light flashed, and a quantum computer emerged!

The cool appearance, full of science fiction atmosphere, makes the eyes shine!

Ye Feng can build a quantum computer by itself, and it is easy to use without any violation of peace!

"You can develop a full virtual reality game!"

Ye Feng's eyes were full of excitement. Now he has a primary genetic medicine, which can increase a person's physical fitness and intelligence, but the combat experience cannot be achieved overnight!

And this virtual reality game just made up for the broken board!

this day.

Ye Feng is in the laboratory developing the virtual reality game he envisioned-Survival Doomsday!

at night.

Qin Qingqing came back from get off work and saw the disturbed Tan Taiyue, but there was no such thing as the legendary Shura Field!

Several people soon became good sisters!

The main women who live in Fenglin Villa are Qin Qingqing, Li Na, An Xin and Tantaiyue!

An Ran occasionally stayed here and Anxin for a few days!

Because Ye Feng hasn't dealt with her yet, she naturally wouldn't live here!


the next day.

"Sign in!"

Ye Feng woke up holding Qin Qingqing, thinking of yesterday's quantum computer, signing in immediately!

"Successful sign in, reward virtual helmet X100!"

"Fuck! Whatever you really need!"

Ye Feng had planned to make a virtual helmet test effect first, but before the result started, the system sent the finished product intimately!

"Brother Feng, what makes you happy?"

Qin Qingqing opened her eyes and saw Ye Feng giggling there!

"Can you be unhappy with the beauty in her arms?"

Ye Feng gave Qin Qingqing a heavy kiss!

The plan for a day is in the morning!

Some restless guy raised his head again!

"Brother Feng, it's getting late, I have to go to the company!"

Qin Qingqing felt the change for the first time, panicked, and quickly pushed Ye Feng away.

"Then what should he do?" Ye Feng didn't let go.

"You go to Li Na or Sister Yue!"

Qin Qingqing felt a murderous look, grabbed the clothes, and fled!

She is afraid of being late, so she won't have to go to the company this morning!


Ye Feng shook his head, did not force Qin Qingqing to get up in her pajamas!

As soon as I walked out of the bedroom, I saw Li Na seemed to have just got up too, her loose nightgown could not hide her plump and exquisite figure!



The morning is when you are full of energy!

You should exercise more!

Ye Feng walked over!

"Boss, morning!" Li Na smiled sweetly.


Ye Feng, a princess hugged her!


Li Na exclaimed, her cheeks flushed, she didn't expect to meet Ye Feng when she got up early in the morning, and she wanted to...


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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