Please Stop Talking

Chapter 225: This dog is fine (thanks to Qingwu for the 10,000 book coins)

"Jumping off the building to commit suicide, apologizing for death!"

"The sin is in oneself, all sins are eliminated!"

"Avoid disaster for loved ones, everyone is happy!"

Twenty-four big blood-red characters appeared on the phone screen strangely, and Yueshan was frightened and terrified!


After a long while, Yue Shan sighed in vain, as if he had been drawn out of his strength, leaned weakly in the back seat, and said, "Old Li, stop!"

"Okay, boss!"

The car stopped on the side of the road, Yue Shan didn't say much, sent the driver to leave, found a department store building at random, and walked upstairs!

ten minutes later!

With a bang, screams rang from the bottom of the mall.

Yue Shan was lying on the ground with blood all over the floor, so he could not die again!


Wu's Villa!

Wu De and Wu Kun accompanied the old man Wu Yong to wait for the good news from Yueshan!

Ding Ding!

Suddenly, the phone rang!

"It should be Yueshan who has good news!"

Wu Kun said with a smile, he took out his mobile phone, only to find that it was not Yueshan who called, but Yueshan's driver-Li Hai!

Li Hai is also Wu Kun's confidant, responsible for monitoring Yueshan!

When Yue Shan asked him to drive back, Li Hai discovered Yue Shan's abnormality, so he did not leave, and watched Yue Shan behind!

It turns out that Yue Shan has entered the department store building!

He didn't go in, just waiting outside for surveillance!

In the end, he waited until Yue Shan jumped down from the stairs!


Wu Kun answered the phone, his face was not so good!

Under normal circumstances, Li Hai would not call him!

Is there something wrong with Yueshan?

Betrayed him?

"Mr. Wu, something happened, Yue Shan committed suicide by jumping off the building!"


Wu Kun was shocked and completely unexpected that Li Hai had given him such an explosion news!

Wu Yong and Wu De frowned and looked at Wu Kun!

"what happened?"

Wu Kun said almost in a roaring tone.

"Mr. Wu, I took Yueshan to Xinghai Medicine just now. Yueshan seemed to see some news on the way, and his face was very bad. Then he got off the car and left near the department store!"

"I followed him behind and found that he had entered the department store, and then it didn't take long for him to jump off from above. I don't know anything else!"

"Where is Yueshan's cell phone?" Wu Kun asked.

"Mr. Wu, I watched it and didn't find anything. It's on the way to deliver!"

As the person who monitors Yueshan, Li Hai has a careful mind, and naturally he will not miss the vital thing of the mobile phone.

However, under Xinghai's method, no trace was left at all!

"what happened?"

After Wu Kun finished the call, Wu Yong couldn't wait to ask.

"Yue Shan committed suicide by jumping off the building on the way to Xinghai Medicine!"

Wu Kun has a solemn voice. Although there is no evidence, he has a strong intuition, which must have something to do with Ye Feng!

"Asshole! Ye Feng must have done it. He dared to kill people openly. He must be brought to justice!"

Wu De was furious when he heard this. This was a naked provocation, and he simply didn't put them in his eyes!





A message prompt sounded on the phones of the three people at the same time.


The atmosphere in the hall freezes!

A bad feeling arose in the hearts of the three!

They seemed to have a sharp heart and turned on their phones at the same time!

The above is a file!

The documents record their respective black materials, and those black materials are enough to make them impossible to recover, and to make their Wu family impossible to recover!

Cang Dang!

The phone fell to the ground!

Old Wu Yong cried and said in sorrow:

"It's over!"

"The Wu family is over!"

"I regret it!"



Without waiting for them to respond, the mirror chaser has already come!

When Yueshan saw his black material, their black material had already been sent to relevant departments by Ye Feng, and they couldn't run away at all!

When they fell, the wall fell and everyone pushed, and the Wu family was naturally dead!

In recent years, there are not many people giving charcoal in the snow, but many people have fallen into trouble!

Only three days.

Everyone in the Wu family went to jail, went bankrupt and went bankrupt, and all their properties were divided up!

"It's really fickle and unpredictable!"

Tan Taiyue watched the reports one by one in the news.

Three days ago.

The Wu family is still a behemoth to her, but now it is wiped out!

Wu Ming's second generation of the rich dude who haunted her also went to jail!

"This is the end of good and evil!"

Ye Feng smiled indifferently, not caring about the destruction of the Wu family!

He stepped forward and held the plump body of the beautiful woman in his arms, lowered his head and asked: "I'll get a Xinghai Entertainment company, how are you thinking about it?"

This is what Ye Feng asked after asking her for the red pill before!

As a result, Tan Taiyue said he should consider it!

"Ye Feng, although I can sing well, I am afraid I can't manage a company? I am actually not familiar with movies and TV!"

Tan Taiyue was a little worried, for fear of messing up the company with Ye Feng!

"What is unfamiliar?"

Ye Feng smiled brilliantly, wondering why the matter was so serious that this was the result?

He doesn't feel bad even if he loses billions

Besides, starting an entertainment company can lose billions?

"You have to know that your intelligence is five or six times that of an ordinary person now. It's just the basic operation that you can't forget, just learn and learn, and manage an entertainment company. Isn't it easy to manage an entertainment company?"

"Besides, there is me!"

Ye Feng squeezed her white, tender and pretty face, and said with a smile: "You don't have to know how to make movies to start a company, you just have to ask someone who understands to do things!"

"I will find a few good directors for you, and then give you the script. By the way, I can also provide the world's best special effects and get rid of the ten streets of Hollywood!"

With Ye Feng's ability, just get a special effect software, and make the special effects, guarantee to hit the global special effects company!


Ye Feng said that for this reason, Tan Taiyue no longer refused.

"That's right, twitching is not like a queen!"

Ye Feng smiled, raised her fair-skinned minibus, looked at the ruddy little mouth, bowed her head and kissed hard!

The diva halo still makes him very cool!


Suddenly, just as Ye Feng was tasting the beauty of her beautiful woman, a slick big yellow dog rushed in from outside!

There was a fierce light in his eyes, as if mad, he opened his mouth and rushed towards Ye Feng!


Tan Taiyue exclaimed and quickly stopped!

This big yellow dog was picked up by her in the community one day ago. It is very human, and she can't leave behind her and can't find its owner!

She was adopted temporarily!

Usually very docile!

Today it became so fierce!

"Wow! Wow!"

The big yellow dog stopped in front of Ye Feng and gave Ye Feng a fierce look, as if to say, kid, wait for me!

Then the big yellow dog wagged its tail and ran towards Tantaiyue, sticking out its tongue, full of flattery, a licking dog!

Tan Taiyue touched the dog's head and explained: "Ye Feng, I met Rhubarb yesterday afternoon. I am very sensible. It may be the first time I saw you just now!"

"is it?"

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Feng's eyes, and he hugged Tantaiyue horizontally!



When the big yellow dog saw this, he became angry again, and roared at Ye Feng, wanting to rush to bite Ye Feng, and seemed to be cautious about Tan Taiyue!

"This dog is fine, he asked me to put you down!"

Looking at the humanized eyes of the big yellow dog, Ye Feng said meaningfully.


Tantaiyue chuckled when she heard the words, her plump body and flowers trembling, and Ye Feng glanced at it, "Can you still understand dog language?"

"I listen……"

Ye Feng just wanted to say that he didn't understand dog language, but he could understand the other person's eyes, but before he could say it, countless information flooded into his mind!

next moment.

Ye Feng found that he could understand dog language!

And not only dog ​​language, but all animal language can be understood!

This skill is good, and small animals will be his eyeliner in the future!

"Wow! (Boy, let go of your paws, or I will kill you? The big yellow dog growled!

"Of course I can understand dog language. Look at him asking me to let you go, or else he will kill me?"

Ye Feng pointed to the big yellow dog and said.

"Wang! (Is this guy really able to understand dog words? The big yellow dog's pupils shrank, and human doubts appeared in his eyes.

"Ye Feng, you really can be kidding!" Tan Taiyue smiled, obviously not convinced!

Ye Feng didn't care, and said to the big yellow dog: "I won't let go, are you coming to bite me?"

If he guessed correctly, this big yellow dog might be a lucky pig's foot!

It's a pity that his information resume function can only see people, not animals!

He can only judge based on experience and the look of the big yellow dog!

Tan Taiyue: "..."

She didn't expect Ye Feng to have such a naive side!

"Wow! (Boy, can you really understand me? The big yellow dog looked straight at Ye Feng, somewhat inconceivable!

"Let's talk! What's the purpose of the woman who approached me? Tell me honestly, I'll give you a pleasure, otherwise it will make you braised!"

Ye Feng sat down holding Tan Taiyue, and did not shy away from interrogation.

"Wow! (I didn't expect you to understand animal language!

Huang Gou was amazed in his heart, but thinking that he himself had been reborn and passed through, and also obtained the strongest dog system, Ye Feng seemed to be able to understand the beast language is not a big deal!

Wang Wang) What purpose does Lao Tzu have?"

Hearing that Ye Feng wanted to kill him, Huang Gou was unwilling to show weakness and roared: "Wow! (I just want to be green for you, what can you do?

With the help of the system, his physique has risen sharply now. He can be called a copper skin and iron bone.

"You are very arrogant!"

Ye Feng's eyes were cold. Although he had guessed Huang Gou's purpose, when he said it in front of his face, he was undoubtedly hitting him in the face!

Can't bear it!


Without warning, Ye Feng suddenly shot!

Kick on Huang Gou's belly!


Huang Gou cried out and smashed into the wall!


A hole was smashed into the reinforced concrete wall, but Ye Feng felt that Huang Gou was not dead!


Tan Taiyue exclaimed, unexpectedly Ye Feng would make a sudden move!

Before she could react, Ye Feng had already put her down and rushed towards the big yellow dog, as fast as lightning!

"Wow! (Boy, do you dare to attack me and die!

Huang Gou got out of the wall, suddenly violent, the dog's paws grabbed Ye Feng's neck!

"Be careful!"

Tan Taiyue instinctively exclaimed, his eyes widened, he didn't expect this dog to be so terrifying!

After being punched by Ye Feng, nothing happened!

If it were an ordinary dog, it would have become a pool of flesh!

However, it can fight back!

this moment!

She realized that Ye Feng didn't joking!

This dog is really good!

Thinking of this, she was afraid for a while!

If it weren't for Ye Feng, she wouldn't know when she was eaten!


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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