Please Stop Talking

Chapter 200: Jesus can't save...

The flames that ignited in the villa were quickly extinguished, and both Jingchaji and Shenshisi were alarmed, and immediately sent people to seal off the villa and no one was allowed to approach!

Guo Nantian and Jingchasi Han Moxue walked into the villa!

The fire protection measures of the villa are very good, and the damage is not serious!

In addition, Ye Feng set the fire just for people to discover, so that they can come to collect the corpses, not to destroy the corpses!

More than a dozen corpses, it is too troublesome for him to handle it himself, and it is not good to let it go!

Only then set fire to attract attention!

"Hey, who are these people? There are so many hot weapons!"

Han Muxue looked at the corpses and was shocked. He didn't expect that so many militants were hidden here!

Each militant is not only equipped with various pistols but also assault rifles and submachine guns!

If you do damage, the damage will be no small thing!

"These people are supposed to be mercenaries. Since Haikushiran went on the market, desperadoes such as killers and mercenaries have continuously poured into Tianhai City in an attempt to steal the secret recipe for Haikushiran!"

Guo Nantian has dealt with these people a lot of times, and he can see the origin of these people at a glance, but which organization they belong to is yet to be investigated!

"These people don't look weak, but each of them has been cut with a knife, and the people around didn't hear the slightest movement. Obviously no shot was fired!"

Han Muxue followed Guo Nantian into the villa and sighed: "I don't know who killed them!"

"This is their stronghold, there should be some useful information!"

Guo Nantian and Han Muxue came to the lobby on the second floor. This was the battlefield of Ye Feng and Long Chen last night!


When stepping into the hall, Han Muxue and Guo Nantian were shocked!

Looking at the wall blankly, there is a big pit in the shape of a person, who was knocked out by life!

This is a reinforced concrete wall, if only the footprints of the fist, the master of Guo Nantian's martial arts can also leave it!

But the whole humanoid pit, how powerful is this?

Ordinary people will not leave such a big pit on the wall even if their bodies are crushed. This shows that the person who hits the wall is very powerful!

At least the master of martial arts, even stronger!

Thinking of this, Guo Nantian's eyes became more solemn!

His sharp gaze swept around, four people died in the hall, but there were not many battle marks, indicating that the murderer was terrible and completely crushed the four people present!

"Could it be that the transcendent realm powerhouse made the shot himself?"

Guo Nantian walked to the corpses of the blue shark and the killer whale. The eyes of the two were still wide and full of fear. The weapons in their hands were inserted into each other's hearts, as if they were all gone.

But Guo Nantian did not know how many cases he had handled, and he could tell at a glance that the two were not killing each other!

A picture quickly appeared in his mind.

The two armed weapons attacked the murderer at the same time one after the other. The speed and power of the murderer far exceeded them. They grabbed their wrists in an instant and pulled hard!

The weapons in their hands were inserted into each other's hearts without any hindrance!

The shot is clean and neat, as if to obliterate two ants!

Immediately afterwards, Guo Nantian came to Long Chen with horror. According to the traces of the scene, the man hit the big hole on the wall!

However, the man's body was intact, with no broken heads, no broken arms and lame legs, showing a strong body!

This man is at least a martial arts master.

As for the Transcendent Realm, he dare not even think about it!

Supernatural powers are called the **** of war in the army, the **** of killer or killer in the killer, and the **** of mercenary in the mercenary.

He is a strong man who has broken the limits of the human body, is extraordinary, and stands on the top of the world!

How could such a strong person be silently killed here!

After half an hour.

Guo Nantian looked at the information collected in his hand, his eyes were silent!

Or it was shocked!

The black bear, blue whale, and tiger shark, the backbone members of the Zeus Mercenary Group, the world's No. 1 mercenary group, died here silently!

They didn't fire a shot to death!

And this young man named Long Chen is actually the big boss behind the Zeus mercenary group, a man called Pluto!

A man who makes the world's mercenaries tremble and fear!

An extraordinary powerhouse!

Such a strong man was killed silently here, it is incredible!

What happened last night?

Guo Nantian and Han Muxue were shocked, they blocked the news and quickly reported to their superiors!

Experts and professors came to survey the scene and inspect Long Chen's body!

The final result shocked everyone!

Long Chen is not poisoned, his body is in good condition, and he can perfectly display the power of God of War!

At the same time, they also restored the battle scene, Long Chen was actually killed by someone head-on, or a crushing kill!

In other words, there is a strong man whose strength far exceeds the God of War!

They named this murderer who was far superior to the God of War as Killing God, the file was kept secret at s level, and they were deployed from the empire to investigate!

It's a pity that Ye Feng's handling was so clean, they couldn't find any useful information at all!

While they were investigating the murderer codenamed "Killing the Gods", Ye Feng had already returned home and sat leisurely on the rotating chair in front of the computer.

Name: Ye Feng

Intelligence: 225

Physique: 1050

Luck: 1000

Skills: Super Hacker Master, Almighty Martial Arts Master, Sportsman (Eighteen Changes and Twenty-Four), Medical God, Basketball God, Song God, Detective, Car God, Costume Design Master, Smart Master, Resume of Discovering Others Information, Deadpool Ability ...

"Unknowingly I have become an inhuman existence now!"

Looking at his information resume, Ye Feng sighed in his heart. The average person's average of intelligence, physical fitness, and air luck is ten.

Not to mention Ye Feng's intelligence, his physique has broken through the sky after getting the ability of Deadpool, reaching a hundred times that of ordinary people!

And this is not just a hundred times as simple as that, that super-strong self-healing ability can recover even if Ye Feng only has one cell left, it is simply an indestructible Xiaoqiang!

As for air luck, after slaying Long Chen, it also reached 1,000, which is stronger than most of the children of air luck. It is simply the darling of heaven!

The mystery of Qiyun Xuan, invisible and intangible, seems useless!

But the benefits are not trivial!

Strong luck, just like those children of luck, going out to meet beautiful women, saving an old man is a big man, jumping off a cliff to find martial arts secrets, scouring a brick is a fragment of an artifact, picking a puppy is a sacred animal...

Anyway, no matter what you do, no matter how dangerous it is, you will always be lucky when you die!

"It's so shameless, I'm advertising again!"

As Ye Feng checked his resume and recalled the past, Qin Qingqing's indignant voice sounded in his ears.

"what happened?"

Ye Feng recovered, walked to Qin Qingqing's side, hugged her soft and bumpy body in his arms, and looked at the phone in her hand.

"It's not Lan Shi, stealing your secret recipe from Brother Feng, and now you are shamelessly selling and advertising!"

Qin Qingqing lifted the phone, and saw that the scarf was the number one hot search: [What is good for this year's holiday? Eternal Allure is indispensable! 】

"This orchid poem is really a spell!"

Ye Feng sighed that during this period of time, Lanshi headquarters added a lot of production lines, and the output increased sharply!

Due to the low price, the sales volume of Eternal Allure has skyrocketed, and it has now surpassed Ye Feng's despair!

"Brother Feng, I heard that more than half of the sea and rock market has been robbed, what exactly do you have to do?" Qin Qingqing couldn't help being curious, and finally asked.

"I really want to know?" Ye Feng asked.


Qin Qingqing nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking at rice!

Ye Feng pointed to his cheek!


Qin Qingqing did not hesitate and directly sent a sweet kiss.

She and Ye Feng are now an old husband and wife, and the close distance between them has exceeded minus twenty!

A kiss is no pressure for her!

"Do you really think those people can steal the secret recipe?"

Under Qin Qingqing's expectant eyes, Ye Feng finally spoke!

As soon as he opened his mouth, he gave Qin Qingqing a king bomb, and the latter was confused, and said, "The eternal Qingcheng?"

"It's fake! I gave them deliberately. As long as you continue to use it for a while, you will get acne on your face, but as long as you stop using it, the teasing on your face will disappear without leaving a trace!"

Although Ye Feng is an eternally alluring city, he will not be so frenzied to make fun of the faces of all the people!

"Acne on your face?"

Qin Qingqing was stunned and shocked on the spot!

She can imagine that these rich women who love beauty have spent hundreds of thousands rushing to stay young forever, and as a result, their youth has recovered, but their faces are full of acne, which is uglier than not regaining their youth, how crazy it would be!

I'm afraid I can smash Lan Shi!

Lanshi is now selling like crazy, and every additional bottle sold will make the death worse!

"Brother Feng, you are so bad!"

Qin Qingqing didn't know how to express her feelings, but she knew that when the acne broke out, Lan Shi was finished!

By then, even **** will not be able to save him!

I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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