Please Stop Talking

Chapter 199: disturb

In Tianhai City at night, the stars were dim, and it rained heavily, sometimes suddenly!

The showers are constant, sometimes stopped, and sometimes stormy!

Ye Feng smashed the underworld king Long Chen and several of his mercenaries with a powerful force of thunder, and likes to mention a supercar!

The streamlined curve, graceful and perfect, the cool body shocks the mind, with the characteristics of the combination of east and west, it makes people excited and excited!

Ye Feng's blood was still boiling after the battle, and he rudely opened the door and got into the car without any hesitation.

In an instant, an unparalleled feeling came to my heart, and every exquisite and perfect part gave people the ultimate enjoyment.

Ye Feng holds the steering wheel with both hands, the texture is superb!

He checked it and found that this is a brand new supercar. After being assembled from the factory, it has not been started by anyone!

That is to say, I have never experienced the running-in period, everything needs Ye Feng to come, insert the key for the first time, start it for the first time, and then go to grind the cylinder and develop!

However, Ye Feng's car skills are proficient, and he has already reached the level of a veteran driver. Whether it is car keys, manual joysticks, steering wheels, lights, and throttles, he is very familiar with them.

Ye Feng took out the key and inserted it directly!


The engine roars, the body trembles, and the sound is surging!

"It's a new car, even inserting the key seems very jerky, this sound is even more exciting!"

Ye Feng admired and liked this feeling very much. His heart was surging. He stepped on the accelerator and the engine immediately roared like a beast!


Holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, Ye Feng drove this brand-new supercar, racing through the storm!

Accelerate, decelerate, turn sharply, deviate!

Play to the point of fun, step on the accelerator madly, and roar wildly in the supercar, like an arrow from a string!

a bit!

Two clicks!

Three times!


There is no fastest, only faster!



Full of motivation!

The ultimate supercar is different, so let's put it down!

All kinds of car skills were used under Ye Feng's hands, the supercar roared, and the body trembled violently, but the task was still perfectly completed!

Galloping in the violent storm, I don't know how long it took, the power accumulated in Ye Feng's body was vented, and finally he was full of joy!

He slammed on the brake!

To the end in a flash!


At the moment of this sudden stop, a powerful reaction force rushed towards Ye Feng, making Ye Feng feel obstructed. All the power burst out!


The car body shook suddenly, trembling violently, it had reached its limit as if it was about to fall apart, and the wheels rubbed against the ground frantically, making a harsh scream!

The engine was overwhelmed by Ye Feng's violent toss and let out a whine!

It seems to be a desire for the limit!


The car suddenly stopped, all parts clanged, and the whole car's buttocks suddenly tilted up and stopped in the air, forming a strange balance in the air!

After being still for more than ten seconds, he landed heavily!


Ye Feng exhaled a long suffocating breath, refreshed and refreshed!

He leaned back, pulled out the key, and ended the journey!

However, the supercar, which was almost broken by him, was still trembling, and hot water poured out of the water tank!

The white coolant also slowly flows out of the pipe along with the water flow!

Ye Feng took out a towel and tidied up his supercar, then hugged it to sleep!

The storm stopped, and a crescent moon emerged from the dark night sky, covering the earth, putting a layer of holy silver on the feasting Tianhai City!

The sun rises and the moon sets!

The morning sun is rising from the sky, and the bright sunshine shining on the earth is another day full of hope!

In a quiet villa bedroom!

Ye Feng slowly opened his distressed eyes, a delicate and pretty face glowing with flushing came into view, Athena's slender hands pinched a tuft of beautiful hair and unconsciously drew circles on his chest.

"Boss, you are awake!"

Seeing Ye Feng opened her eyes, Athena showed a bright smile, extremely charming and confusing!

Although Ye Feng is strong, her physique as a master is not covered!

Besides, a woman's tolerance is very strong, even if Ye Feng is gifted, she can adapt quickly!

Perfect tolerance!

"It looks good, it looks more beautiful!"

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and squeezed his elegant, white and delicate cheeks, and joked, "How is it? Didn't you disappoint?"

"Of course! The boss is the most powerful man I have ever seen!"

Ya elegant and elegant did not avoid the slightest, winking like a silk, admiring and contenting:

"Even Black Bear, the best in the Western world, is far behind!"

"how do you know?"

Ye Feng squinted his eyes, revealing a hint of danger.

"The guy black bear talks about his mouth every day, bragging about how powerful he is, and sometimes he doesn't shy away from us when playing with women, I know it naturally!"

Ya elegant looked at Ye Feng with a bitter look, and said, "Does the boss still believe in others?"

After speaking, she glanced at the silk scarf dyed with a dark red plum blossom next to her.


"I'm joking with you, I naturally believe you!"

Ye Feng smiled swiftly. He could see a person's resume, and he knew that Ya elegant did not lie to him!

Besides, as a **** of medicine, he could not tell whether the obstacle he had broken through was congenital or acquired?

"Boss, when will you have time to help my brother detoxify?"

Athena Zhen head buried in Ye Feng's chest, rubbing, her eyes were filled with anxiety and expectation.

She worked so hard last night and greeted Ye Feng with a smile early in the morning. Isn't it because Ye Feng was able to save her brother!

"Don't worry, I know your brother's poison. There is no problem. Whenever you bring him, I will detoxify him!"

Ye Feng rubbed Athena's head and gave her a relieved look!

"Boss, thank you!"

Athena sent a fragrant kiss with a bang, very happy.

Ye Feng has said it to this level. She believes that Ye Feng will not lie to her and will surely heal her brother!

Thinking of her younger brother, she hates Long Chen even more!

She did not expect that her brother was not sick at all, it was entirely because Long Chen was poisoned, and then directed and acted to save her, just to control her!

What a despicable thing!

"As long as you are loyal to me, you are the best thank you!"

Ye Feng has seen detailed information about Athena from childhood to adulthood, and based on these information, it is inferred that as long as he saves Alan Gore, Athena should be loyal to her.

It's just that people's hearts are unpredictable, Ye Feng will not easily believe her completely!

"I said that as long as the boss cures my brother, my life is the boss's, and I will die without regrets!"

Athena looked solemn and solemnly promised.

"I believe you!"

Ye Feng gently stroked her smooth jade back without saying much.

"Boss, now that Long Chen is dead, do you want to control the Zeus mercenary group?" Athena asked.

"Not bad!"

Ye Feng nodded, the Zeus mercenary group is not a weak force, it would be better if you can control it.

"Now the Zeus mercenary group still has Zeus, he is also the master of the Zeus mercenary group, if he can control him, it will be easy!"

Athena analyzed: "Boss, your medical skills are extraordinary. I wonder if there are drugs that can control Zeus? If I can control Zeus, I can help the boss control the Zeus mercenary group!"

"It's easy!"

Ye Feng said without hesitation.

With his medical skills, there are many chronic poisons that others cannot remove, and they can be used to control Zeus!

"It's great, I will help the boss control the Zeus mercenary group and let Zeus be obedient!"

Athena looked flattering, and discussed the plan with Ye Feng, and finally after going crazy, she couldn't wait to leave Tianhai City and return to the Zeus mercenary group.

She just wants to quickly control the Zeus mercenary group, and then bring her brother to Ye Feng for treatment!

Ye Feng checked the villa carefully, and after confirming that there were no traces of him and Athena, he set a fire directly, and then quietly left!

The fire ignited and immediately attracted the property and security of the villa area!

Everyone hurried to the villa, only to see the corpses inside, scared to death.

The people Ye Feng killed last night were not only Long Chen and several core members, but also other elite mercenaries who patrolled and guarded!

Fifteen people!

Suddenly, the mirror chasing division and the catching gods were boiling!


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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