Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 154 The main focus is a studious person

Mr. Lintaki, I would like to meet the Lord of the Demon Slayer Squad.

Ke Ling took off his silver fox mask, nodded, and expressed his purpose of coming very directly. This was why he came back this time.

This is what happens after the fist becomes hard. Now he is not going to act with the Demon Slayer Squad. He is going to become the absolute protagonist of this scene. The lord and the pillars have to stand aside. Let's see what happens when the time comes. Who gives someone a blow?

The intelligence system of the Ghost Slayer Team is a huge boost that Ke Ling has always wanted. There are not that many ghosts, and searching by one person is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Over the years, the Demon Slayer Squad has established a complete intelligence system in order to find the Ghost King and kill the evil ghosts. With their help, things will become much simpler. This is a win-win situation. things.

Okay, I will contact the Lord.

Ningtaki Sakon nodded. He looked at Ke Ling with a little relief in his eyes. Ke Ling finally understood this. The Demon Slayer Squad would not harm Ke Ling. The lord's mind would definitely be able to accept it. There is such an existence as Ke Ling.

There was no blood on Ke Ling's body, and there was no smell of a man-eating demon, which showed that his trust had not been betrayed.

As Ke Ling said, he was a different one among the evil spirits, and after spending two months with Kamado Nezuko, Nintaki Sakonji believed Ke Ling's words more and more.

This child Nezuko Kamado is obviously very different. It has been two months now, and she has been sleeping the whole time. This kind of situation has never been seen by Nedaki Sakar recently.

Maybe the situation is indeed about to change. This generation of pillars is known as the strongest generation in history. It shoulders the expectations of the Lord. This is the most promising generation of the Demon Slayer Squad.

And the successive appearances of very special ghosts like Ke Ling and Kamado Nezuko seem to indicate that there is something wrong with the Ghost King. He can't even control his own ghosts.

Will the long-cherished wish that has been entangled for thousands of years finally come to an end in this era?

As for whether it is the end of the Demon Slayer Corps or the end of the Millennium Ghost King, it depends on the efforts and games of both parties.

Nintaki Sakonji believes that my lord, the previous leaders of the Ubuyashiki clan have extraordinary abilities. The leaders of this generation are particularly outstanding and have the ability to unite people.

Mr. Kintaki, what did you do to Nezuko just now?

Now that the matter had been explained, Ke Ling asked him about the question in his mind. Mr. Lintaki had just been mumbling to Nezuko Kamado, which looked very strange.

I'm giving her a psychological suggestion. After the suggestion is completed, Nezuko will subconsciously regard all humans as her family, and ghosts as her enemies to be expelled.

Ningtaki Sakonji spoke. Ke Ling was stunned by these words. Good guy, there is such a cool operation? !

how to say? As expected of a person who can create props like disaster masks that increase luck, he can always come up with some new tricks.

Can I learn this? There is also the art of making masks, I also want to learn it.

Ke Ling said it directly. There was nothing to hide. His main characteristic was that he was eager to learn, and Ningtaki Sa must have been used to it this time.

Okay, it's actually not that difficult.

Rintaki Sakonji was also very direct. He started to explain this suggestion method directly.

This suggestion method is not as abnormal as Ke Ling thought. It is a method that requires long-term suggestion to be effective.

Moreover, the target must not have too much resistance. The stronger the resistance, the more it goes against the other party's instinct, and the harder it is for the suggestion to take effect.

A situation like Kamado Nezuko's is very difficult. Although Kamado Nezuko has been sleeping and has no subjective resistance, the recent psychological hints given to her by Kintaki Sa are obviously extremely contrary to her physiological instincts. .

It's been two months, with little effect. I don't know when she will wake up. I hope I can complete the hint before then.

Nintaki Sato looked at Kamado Nezuko for the last time and sighed slightly. Kamado Nezuko's situation was even more complicated than Ke Ling's.

Ke Ling at least still has his own consciousness, can talk and think normally, and can even resist the instinct of being a ghost with his own will, but Kamado Nezuko obviously does not have these abilities.

What binds Kamado Nezuko now is family ties. If it weren't for Kamado Tanjiro's existence, Kamado Nezuko would have become a man-eating evil spirit long ago.

Therefore, whether the hint can be successful is very important to Kamado Nezuko. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to trust Kamado Nezuko.

Ke Lingmo carried the suggestion method on his back. He felt that this thing was tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

But when he thought about it carefully, he felt that it was normal. If he was really so awesome that he could completely reverse the instinct of ghosts at a glance, then Ningtaki Sakon could directly become the king of ghosts this time.

[Learned skill: Suggestion spell level 1.

Suggestion method: Influence the target's sanity through psychological suggestion. 】

The suggestion method has been transformed into a system skill, which means that Ke Ling has initially mastered this technique. It is indeed not difficult, maybe because it is not very useful.

However, maybe you can improve the effect of this ability by upgrading skills. The effect of this ability is not great at Lv1, but it does not mean that it is not effective at Lv10 or Lv20.

Ke Ling took a look, and he felt that this skill was linked to intelligence and charisma. If intelligence and charisma were high, it would be easier to influence the target and reduce the target's resistance.

I'll teach you the art of carving after dinner.

Rintaki Sakonji helped Kamado Nezuko tuck the quilt, then stood up and said, he called Kamado Tanjiro outside the door to come in.

Finally it's time to eat!

Kamado Tanjiro was very happy. He quickly cleaned up and went into the house to prepare for dinner.

The dinner was very sumptuous. After all, the children training here are all growing up, and the consumption of training also requires food to supplement them. Naturally, the food should not be too bad.

However, no matter how sumptuous the dinner was, it was of no use. Ke Ling could only watch, and he began to look through the various carvings of Rinataki Sakonji by himself.

Lintaki has a lot of free time these days. When he has nothing to do, he will carve some masks and wood sculptures by himself.

Because as the trainer of the Demon Slayer Corps, Lintaki Saza doesn't have to worry about living for the last time. All his expenses here are taken care of by the Demon Slayer Corps, so he will naturally have a lot of free time.

The Ubuyashiki clan has plenty of money, and once the achievements have been made, problems that can be solved with money are not problems for the Ubuyashiki clan.

Even for the Demon Slayer Corps to reach its current scale, the power of money also plays a big role. Many people come here for the high wages.

Of course, people who join the Demon Slayer Corps for money usually don't end well.

After all, they don't have hatred as motivation. What they need to face evil spirits is extraordinary courage. Hatred is an important tool to resist fear.

For the Uyashiki clan, money comes too easily, just like the strong wind.

If it hadn't been for the curse that had always been on them, with their amazing ability to predict the future, the Uyashiki clan would have definitely prospered.

Wait a moment, I will write a letter to your lord first.

Nintaki Sakonji watched Kamado Tanjiro finish his meal, and then went to the table and started writing a letter. After finishing the letter, he called his raven.

After a brief explanation, Ningtaki Sakonji handed the letter to the bird, who nodded in a very humane manner, then flapped his wings and left.

Okay, I believe your lord will reply soon.

Watching the crow fly away, Ningtaki Sakonji said, my lord is still very interested in Ke Ling's affairs.

He was not blamed for what happened last time. Instead, the lord comforted him and asked him to maintain a good relationship with Ke Ling.

Seeing Ke Ling again, Rintaki Sakon felt for the first time that he had completely understood the lord's approach. The lord must have predicted in advance that Ke Ling would come back.

I'm already looking forward to it.

Ke Ling smiled. He wanted to meet the Demon Slayer Team, a gathering of heroes, to see whether they were a gathering of heroes or a meeting of carrots.

I believe you will be able to reach a consensus with the Lord.

Lintaki Sasa was very confident about this matter recently. His confidence in the Lord became even more firm after experiencing Ke Ling's incident.

I hope so.

Ke Ling raised his eyebrows. He didn't have any objections to the Lord. At least the Lord had a good attitude.

Come on, let Tanjiro learn, and I'll teach you carving.

Nintaki Sago went out for the last time. It was now time for Kamado Tanjiro to take cultural classes, and he was going to teach Ke Ling carving outside.

Ke Ling followed Lintaki Zuojin outside. He was still looking forward to this carving. After all, this was the first equipment with attributes that he had encountered so far.

According to common sense, things like the Si'an Westan and the prosthetic bodies installed should be equipment, but these are not recognized by the [Extreme System].

Ke Ling speculated that only equipment with special attributes like the disaster mask would be recognized. Ordinary equipment with traditional attributes such as strength and agility would not be accepted by the [Extreme System].

This disaster mask is not so much a piece of equipment as it is something similar to a souvenir or trophy system.

For Ke Ling, learning this carving is actually very simple. The main point of this thing is that practice makes perfect.

Of course, artistic attainments are also very important for carving, otherwise the carved things will be just craftsmanship and not have any aura.

The most important thing is how to give this thing the +0.01 lucky value. This is Ke Ling's real purpose of learning this carving technique.

Nintaki Sakon gave Ke Ling a set of tools for the first time, and then began to explain some basic knowledge to him.

Ke Ling understood it quickly. After adding a little intelligence, his learning ability has indeed improved to a certain extent.

Nintaki Sa has been very enthusiastic about teaching others to carve recently. Among so many disciples, no one has ever thought of learning carving from him. Maybe it is because this ability does not improve combat effectiveness.

Ke Ling looked at Lintaki Zuo's recent movements and directly turned on the recording mode. The recording function is indeed very useful, and the video can be stored and watched at any time.

While recording, Ke Ling also started to move. His hands were very steady, and he started to copy the movements of Nintaki Sakonji. It can be said that it was exactly the same, and the main thing was that he was full of craftsmanship.


Nintaki Sakonji spoke with admiration on his face. He was able to do it like this just after looking at it once. It can be said that he is very talented.

He still wanted to pass on this craft. In his spare time, he would carve something. Over the past few decades, he had already developed a skill.

A few more, more difficult ones, it's best to use all the skills.

Ke Ling made the request because he did not receive a prompt from the system after he finished carving. Obviously, he was still close to mastering this ability.

The most intuitive manifestation of this is that the disaster relief mask in his hand does not have the effect of luck value +0.01.

“Bite off more than you can chew.”

Nintaki Sakonji shook his head, but even though he said this, his hand movements did not stop. The old man immediately started to increase the difficulty and began to show off his skills.

Ke Ling could see that Lin Takizao was very happy that someone was willing to learn this craft from him recently. Now an empty nester, Lin Taki finally met someone who understands him. It's not easy!

With his prosthetic eyes shining brightly, Ke Ling recorded all of Sakonji's skills. This time, Sakonji took a large piece of wood, and it was obviously carefully processed.

Under the careful carving of Nintaki Sakon, this piece of wood is gradually losing its original appearance, and a lifelike little fox appears.

This kind of craftsmanship is really amazing. It's amazing that handwork can be done like this.

[Learned skill: Wood carving to eliminate disasters Lv1.

Wood carvings to eliminate disasters: Create special props that can increase luck through carving. 】

As Ke Ling completed the re-engraving, the [Extreme System] pop-up window popped up, and he successfully mastered this skill.

The fox sculpture he carved naturally acquired attributes, but this attribute made Ke Ling grimace when he looked at it.

Lucky value +0.005, is this the gold content of Lv1?

Ke Ling complained in his heart. He originally wanted to upgrade this skill more, and then directly made an artifact with luck value +100 and started to take the route of invincible luck.

As a result, this [Disaster Disaster Wood Carving Lv1] only adds 0.005 luck points. I don’t know how much it will increase after upgrading to a level. If it increases by 0.006, it is simply a waste of skill points.

Of course, the fact that he was able to add lucky points to the carved things so quickly was actually thanks to the [Extreme System].

Under normal circumstances, even if he reproduced it one to one, it would be impossible to add a lucky value to the wood carving, because he simply did not understand the mystery.

This is probably another overbearing aspect of [Extreme System]. Although this Lv1 level is very low, it at least allowed him to successfully master this skill.

Thinking about it this way, he was able to comprehend [Water Breathing Level 1] so quickly. In addition to his non-stop training day and night, the [Extreme System] probably also helped a lot.

Practice this skill slowly by yourself.

Ke Ling sighed. It seemed that he was overthinking it. The last time Nintaki Sasa was at this level, he could only have +0.01 luck value. He had just mastered it, how could he be higher than the master's level?

After he has worked hard enough to reach the level of Nintaki Sakonji, he will consider using skill points to upgrade this skill.

At this stage, skill points must be added to other more important skills. It is still not strong enough, or the skill points are not rich enough.

Ke Ling glanced at the experience value column, [Experience: 899/1100], it was not far from the upgrade. The next level would give you an attribute point and a skill point.

He currently has many skills, including Ultimate Creature Lv7, Water Breathing Lv2, Absolute Domain Force Field Lv3, Suggestion Spell Lv1, and Disaster Elimination Wood Carving Lv1. Currently, the main focus is on Ultimate Creature Lv7, which has the greatest impact. Although there are other skills It seems to have great potential, but for the time being it still cannot shake the status of the ultimate creature at level 7.

You are very talented. If you practice more, you will definitely be stronger than me.

Ke Ling's sigh made Lin Takizao on the side feel a little bit off guard recently. This was the first time he was able to do this, so what else is there to sigh about? It took him decades of practice to become what he is now.

Just wait, sooner or later I will have better skills than you.

Ke Ling smiled and followed what Nintaki Sakonji said. This old man was actually quite easy to coax, and he felt that he had found a way.

Wood carving is to Kintaki Sakonji what fishing is to a fisherman.

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